@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ Acoustic Model | Training Data | Token-based | Size | Descriptions | CER | WER |
:-------------:| :------------:| :-----: | -----: | :-----: |:-----:| :-----: | :-----: | :-----:
:-------------:| :------------:| :-----: | -----: | :-----: |:-----:| :-----: | :-----: | :-----:
[Ds2 Online Aishell ASR0 Model](https://paddlespeech.bj.bcebos.com/s2t/aishell/asr0/asr0_deepspeech2_online_aishell_ckpt_0.1.1.model.tar.gz) | Aishell Dataset | Char-based | 345 MB | 2 Conv + 5 LSTM layers with only forward direction | 0.080 |-| 151 h | [D2 Online Aishell ASR0](../../examples/aishell/asr0)
[Ds2 Online Aishell ASR0 Model](https://paddlespeech.bj.bcebos.com/s2t/aishell/asr0/asr0_deepspeech2_online_aishell_ckpt_0.1.1.model.tar.gz) | Aishell Dataset | Char-based | 345 MB | 2 Conv + 5 LSTM layers with only forward direction | 0.080 |-| 151 h | [D2 Online Aishell ASR0](../../examples/aishell/asr0)
[Ds2 Offline Aishell ASR0 Model](https://paddlespeech.bj.bcebos.com/s2t/aishell/asr0/asr0_deepspeech2_aishell_ckpt_0.1.1.model.tar.gz)| Aishell Dataset | Char-based | 306 MB | 2 Conv + 3 bidirectional GRU layers| 0.064 |-| 151 h | [Ds2 Offline Aishell ASR0](../../examples/aishell/asr0)
[Ds2 Offline Aishell ASR0 Model](https://paddlespeech.bj.bcebos.com/s2t/aishell/asr0/asr0_deepspeech2_aishell_ckpt_0.1.1.model.tar.gz)| Aishell Dataset | Char-based | 306 MB | 2 Conv + 3 bidirectional GRU layers| 0.064 |-| 151 h | [Ds2 Offline Aishell ASR0](../../examples/aishell/asr0)
[Conformer Offline Aishell ASR1 Model](https://paddlespeech.bj.bcebos.com/s2t/aishell/asr1/asr1_conformer_aishell_ckpt_0.1.2.model.tar.gz) | Aishell Dataset | Char-based | 177 MB | Encoder:Conformer, Decoder:Transformer, Decoding method: Attention rescoring | 0.0483 |-| 151 h | [Conformer Offline Aishell ASR1](../../examples/aishell/asr1)
[Conformer Online Aishell ASR1 Model](https://paddlespeech.bj.bcebos.com/s2t/aishell/asr1/asr1_chunk_conformer_aishell_ckpt_0.1.2.model.tar.gz) | Aishell Dataset | Char-based | 189 MB | Encoder:Conformer, Decoder:Transformer, Decoding method: Attention rescoring | 0.0565 |-| 151 h | [Conformer Online Aishell ASR1](../../examples/aishell/asr1)
[Conformer Offline Aishell ASR1 Model](https://paddlespeech.bj.bcebos.com/s2t/aishell/asr1/asr1_conformer_aishell_ckpt_0.1.2.model.tar.gz) | Aishell Dataset | Char-based | 189 MB | Encoder:Conformer, Decoder:Transformer, Decoding method: Attention rescoring | 0.0483 |-| 151 h | [Conformer Offline Aishell ASR1](../../examples/aishell/asr1)
[Transformer Aishell ASR1 Model](https://paddlespeech.bj.bcebos.com/s2t/aishell/asr1/asr1_transformer_aishell_ckpt_0.1.1.model.tar.gz) | Aishell Dataset | Char-based | 128 MB | Encoder:Transformer, Decoder:Transformer, Decoding method: Attention rescoring | 0.0523 || 151 h | [Transformer Aishell ASR1](../../examples/aishell/asr1)
[Transformer Aishell ASR1 Model](https://paddlespeech.bj.bcebos.com/s2t/aishell/asr1/asr1_transformer_aishell_ckpt_0.1.1.model.tar.gz) | Aishell Dataset | Char-based | 128 MB | Encoder:Transformer, Decoder:Transformer, Decoding method: Attention rescoring | 0.0523 || 151 h | [Transformer Aishell ASR1](../../examples/aishell/asr1)
[Ds2 Offline Librispeech ASR0 Model](https://paddlespeech.bj.bcebos.com/s2t/librispeech/asr0/asr0_deepspeech2_librispeech_ckpt_0.1.1.model.tar.gz)| Librispeech Dataset | Char-based | 518 MB | 2 Conv + 3 bidirectional LSTM layers| - |0.0725| 960 h | [Ds2 Offline Librispeech ASR0](../../examples/librispeech/asr0)
[Ds2 Offline Librispeech ASR0 Model](https://paddlespeech.bj.bcebos.com/s2t/librispeech/asr0/asr0_deepspeech2_librispeech_ckpt_0.1.1.model.tar.gz)| Librispeech Dataset | Char-based | 518 MB | 2 Conv + 3 bidirectional LSTM layers| - |0.0725| 960 h | [Ds2 Offline Librispeech ASR0](../../examples/librispeech/asr0)
[Conformer Librispeech ASR1 Model](https://paddlespeech.bj.bcebos.com/s2t/librispeech/asr1/asr1_conformer_librispeech_ckpt_0.1.1.model.tar.gz) | Librispeech Dataset | subword-based | 191 MB | Encoder:Conformer, Decoder:Transformer, Decoding method: Attention rescoring |-| 0.0337 | 960 h | [Conformer Librispeech ASR1](../../examples/librispeech/asr1)
[Conformer Librispeech ASR1 Model](https://paddlespeech.bj.bcebos.com/s2t/librispeech/asr1/asr1_conformer_librispeech_ckpt_0.1.1.model.tar.gz) | Librispeech Dataset | subword-based | 191 MB | Encoder:Conformer, Decoder:Transformer, Decoding method: Attention rescoring |-| 0.0337 | 960 h | [Conformer Librispeech ASR1](../../examples/librispeech/asr1)