You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

38 KiB




这个demo是一个启动流式语音服务和访问服务的实现。 它可以通过使用paddlespeech_serverpaddlespeech_client的单个命令或 python 的几行代码来实现。

流式语音识别服务只支持 weboscket 协议,不支持 http 协议。


1. 安装

安装 PaddleSpeech 的详细过程请看 安装文档

推荐使用 paddlepaddle 2.2.1 或以上版本。 你可以从mediumhard 两中方式中选择一种方式安装 PaddleSpeech。

2. 准备配置文件

流式ASR的服务启动脚本和服务测试脚本存放在 PaddleSpeech/demos/streaming_asr_server 目录。 下载好 PaddleSpeech 之后,进入到 PaddleSpeech/demos/streaming_asr_server 目录。 配置文件可参见该目录下 conf/ws_application.yamlconf/ws_conformer_application.yaml

目前服务集成的模型有: DeepSpeech2和 conformer模型对应的配置文件如下

  • DeepSpeech: conf/ws_application.yaml
  • conformer: conf/ws_conformer_application.yaml

目前服务集成的模型有: DeepSpeech2和conformer模型。

这个 ASR client 的输入应该是一个 WAV 文件(.wav),并且采样率必须与模型的采样率相同。

可以下载此 ASR client的示例音频

wget -c

3. 服务端使用方法

  • 命令行 (推荐使用)

    # 启动服务
    paddlespeech_server start --config_file ./conf/ws_conformer_application.yaml


    paddlespeech_server start --help


    • config_file: 服务的配置文件,默认: ./conf/application.yaml
    • log_file: log 文件. 默认:./log/paddlespeech.log


      [2022-04-21 15:52:18,126] [    INFO] - create the online asr engine instance
      [2022-04-21 15:52:18,127] [    INFO] - paddlespeech_server set the device: cpu
      [2022-04-21 15:52:18,128] [    INFO] - Load the pretrained model, tag = conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k
      [2022-04-21 15:52:18,128] [    INFO] - File /home/users/xiongxinlei/.paddlespeech/models/conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k/asr1_chunk_conformer_multi_cn_ckpt_0.2.3.model.tar.gz md5 checking...
      [2022-04-21 15:52:18,727] [    INFO] - Use pretrained model stored in: /home/users/xiongxinlei/.paddlespeech/models/conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k
      [2022-04-21 15:52:18,727] [    INFO] - /home/users/xiongxinlei/.paddlespeech/models/conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k
      [2022-04-21 15:52:18,727] [    INFO] - /home/users/xiongxinlei/.paddlespeech/models/conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k/model.yaml
      [2022-04-21 15:52:18,727] [    INFO] - /home/users/xiongxinlei/.paddlespeech/models/conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k/exp/chunk_conformer/checkpoints/multi_cn.pdparams
      [2022-04-21 15:52:18,727] [    INFO] - /home/users/xiongxinlei/.paddlespeech/models/conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k/exp/chunk_conformer/checkpoints/multi_cn.pdparams
      [2022-04-21 15:52:19,446] [    INFO] - start to create the stream conformer asr engine
      [2022-04-21 15:52:19,473] [    INFO] - model name: conformer_online
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
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      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      [2022-04-21 15:52:21,731] [    INFO] - create the transformer like model success
      [2022-04-21 15:52:21,733] [    INFO] - Initialize ASR server engine successfully.
      INFO:     Started server process [11173]
      [2022-04-21 15:52:21] [INFO] [] Started server process [11173]
      INFO:     Waiting for application startup.
      [2022-04-21 15:52:21] [INFO] [] Waiting for application startup.
      INFO:     Application startup complete.
      [2022-04-21 15:52:21] [INFO] [] Application startup complete.
      /home/users/xiongxinlei/.conda/envs/paddlespeech/lib/python3.9/asyncio/ DeprecationWarning: The loop argument is deprecated since Python 3.8, and scheduled for removal in Python 3.10.
      infos = await tasks.gather(*fs, loop=self)
      /home/users/xiongxinlei/.conda/envs/paddlespeech/lib/python3.9/asyncio/ DeprecationWarning: The loop argument is deprecated since Python 3.8, and scheduled for removal in Python 3.10.
      await tasks.sleep(0, loop=self)
      INFO:     Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
      [2022-04-21 15:52:21] [INFO] [] Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
  • Python API

    from paddlespeech.server.bin.paddlespeech_server import ServerExecutor
    server_executor = ServerExecutor()


