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# PaddlePaddle ASR toolkit
![python version](
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*PaddleASR* is an open-source implementation of end-to-end Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) engine, with [PaddlePaddle]( platform. Our vision is to empower both industrial application and academic research on speech recognition, via an easy-to-use, efficient, samller and scalable implementation, including training, inference & testing module, and deployment.
## Models
* [Baidu's DeepSpeech2](
* [Transformer](
* [Conformer](
* [U2](
## Setup
* python>=3.7
* paddlepaddle>=2.1.0
Please see [install](doc/
## Getting Started
Please see [Getting Started](doc/src/ and [tiny egs](examples/tiny/
## More Information
* [Install](doc/src/
* [Getting Started](doc/src/
* [Data Prepration](doc/src/
* [Data Augmentation](doc/src/
* [Ngram LM](doc/src/
* [Server Demo](doc/src/
* [Benchmark](doc/src/
* [Relased Model](doc/src/
* [FAQ](doc/src/
## Questions and Help
You are welcome to submit questions in [Github Discussions]( and bug reports in [Github Issues]( You are also welcome to contribute to this project.
## License
DeepSpeech is provided under the [Apache-2.0 License](./LICENSE).
## Acknowledgement
We depends on many open source repos. See [References](doc/src/ for more information.