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834 B



| Data Subset | Duration in Seconds | | data/manifest.train | 1.23 ~ 14.53125 | | data/ | 1.645 ~ 12.533 |
| data/manifest.test | 1.859125 ~ 14.6999375 |

jq '.feat_shape[0]' data/manifest.train | sort -un


Model Params Release Config Test set Loss CER
DeepSpeech2 58.4M 2.2.0 conf/deepspeech2.yaml + spec aug + new datapipe test 6.396368026733398 0.068382
DeepSpeech2 58.4M 2.1.0 conf/deepspeech2.yaml + spec aug test 7.483316898345947 0.077860
DeepSpeech2 58.4M 2.1.0 conf/deepspeech2.yaml test 7.299022197723389 0.078671
DeepSpeech2 58.4M 2.0.0 conf/deepspeech2.yaml test - 0.078977
DeepSpeech2 58.4M 1.8.5 - test - 0.080447