      [2022-04-21 15:52:18,126] [    INFO] - create the online asr engine instance
      [2022-04-21 15:52:18,127] [    INFO] - paddlespeech_server set the device: cpu
      [2022-04-21 15:52:18,128] [    INFO] - Load the pretrained model, tag = conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k
      [2022-04-21 15:52:18,128] [    INFO] - File /home/users/xiongxinlei/.paddlespeech/models/conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k/asr1_chunk_conformer_multi_cn_ckpt_0.2.3.model.tar.gz md5 checking...
      [2022-04-21 15:52:18,727] [    INFO] - Use pretrained model stored in: /home/users/xiongxinlei/.paddlespeech/models/conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k
      [2022-04-21 15:52:18,727] [    INFO] - /home/users/xiongxinlei/.paddlespeech/models/conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k
      [2022-04-21 15:52:18,727] [    INFO] - /home/users/xiongxinlei/.paddlespeech/models/conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k/model.yaml
      [2022-04-21 15:52:18,727] [    INFO] - /home/users/xiongxinlei/.paddlespeech/models/conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k/exp/chunk_conformer/checkpoints/multi_cn.pdparams
      [2022-04-21 15:52:18,727] [    INFO] - /home/users/xiongxinlei/.paddlespeech/models/conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k/exp/chunk_conformer/checkpoints/multi_cn.pdparams
      [2022-04-21 15:52:19,446] [    INFO] - start to create the stream conformer asr engine
      [2022-04-21 15:52:19,473] [    INFO] - model name: conformer_online
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      set kaiming_uniform
      [2022-04-21 15:52:21,731] [    INFO] - create the transformer like model success
      [2022-04-21 15:52:21,733] [    INFO] - Initialize ASR server engine successfully.
      INFO:     Started server process [11173]
      [2022-04-21 15:52:21] [INFO] [] Started server process [11173]
      INFO:     Waiting for application startup.
      [2022-04-21 15:52:21] [INFO] [] Waiting for application startup.
      INFO:     Application startup complete.
      [2022-04-21 15:52:21] [INFO] [] Application startup complete.
      /home/users/xiongxinlei/.conda/envs/paddlespeech/lib/python3.9/asyncio/ DeprecationWarning: The loop argument is deprecated since Python 3.8, and scheduled for removal in Python 3.10.
      infos = await tasks.gather(*fs, loop=self)
      /home/users/xiongxinlei/.conda/envs/paddlespeech/lib/python3.9/asyncio/ DeprecationWarning: The loop argument is deprecated since Python 3.8, and scheduled for removal in Python 3.10.
      await tasks.sleep(0, loop=self)
      INFO:     Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
      [2022-04-21 15:52:21] [INFO] [] Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

4. ASR 客户端使用方法

4.1 使用paddlespeech_client asr

注意: 初次使用客户端时响应时间会略长

  • 命令行 (推荐使用)

    # 使用 paddlespecch_asr 需要指定传入协议为 websocket
    paddlespeech_client asr --server_ip --port 8090 --input ./zh.wav --protocol websocket


    paddlespeech_client asr help


    • server_ip: 服务端ip地址默认:。
    • port: 服务端口,默认: 8090。
    • input(必须输入): 用于识别的音频文件。
    • sample_rate: 音频采样率默认值16000。
    • lang: 模型语言默认值zh_cn。
    • audio_format: 音频格式默认值wav。
    • protocol 指定客户端和服务端之间服务的协议。在流式识别中必须指定 websocket。
    • punc.server_ip 标点预测服务的ip。默认是None。
    • punc.server_port 标点预测服务的端口port。默认是None。


        [2022-04-21 15:59:03,904] [    INFO] - receive msg={"status": "ok", "signal": "server_ready"}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:03,960] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:03,973] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:03,987] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,000] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,012] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,024] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,036] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,047] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,607] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,620] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,633] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,645] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,657] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,669] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,680] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,176] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,185] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,192] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,200] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,208] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,216] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,224] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,232] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,724] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,732] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,740] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,747] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,755] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,763] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,770] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,271] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,279] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,287] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,294] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,302] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,310] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,318] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,326] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,833] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,842] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,850] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,858] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,866] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,874] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,882] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,400] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,408] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,416] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,424] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,432] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,440] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,447] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,455] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,984] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,992] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:08,001] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:08,008] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:08,016] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:08,024] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:12,883] [    INFO] - final receive msg={'status': 'ok', 'signal': 'finished', 'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:12,884] [    INFO] - 我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康
        [2022-04-21 15:59:12,884] [    INFO] - Response time 9.051567 s.
  • Python API

    from paddlespeech.server.bin.paddlespeech_client import ASRClientExecutor
    import json
    asrclient_executor = ASRClientExecutor()
    res = asrclient_executor(


