I give up on #11

can't implement
Jason 3 years ago
parent 2b0d66f451
commit b027679c01

@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ storymode = { optional = true, type = "bool", default = false, example = false,
background_choice = { optional = true, default = "minecraft", example = "minecraft", options = ["minecraft", "gta", "rocket-league", "motor-gta", ""], explanation = "Sets the background for the video" }
background_audio = { optional = true, type = "bool", default = false, example = false, options = [true,
], explaination="Sets a audio to play in the background (put a background.mp3 file in the assets/backgrounds directory for it to be used.)" }
background_audio_volume = { optional = true, type = "float", default = 0.3, example = 0.1, explanation="Sets the volume of the background audio. only used if the background_audio is also set to true" }
#background_audio = { optional = true, type = "bool", default = false, example = false, options = [true,
# false,
#], explaination="Sets a audio to play in the background (put a background.mp3 file in the assets/backgrounds directory for it to be used.)" }
#background_audio_volume = { optional = true, type = "float", default = 0.3, example = 0.1, explanation="Sets the volume of the background audio. only used if the background_audio is also set to true" }

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ background_options = {
"Orbital Gameplay",
lambda t: ("center", 200 + t),
"minecraft": ( # Minecraft parkour

@ -4,9 +4,7 @@ import os
import re
from os.path import exists
from typing import Tuple, Any
from moviepy import *
from moviepy.audio.AudioClip import concatenate_audioclips, CompositeAudioClip
from moviepy.audio.fx.audio_normalize import audio_normalize
from moviepy.audio.io.AudioFileClip import AudioFileClip
from moviepy.video.VideoClip import ImageClip
from moviepy.video.compositing.CompositeVideoClip import CompositeVideoClip
@ -14,7 +12,6 @@ from moviepy.video.compositing.concatenate import concatenate_videoclips
from moviepy.video.io.VideoFileClip import VideoFileClip
from moviepy.video.io.ffmpeg_tools import ffmpeg_extract_subclip
from rich.console import Console
import moviepy.editor as mpe
from utils.cleanup import cleanup
from utils.console import print_step, print_substep
@ -22,10 +19,6 @@ from utils.videos import save_data
from utils import settings
console = Console()
VOLUME_MULTIPLIER = settings.config["settings"]['background']["background_audio_volume"]
except (TypeError, KeyError):
W, H = 1080, 1920
@ -56,6 +49,12 @@ def make_final_video(number_of_clips: int, length: int, reddit_obj: dict, backgr
reddit_obj (dict): The reddit object that contains the posts to read.
background_config (Tuple[str, str, str, Any]): The background config to use.
#try: # if it isn't found (i.e you just updated and copied over config.toml) it will throw an error
# VOLUME_MULTIPLIER = settings.config["settings"]['background']["background_audio_volume"]
#except (TypeError, KeyError):
# print('No background audio volume found in config.toml. Using default value of 1.')
print_step("Creating the final video 🎥")
VideoFileClip.reW = lambda clip: clip.resize(width=W)
VideoFileClip.reH = lambda clip: clip.resize(width=H)
@ -103,38 +102,23 @@ def make_final_video(number_of_clips: int, length: int, reddit_obj: dict, backgr
filename = f"{name_normalize(title)}.mp4"
subreddit = settings.config["reddit"]["thread"]["subreddit"]
save_data(subreddit, filename, title, idx, background_config[2])
if not exists(f"./results/{subreddit}"):
print_substep("The results folder didn't exist so I made it")
#if settings.config["settings"]['background']["background_audio"] and exists(f"assets/backgrounds/background.mp3"):
# audioclip = mpe.AudioFileClip(f"assets/backgrounds/background.mp3").set_duration(final.duration)
# audioclip = audioclip.fx( volumex, 0.2)
# final_audio = mpe.CompositeAudioClip([final.audio, audioclip])
# # lowered_audio = audio_background.multiply_volume( # todo get this to work
# # VOLUME_MULTIPLIER) # lower volume by background_audio_volume, use with fx
# final.set_audio(final_audio)
final.write_videofile("assets/temp/temp.mp4", fps=30, audio_codec="aac", audio_bitrate="192k", verbose=False,
threads=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), )
if settings.config["settings"]['background']["background_audio"] and exists(f"assets/backgrounds/background.mp3"):
if not isinstance(VOLUME_MULTIPLIER, float):
print("No background audio volume set, using default of .3 set it in the config.toml file")
assert VOLUME_MULTIPLIER == float(0.3)
print('Merging background audio with video')
my_clip = mpe.VideoFileClip('assets/temp/temp.mp4')
audio_background = AudioFileClip("assets/backgrounds/background.mp3")
lowered_audio = audio_background.fl(lambda gf, t: VOLUME_MULTIPLIER * gf(t),
keep_duration=True) # to testr
#lowered_audio = audio_normalize(audio_background)
# lowered_audio = audio_background.multiply_volume( # todo get this to work
# VOLUME_MULTIPLIER) # lower volume by background_audio_volume, use with fx
lowered_audio = lowered_audio.subclip(0, my_clip.duration) # trim the audio to the length of the video
lowered_audio.set_duration(my_clip.duration) # set the duration of the audio to the length of the video
final_audio = mpe.CompositeAudioClip([my_clip.audio, lowered_audio])
final_clip = my_clip.set_audio(final_audio)
final_clip.write_videofile("assets/temp/temp_audio.mp4", fps=30, audio_codec="aac", audio_bitrate="192k",
verbose=False, threads=multiprocessing.cpu_count())
ffmpeg_extract_subclip( # check if this gets run
"assets/temp/temp_audio.mp4", 0, final.duration, targetname=f"results/{subreddit}/{filename}", )
ffmpeg_extract_subclip("assets/temp/temp.mp4", 0, final.duration,
targetname=f"results/{subreddit}/{filename}", )
ffmpeg_extract_subclip("assets/temp/temp.mp4", 0, final.duration,
targetname=f"results/{subreddit}/{filename}", )
save_data(subreddit, filename, title, idx, background_config[2])
print_step("Removing temporary files 🗑")
cleanups = cleanup()
print_substep(f"Removed {cleanups} temporary files 🗑")
