f.BoolVar(&client.Sign,"sign",false,"use a PGP private key to sign this package")
f.BoolVar(&client.Sign,"sign",false,"use a PGP private key to sign this package")
f.StringVar(&client.Key,"key","","name of the key to use when signing. Used if --sign is true")
f.StringVar(&client.Key,"key","","name of the key to use when signing. Used if --sign is true")
f.StringVar(&client.Keyring,"keyring",defaultKeyring(),"location of a public keyring")
f.StringVar(&client.Keyring,"keyring",defaultKeyring(),"location of a public keyring")
f.StringVar(&client.PassphraseFile,"passphrase-file","",`location of a file which contains the passphrase for the signing key. Use "-" in order to read from stdin.`)
f.StringVar(&client.Version,"version","","set the version on the chart to this semver version")
f.StringVar(&client.Version,"version","","set the version on the chart to this semver version")
f.StringVar(&client.AppVersion,"app-version","","set the appVersion on the chart to this version")
f.StringVar(&client.AppVersion,"app-version","","set the appVersion on the chart to this version")
f.StringVarP(&client.Destination,"destination","d",".","location to write the chart.")
f.StringVarP(&client.Destination,"destination","d",".","location to write the chart.")