@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
client_id = { optional = false, nmin = 12, nmax = 30, explanation = "the ID of your Reddit app of SCRIPT type", example = "fFAGRNJru1FTz70BzhT3Zg", regex = "^[-a-zA-Z0-9._~+/]+=*$", input_error = "The client ID can only contain printable characters.", oob_error = "The ID should be over 12 and under 30 characters, double check your input." }
client_secret = { optional = false, nmin = 20, nmax = 40, explanation = "the SECRET of your Reddit app of SCRIPT type", example = "fFAGRNJru1FTz70BzhT3Zg", regex = "^[-a-zA-Z0-9._~+/]+=*$", input_error = "The client ID can only contain printable characters.", oob_error = "The secret should be over 20 and under 40 characters, double check your input." }
username = { optional = false, nmin = 3, nmax = 20, explanation = "the username of your reddit account", example = "JasonLovesDoggo", regex = "^[-_0-9a-zA-Z]+$", oob_error = "A username HAS to be between 3 and 20 characters" }
password = { optional = false, nmin = 8, explanation = "the password of your reddit account", example = "fFAGRNJru1FTz70BzhT3Zg", oob_error = "Password too short" }
2fa = { optional = true, type = "bool", options = [true,
], default = false, explanation = "Whether you have Reddit 2FA enabled, Valid options are True and False", example = true }
random = { optional = true, options = [true,
], default = false, type = "bool", explanation = "If set to no, it will ask you a thread link to extract the thread, if yes it will randomize it. Default: 'False'", example = "True" }
subreddit = { optional = false, regex = "[_0-9a-zA-Z]+$", nmin = 3, nmax = 21, explanation = "what subreddit to pull posts from, the name of the sub, not the URL", example = "AskReddit", oob_error = "A subreddit name HAS to be between 3 and 20 characters" }
post_id = { optional = true, default = "", regex = "^((?!://|://)[+a-zA-Z])*$", explanation = "Used if you want to use a specific post.", example = "urdtfx" }
max_comment_length = { default = 500, optional = false, nmin = 10, nmax = 10000, type = "int", explanation = "max number of characters a comment can have. default is 500", example = 500, oob_error = "the max comment length should be between 10 and 10000" }
post_lang = { default = "", optional = true, explanation = "The language you would like to translate to.", example = "es-cr" }
allow_nsfw = { optional = false, type = "bool", default = false, example = false, options = [true,
], explanation = "Whether to allow NSFW content, True or False" }
theme = { optional = false, default = "dark", example = "light", options = ["dark",
], explanation = "sets the Reddit theme, either LIGHT or DARK" }
times_to_run = { optional = false, default = 1, example = 2, explanation = "used if you want to run multiple times. set to an int e.g. 4 or 29 or 1", type = "int", nmin = 1, oob_error = "It's very hard to run something less than once." }
opacity = { optional = false, default = 0.9, example = 0.8, explanation = "Sets the opacity of the comments when overlayed over the background", type = "float", nmin = 0, nmax = 1, oob_error = "The opacity HAS to be between 0 and 1", input_error = "The opacity HAS to be a decimal number between 0 and 1" }
storymode = { optional = true, type = "bool", default = false, example = false, options = [true,
] }
background_choice = { optional = true, default = "minecraft", example = "minecraft", options = ["minecraft", "gta", "rocket-league", "motor-gta"], explanation = "Sets the background for the video" }
choice = { optional = false, default = "", options = ["streamlabspolly", "tiktok", "googletranslate", "awspolly", ], example = "streamlabspolly", explanation = "The backend used for TTS generation. This can be left blank and you will be prompted to choose at runtime." }
aws_polly_voice = { optional = false, default = "Matthew", example = "Matthew", explanation = "The voice used for AWS Polly" }
streamlabs_polly_voice = { optional = false, default = "Matthew", example = "Matthew", explanation = "The voice used for Streamlabs Polly" }
tiktok_voice = { optional = false, default = "en_us_006", example = "en_us_006", explanation = "The voice used for TikTok TTS" }
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
name: Lint
on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: psf/black@stable
@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
from rich.console import Console
from rich.table import Table
from rich import box
import re
import dotenv
from utils.console import handle_input
console = Console()
def check_env() -> bool:
"""Checks to see what's been put in .env
bool: Whether or not everything was put in properly
if not os.path.exists(".env.template"):
console.print("[red]Couldn't find .env.template. Unable to check variables.")
return True
if not os.path.exists(".env"):
console.print("[red]Couldn't find the .env file, creating one now.")
