post_id={optional=true,default="",regex="^((?!://|://)[+a-zA-Z])*$",explanation="Used if you want to use a specific post.",example="urdtfx"}
max_comment_length={default=500,optional=false,nmin=10,nmax=10000,type="int",explanation="max number of characters a comment can have. default is 500",example=500,oob_error="the max comment length should be between 10 and 10000"}
post_lang={default="",optional=true,explanation="The language you would like to translate to.",example="es-cr"}
min_comments={default=20,optional=false,nmin=1,type="int",explanation="The minimum number of comments a post should have to be included. default is 20",example=29,oob_error="the minimum number of comments should be between 1 and 999999"}
min_comments={default=20,optional=false,nmin=15,type="int",explanation="The minimum number of comments a post should have to be included. default is 20",example=29,oob_error="the minimum number of comments should be between 1 and 999999"}
],explanation="sets the Reddit theme, either LIGHT or DARK"}
times_to_run={optional=false,default=1,example=2,explanation="used if you want to run multiple times. set to an int e.g. 4 or 29 or 1",type="int",nmin=1,oob_error="It's very hard to run something less than once."}
opacity={optional=false,default=90,example=80,explanation="Sets the opacity (in percents) of the comments when overlayed over the background",type="int",nmin=10,nmax=100,oob_error="The opacity HAS to be between 10 and 100 percents",input_error="The opacity HAS to be a number between 10 and 100" }
opacity={optional=false,default=0.9,example=0.8,explanation="Sets the opacity of the comments when overlayed over the background",type="float",nmin=0,nmax=1,oob_error="The opacity HAS to be between 0 and 1",input_error="The opacity HAS to be a decimal number between 0 and 1" }