f"Post is too long ({len(submission.selftext)}), retrying with a different post. ({settings.config['settings']['storymode_max_length']} character limit)"
transition={optional=true,default=0.2,example=0.2,explanation="Sets the transition time (in seconds) between the comments. Set to 0 if you want to disable it.",type="float",nmin=0,nmax=2,oob_error="The transition HAS to be between 0 and 2",input_error="The opacity HAS to be a decimal number between 0 and 2"}
storymode={optional=true,type="bool",default=false,example=false,options=[true,false,],explanation="Only read out title and post content, great for subreddits with stories"}
storymodemethod={optional=true,default=1,example=1,explanation="Style that's used for the storymode. Set to 0 for single picture display in whole video, set to 1 for fancy looking video ",type="int",nmin=0,oob_error="It's very hard to run something less than once.",options=[0,1]}
storymode_max_length={optional=true,default=1000,example=1000,explanation="Max length of the storymode video in characters. 200 characters are approximately 50 seconds.",type="int",nmin=1,oob_error="It's very hard to make a video under a second."}
fps={optional=false,default=30,example=30,explanation="Sets the FPS of the video, 30 is default for best performance. 60 FPS is smoother.",type="int",nmin=1,nmax=60,oob_error="The FPS HAS to be between 1 and 60"}