with open(".env", "x", encoding="utf-8") as file:
success = True
with open(".env.template", "r", encoding="utf-8") as template:
# req_envs = [env.split("=")[0] for env in template.readlines() if "=" in env]
matching = {}
explanations = {}
bounds = {}
types = {}
oob_errors = {}
examples = {}
req_envs = []
var_optional = False
for line in template.readlines():
if line.startswith("#") is not True and "=" in line and var_optional is not True:
if "#" in line:
examples[line.split("=")[0]] = "#".join(line.split("#")[1:]).strip()
elif "#OPTIONAL" in line:
var_optional = True
elif line.startswith("#MATCH_REGEX "):
matching[req_envs[-1]] = line.removeprefix("#MATCH_REGEX ")[:-1]
var_optional = False
elif line.startswith("#OOB_ERROR "):
oob_errors[req_envs[-1]] = line.removeprefix("#OOB_ERROR ")[:-1]
var_optional = False
elif line.startswith("#RANGE "):
bounds[req_envs[-1]] = tuple(
lambda x: float(x) if x != "None" else None,
line.removeprefix("#RANGE ")[:-1].split(":"),
var_optional = False
elif line.startswith("#MATCH_TYPE "):
types[req_envs[-1]] = eval(line.removeprefix("#MATCH_TYPE ")[:-1].split()[0])
var_optional = False
elif line.startswith("#EXPLANATION "):
explanations[req_envs[-1]] = line.removeprefix("#EXPLANATION ")[:-1]
var_optional = False
var_optional = False
missing = set()
incorrect = set()
for env in req_envs:
value = os.getenv(env)
if value is None:
if env in matching.keys():
re.match(matching[env], value) is None and incorrect.add(env)
if env in bounds.keys() and env not in types.keys():
len(value) >= bounds[env][0] or (
len(bounds[env]) > 1 and bounds[env][1] >= len(value)
) or incorrect.add(env)
if env in types.keys():
temp = types[env](value)
if env in bounds.keys():
(bounds[env][0] <= temp or incorrect.add(env)) and len(bounds[env]) > 1 and (
bounds[env][1] >= temp or incorrect.add(env)
except ValueError:
if len(missing):
table = Table(
title="Missing variables",
header_style="#C0CAF5 bold",
title_style="#C0CAF5 bold",
table.add_column("Variable", justify="left", style="#7AA2F7 bold", no_wrap=True)
table.add_column("Explanation", justify="left", style="#BB9AF7", no_wrap=False)
table.add_column("Example", justify="center", style="#F7768E", no_wrap=True)
table.add_column("Min", justify="right", style="#F7768E", no_wrap=True)
table.add_column("Max", justify="left", style="#F7768E", no_wrap=True)
for env in missing:
explanations[env] if env in explanations.keys() else "No explanation given",
examples[env] if env in examples.keys() else "",
str(bounds[env][0]) if env in bounds.keys() and bounds[env][1] is not None else "",
if env in bounds.keys() and len(bounds[env]) > 1 and bounds[env][1] is not None
else "",
success = False
if len(incorrect):
table = Table(
title="Incorrect variables",
header_style="#C0CAF5 bold",
title_style="#C0CAF5 bold",
table.add_column("Variable", justify="left", style="#7AA2F7 bold", no_wrap=True)
table.add_column("Current value", justify="left", style="#F7768E", no_wrap=False)
table.add_column("Explanation", justify="left", style="#BB9AF7", no_wrap=False)
table.add_column("Example", justify="center", style="#F7768E", no_wrap=True)
table.add_column("Min", justify="right", style="#F7768E", no_wrap=True)
table.add_column("Max", justify="left", style="#F7768E", no_wrap=True)
for env in incorrect:
explanations[env] if env in explanations.keys() else "No explanation given",
str(types[env].__name__) if env in types.keys() else "str",
str(bounds[env][0]) if env in bounds.keys() else "None",
str(bounds[env][1]) if env in bounds.keys() and len(bounds[env]) > 1 else "None",
success = False
if success is True:
return True
"[green]Do you want to automatically overwrite incorrect variables and add the missing variables? (y/n)"
if not input().casefold().startswith("y"):
console.print("[red]Aborting: Unresolved missing variables")
return False
if len(incorrect):
with open(".env", "r+", encoding="utf-8") as env_file:
lines = []
for line in env_file.readlines():
line.split("=")[0].strip() not in incorrect and lines.append(line)
console.print("[green]Successfully removed incorrectly set variables from .env")
with open(".env", "a", encoding="utf-8") as env_file:
for env in missing:
+ "="
+ ('"' if env not in types.keys() else "")
+ str(
"[#F7768E bold]" + env + "[#C0CAF5 bold]=",
types[env] if env in types.keys() else False,
matching[env] if env in matching.keys() else ".*",
if env in explanations.keys()
else "Incorrect input. Try again.",
bounds[env][0] if env in bounds.keys() else None,
bounds[env][1] if env in bounds.keys() and len(bounds[env]) > 1 else None,
oob_errors[env] if env in oob_errors.keys() else "Input too long/short.",
extra_info="[#C0CAF5 bold]⮶ "
+ (explanations[env] if env in explanations.keys() else "No info available"),
+ ('"' if env not in types.keys() else "")
+ "\n"
return True
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
# write a class that takes .env file and parses it into a dictionary
from dotenv import dotenv_values
"SUBREDDIT": "AskReddit",
"ALLOW_NSFW": "False",
"POST_ID": "",
"REDDIT_2FA": "no",
"OPACITY": "1",
"VOICE": "en_us_001",
"STORYMODE": "False",
class Config:
def __init__(self):
self.raw = dotenv_values("../.env")
def __getattr__(self, attr): # code completion for attributes fix.
