@ -79,22 +79,24 @@ public final class QrCode {
// Concatenate all segments to create the data bit string
int dataCapacityBits = getNumDataCodewords(version, ecl) * 8;
BitBuffer bb = new BitBuffer();
for (QrSegment seg : segs) {
bb.appendBits(seg.mode.modeBits, 4);
bb.appendBits(seg.numChars, seg.mode.numCharCountBits(version));
bb.appendBits(seg.data, seg.bitLength);
assert bb.bitLength == dataUsedBits;
// Add terminator and pad up to a byte if applicable
int dataCapacityBits = getNumDataCodewords(version, ecl) * 8;
assert bb.bitLength <= dataCapacityBits;
bb.appendBits(0, Math.min(4, dataCapacityBits - bb.bitLength));
bb.appendBits(0, (8 - bb.bitLength % 8) % 8);
assert bb.bitLength % 8 == 0;
// Pad with alternating bytes until data capacity is reached
for (int padByte = 0xEC; bb.bitLength < dataCapacityBits; padByte ^= 0xEC ^ 0x11)
bb.appendBits(padByte, 8);
assert bb.bitLength % 8 == 0;
// Create the QR Code symbol
return new QrCode(version, ecl, bb.getBytes(), mask);