          [2022-04-21 15:59:03,904] [    INFO] - receive msg={"status": "ok", "signal": "server_ready"}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:03,960] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:03,973] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:03,987] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:04,000] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:04,012] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:04,024] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:04,036] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:04,047] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:04,607] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:04,620] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:04,633] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:04,645] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:04,657] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:04,669] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:04,680] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,176] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,185] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,192] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,200] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,208] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,216] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,224] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,232] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,724] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,732] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,740] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,747] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,755] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,763] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,770] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,271] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,279] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,287] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,294] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,302] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,310] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,318] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,326] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,833] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,842] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,850] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,858] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,866] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,874] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,882] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:07,400] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:07,408] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:07,416] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:07,424] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:07,432] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:07,440] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:07,447] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:07,455] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:07,984] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:07,992] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:08,001] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:08,008] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:08,016] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:08,024] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:12,883] [    INFO] - final receive msg={'status': 'ok', 'signal': 'finished', 'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:12,884] [    INFO] - 我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康

4.2 使用 paddlespeech_client asr_online

注意: 初次使用客户端时响应时间会略长

  • 命令行 (推荐使用)

    # 使用 paddlespecch_asr 需要指定传入协议为 websocket
    paddlespeech_client asr_online --server_ip --port 8090 --input ./zh.wav


    paddlespeech_client asr help


    • server_ip: 服务端ip地址默认:。
    • port: 服务端口,默认: 8090。
    • input(必须输入): 用于识别的音频文件。
    • sample_rate: 音频采样率默认值16000。
    • lang: 模型语言默认值zh_cn。
    • audio_format: 音频格式默认值wav。
    • protocol 指定客户端和服务端之间服务的协议。在流式识别中必须指定 websocket。
    • punc.server_ip 标点预测服务的ip。默认是None。
    • punc.server_port 标点预测服务的端口port。默认是None。


        [2022-04-21 15:59:03,904] [    INFO] - receive msg={"status": "ok", "signal": "server_ready"}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:03,960] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:03,973] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:03,987] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,000] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,012] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,024] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,036] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,047] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,607] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,620] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,633] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,645] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,657] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,669] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,680] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,176] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,185] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,192] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,200] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,208] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,216] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,224] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,232] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,724] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,732] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,740] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,747] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,755] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,763] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,770] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,271] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,279] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,287] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,294] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,302] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,310] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,318] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,326] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,833] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,842] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,850] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,858] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,866] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,874] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,882] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,400] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,408] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,416] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,424] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,432] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,440] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,447] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,455] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,984] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,992] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:08,001] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:08,008] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:08,016] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:08,024] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:12,883] [    INFO] - final receive msg={'status': 'ok', 'signal': 'finished', 'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:12,884] [    INFO] - 我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康
        [2022-04-21 15:59:12,884] [    INFO] - Response time 9.051567 s.
  • Python API

    from paddlespeech.server.bin.paddlespeech_client import ASRClientExecutor
    import json
    asrclient_executor = ASRClientExecutor()
    res = asrclient_executor(


          [2022-04-21 15:59:03,904] [    INFO] - receive msg={"status": "ok", "signal": "server_ready"}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:03,960] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:03,973] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:03,987] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:04,000] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:04,012] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:04,024] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:04,036] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:04,047] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:04,607] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:04,620] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:04,633] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:04,645] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:04,657] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:04,669] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:04,680] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,176] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,185] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,192] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,200] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,208] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,216] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,224] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,232] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,724] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,732] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,740] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,747] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,755] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,763] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:05,770] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,271] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,279] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,287] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,294] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,302] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,310] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,318] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,326] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,833] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,842] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,850] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,858] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,866] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,874] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:06,882] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:07,400] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:07,408] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:07,416] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:07,424] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:07,432] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:07,440] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:07,447] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:07,455] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:07,984] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:07,992] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:08,001] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:08,008] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:08,016] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:08,024] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:12,883] [    INFO] - final receive msg={'status': 'ok', 'signal': 'finished', 'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
          [2022-04-21 15:59:12,884] [    INFO] - 我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康