@ -60,3 +60,15 @@ I have tried to simplify the code so anyone can read it and start contributing a
- [ ] Creating better documentation and adding a command line interface.
- [ ] Creating better documentation and adding a command line interface.
Please read our [contributing guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) for more detailed information.
Please read our [contributing guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) for more detailed information.
## Developers and maintainers.
Elebumm (Lewis#6305) - https://github.com/elebumm (Founder)
CallumIO - https://github.com/CallumIO
HarryDaDev (hrvyy#9677) - https://github.com/ImmaHarry
LukaHietala (Pix.#0001) - https://github.com/LukaHietala
Freebiell - https://github.com/FreebieII