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# Streaming Speech Synthesis Service
## Introduction
This demo is an implementation of starting the streaming speech synthesis service and accessing the service.
`Server` must be started in the docker, while `Client` does not have to be in the docker.
**The streaming_tts_serving under the path of this article ($PWD) contains the configuration and code of the model, which needs to be mapped to the docker for use.**
## Usage
### 1. Server
#### 1.1 Docker
docker pull
docker run -dit --net=host --name fastdeploy --shm-size="1g" -v $PWD:/models
docker exec -it -u root fastdeploy bash
#### 1.2 Installation(inside the docker)
apt-get install build-essential python3-dev libssl-dev libffi-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev zlib1g-dev libsndfile1 language-pack-zh-hans wget zip
pip3 install paddlespeech
export LC_ALL="zh_CN.UTF-8"
export LANG="zh_CN.UTF-8"
export LANGUAGE="zh_CN:zh:en_US:en"
#### 1.3 Download models(inside the docker)
cd /models/streaming_tts_serving/1
**For the convenience of users, we recommend that you use the command `docker -v` to map $PWD (streaming_tts_service and the configuration and code of the model contained therein) to the docker path `/models`. You can also use other methods, but regardless of which method you use, the final model directory and structure in the docker are shown in the following figure.**
<p align="center">
<img src="./tree.png" />
#### 1.4 Start the server(inside the docker)
fastdeployserver --model-repository=/models --model-control-mode=explicit --load-model=streaming_tts_serving
- `model-repository`(required): Path of model storage.
- `model-control-mode`(required): The mode of loading the model. At present, you can use 'explicit'.
- `load-model`(required): Name of the model to be loaded.
- `http-port`(optional): Port for http service. Default: `8000`. This is not used in our example.
- `grpc-port`(optional): Port for grpc service. Default: `8001`.
- `metrics-port`(optional): Port for metrics service. Default: `8002`. This is not used in our example.
### 2. Client
#### 2.1 Installation
pip3 install tritonclient[all]
#### 2.2 Send request
python3 /models/streaming_tts_serving/