@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ required to complete them.
| [Slider Design](./Projects/Slider-Design.md) | Display images using a slider control | 1-Beginner |
| [Stopwatch App](./Projects/Stopwatch-App.md) | Count time spent on activities | 1-Beginner |
| [TrueOrFalse](./Projects/True-or-False-App.md) | Identify the result of a conditional comparison | 1-Beginner |
| [Vigenere Cipher](./Projects/Vigenere-Cipher) | Encrypt text using the Vigenere Cypher | 1-Beginner |
| [Vigenere Cipher](./Projects/Vigenere-Cipher.md) | Encrypt text using the Vigenere Cypher | 1-Beginner |
| [Wind Chill](./Projects/Windchill-App.md) | Calculate the windchill factor from an actual temperature | 1-Beginner |
| [Word Frequency](./Projects/Word-Frequency-App.md) | Calculate word frequency in a block of text | 1-Beginner |