@ -200,14 +200,14 @@ func parseTemplateError(filename string, err error) error {
tokens := strings.Split(err.Error(), ": ")
if len(tokens) == 1 {
// This might happen if a non-templating error occurs
return fmt.Errorf("render error in %s: %q", filename, err)
return fmt.Errorf("render error in (%s): %s", filename, err)
// The first token is "template"
// The second token is either "filename:lineno" or "filename:lineNo:columnNo"
location := tokens[1]
// The remaining tokens make up a stacktrace-like chain, ending with the relevant error
errMsg := tokens[len(tokens)-1]
return fmt.Errorf("%s (%s)", errMsg, string(location))
return fmt.Errorf("render error at (%s): %s", string(location), errMsg)
func sortTemplates(tpls map[string]renderable) []string {