return getattr(self, attr)
def load_attrs(self):
for key, value in self.raw.items():
self.add_attr(key, value)
def add_attr(self, key, value):
if value is None or value == "":
setattr(self, key, DEFAULTS[key])
setattr(self, key, str(value))
config = Config()
# def temp():
# root = ''
# if isinstance(root, praw.models.Submission):
# root_type = 'submission'
# elif isinstance(root, praw.models.Comment):
# root_type = 'comment'
@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import toml
from rich.console import Console
import re
from typing import Tuple, Dict
from utils.console import handle_input
console = Console()
config = dict # autocomplete
def crawl(obj: dict, func=lambda x, y: print(x, y, end="\n"), path=None):
if path is None: # path Default argument value is mutable
path = []
for key in obj.keys():
if type(obj[key]) is dict:
crawl(obj[key], func, path + [key])
func(path + [key], obj[key])
def check(value, checks, name):
def get_check_value(key, default_result):
return checks[key] if key in checks else default_result
incorrect = False
if value == {}:
incorrect = True
if not incorrect and "type" in checks:
value = eval(checks["type"])(value)
incorrect = True
if (
not incorrect and "options" in checks and value not in checks["options"]
): # FAILSTATE Value is not one of the options
incorrect = True
if (
not incorrect
and "regex" in checks
and (
(isinstance(value, str) and re.match(checks["regex"], value) is None)
or not isinstance(value, str)
): # FAILSTATE Value doesn't match regex, or has regex but is not a string.
incorrect = True
if (
not incorrect
and not hasattr(value, "__iter__")
and (
("nmin" in checks and checks["nmin"] is not None and value < checks["nmin"])
or (
"nmax" in checks
and checks["nmax"] is not None
and value > checks["nmax"]
incorrect = True
if (
not incorrect
and hasattr(value, "__iter__")
and (
"nmin" in checks
and checks["nmin"] is not None
and len(value) < checks["nmin"]
or (
"nmax" in checks
and checks["nmax"] is not None
and len(value) > checks["nmax"]
incorrect = True
if incorrect:
value = handle_input(
("[blue]Example: " + str(checks["example"]) + "\n")
if "example" in checks
else ""
+ "[red]"
+ ("Non-optional ", "Optional ")[
"optional" in checks and checks["optional"] is True
+ "[#C0CAF5 bold]"
+ str(name)
+ "[#F7768E bold]=",
extra_info=get_check_value("explanation", ""),
check_type=eval(get_check_value("type", "False")),
default=get_check_value("default", NotImplemented),
match=get_check_value("regex", ""),
err_message=get_check_value("input_error", "Incorrect input"),
nmin=get_check_value("nmin", None),
nmax=get_check_value("nmax", None),
"oob_error", "Input out of bounds(Value too high/low/long/short)"
options=get_check_value("options", None),
optional=get_check_value("optional", False),
return value
def crawl_and_check(obj: dict, path: list, checks: dict = {}, name=""):
if len(path) == 0:
return check(obj, checks, name)
if path[0] not in obj.keys():
obj[path[0]] = {}
obj[path[0]] = crawl_and_check(obj[path[0]], path[1:], checks, path[0])
return obj
def check_vars(path, checks):
global config
crawl_and_check(config, path, checks)
def check_toml(template_file, config_file) -> Tuple[bool, Dict]:
global config
config = None
template = toml.load(template_file)
except Exception as error:
f"[red bold]Encountered error when trying to to load {template_file}: {error}"
return False
config = toml.load(config_file)
except toml.TomlDecodeError:
f"""[blue]Couldn't read {config_file}.
Overwrite it?(y/n)"""
if not input().startswith("y"):
print("Unable to read config, and not allowed to overwrite it. Giving up.")
return False
with open(config_file, "w") as f:
f"[red bold]Failed to overwrite {config_file}. Giving up.\nSuggestion: check {config_file} permissions for the user."
return False
except FileNotFoundError:
f"""[blue]Couldn't find {config_file}
Creating it now."""
with open(config_file, "x") as f:
config = {}
f"[red bold]Failed to write to {config_file}. Giving up.\nSuggestion: check the folder's permissions for the user."
return False
[blue bold]###############################
# #
# Checking TOML configuration #
# #
If you see any prompts, that means that you have unset/incorrectly set variables, please input the correct values.\
crawl(template, check_vars)
with open(config_file, "w") as f:
toml.dump(config, f)
return config
if __name__ == "__main__":
check_toml(".config.template.toml", "config.toml")
Reference in new issue