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19 lines
883 B

# Build a Sample Game
## Instructions
Try building a small game where you practice on different end conditions. Vary between getting a number of points, the hero loses all lives or all monsters are defeated. Build something simple like a console based adventure game. Use the below game flow as inspiration:
Hero> Strikes with broadsword - orc takes 3p damage
Orc> Hits with club - hero takes 2p damage
Hero> Kicks - orc takes 1p damage
Game> Orc is defeated - Hero collects 2 coins
Game> ****No more monsters, you have conquered the evil fortress****
## Rubric
| Criteria | Exemplary | Adequate | Needs Improvement |
| -------- | ---------------------- | --------------------------- | -------------------------- |
| | full game is presented | game is partially presented | partial game contains bugs |