wer/cer/bleu Calculator, label smoothing func

Hui Zhang 3 years ago
parent 6a9daa800d
commit c0295aa131

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import numpy as np
__all__ = ["label_smoothing_dist"]
# TODO(takaaki-hori): add different smoothing methods
def label_smoothing_dist(odim, lsm_type, transcript=None, blank=0):
"""Obtain label distribution for loss smoothing.
:param odim:
:param lsm_type:
:param blank:
:param transcript:
if transcript is not None:
with open(transcript, "rb") as f:
trans_json = json.load(f)["utts"]
if lsm_type == "unigram":
assert transcript is not None, (
"transcript is required for %s label smoothing" % lsm_type
labelcount = np.zeros(odim)
for k, v in trans_json.items():
ids = np.array([int(n) for n in v["output"][0]["tokenid"].split()])
# to avoid an error when there is no text in an uttrance
if len(ids) > 0:
labelcount[ids] += 1
labelcount[odim - 1] = len(transcript) # count <eos>
labelcount[labelcount == 0] = 1 # flooring
labelcount[blank] = 0 # remove counts for blank
labeldist = labelcount.astype(np.float32) / np.sum(labelcount)
logging.error("Error: unexpected label smoothing type: %s" % lsm_type)
return labeldist

@ -15,16 +15,16 @@
e.g. wer for word-level, cer for char-level.
import sacrebleu
import nltk
import numpy as np
__all__ = ['bleu', 'char_bleu']
__all__ = ['bleu', 'char_bleu', "ErrorCalculator"]
def bleu(hypothesis, reference):
"""Calculate BLEU. BLEU compares reference text and
hypothesis text in word-level using scarebleu.
:param reference: The reference sentences.
:type reference: list[list[str]]
:param hypothesis: The hypothesis sentence.
@ -39,8 +39,6 @@ def char_bleu(hypothesis, reference):
"""Calculate BLEU. BLEU compares reference text and
hypothesis text in char-level using scarebleu.
:param reference: The reference sentences.
:type reference: list[list[str]]
:param hypothesis: The hypothesis sentence.
@ -52,3 +50,67 @@ def char_bleu(hypothesis, reference):
for ref in reference]
return sacrebleu.corpus_bleu(hypothesis, reference)
class ErrorCalculator():
"""Calculate BLEU for ST and MT models during training.
:param y_hats: numpy array with predicted text
:param y_pads: numpy array with true (target) text
:param char_list: vocabulary list
:param sym_space: space symbol
:param sym_pad: pad symbol
:param report_bleu: report BLUE score if True
def __init__(self, char_list, sym_space, sym_pad, report_bleu=False):
"""Construct an ErrorCalculator object."""
self.char_list = char_list
self.space = sym_space
self.pad = sym_pad
self.report_bleu = report_bleu
if self.space in self.char_list:
self.idx_space = self.char_list.index(self.space)
self.idx_space = None
def __call__(self, ys_hat, ys_pad):
"""Calculate corpus-level BLEU score.
:param torch.Tensor ys_hat: prediction (batch, seqlen)
:param torch.Tensor ys_pad: reference (batch, seqlen)
:return: corpus-level BLEU score in a mini-batch
:rtype float
bleu = None
if not self.report_bleu:
return bleu
bleu = self.calculate_corpus_bleu(ys_hat, ys_pad)
return bleu
def calculate_corpus_bleu(self, ys_hat, ys_pad):
"""Calculate corpus-level BLEU score in a mini-batch.
:param torch.Tensor seqs_hat: prediction (batch, seqlen)
:param torch.Tensor seqs_true: reference (batch, seqlen)
:return: corpus-level BLEU score
:rtype float
seqs_hat, seqs_true = [], []
for i, y_hat in enumerate(ys_hat):
y_true = ys_pad[i]
eos_true = np.where(y_true == -1)[0]
ymax = eos_true[0] if len(eos_true) > 0 else len(y_true)
# NOTE: padding index (-1) in y_true is used to pad y_hat
# because y_hats is not padded with -1
seq_hat = [self.char_list[int(idx)] for idx in y_hat[:ymax]]
seq_true = [self.char_list[int(idx)] for idx in y_true if int(idx) != -1]
seq_hat_text = "".join(seq_hat).replace(self.space, " ")
seq_hat_text = seq_hat_text.replace(self.pad, "")
seq_true_text = "".join(seq_true).replace(self.space, " ")
bleu = nltk.bleu_score.corpus_bleu([[ref] for ref in seqs_true], seqs_hat)
return bleu * 100

@ -16,10 +16,11 @@ e.g. wer for word-level, cer for char-level.
import editdistance
import numpy as np
import logging
import sys
from itertools import groupby
__all__ = ['word_errors', 'char_errors', 'wer', 'cer']
editdistance.eval("a", "b")
__all__ = ['word_errors', 'char_errors', 'wer', 'cer', "ErrorCalculator"]
def _levenshtein_distance(ref, hyp):
@ -211,3 +212,149 @@ def cer(reference, hypothesis, ignore_case=False, remove_space=False):
cer = float(edit_distance) / ref_len
return cer
class ErrorCalculator():
"""Calculate CER and WER for E2E_ASR and CTC models during training.
:param y_hats: numpy array with predicted text
:param y_pads: numpy array with true (target) text
:param char_list: List[str]
:param sym_space: <space>
:param sym_blank: <blank>
def __init__(
self, char_list, sym_space, sym_blank, report_cer=False, report_wer=False
"""Construct an ErrorCalculator object."""
self.report_cer = report_cer
self.report_wer = report_wer
self.char_list = char_list
self.space = sym_space
self.blank = sym_blank
self.idx_blank = self.char_list.index(self.blank)
if self.space in self.char_list:
self.idx_space = self.char_list.index(self.space)
self.idx_space = None
def __call__(self, ys_hat, ys_pad, is_ctc=False):
"""Calculate sentence-level WER/CER score.
:param paddle.Tensor ys_hat: prediction (batch, seqlen)
:param paddle.Tensor ys_pad: reference (batch, seqlen)
:param bool is_ctc: calculate CER score for CTC
:return: sentence-level WER score
:rtype float
:return: sentence-level CER score
:rtype float
cer, wer = None, None
if is_ctc:
return self.calculate_cer_ctc(ys_hat, ys_pad)
elif not self.report_cer and not self.report_wer:
return cer, wer
seqs_hat, seqs_true = self.convert_to_char(ys_hat, ys_pad)
if self.report_cer:
cer = self.calculate_cer(seqs_hat, seqs_true)
if self.report_wer:
wer = self.calculate_wer(seqs_hat, seqs_true)
return cer, wer
def calculate_cer_ctc(self, ys_hat, ys_pad):
"""Calculate sentence-level CER score for CTC.
:param paddle.Tensor ys_hat: prediction (batch, seqlen)
:param paddle.Tensor ys_pad: reference (batch, seqlen)
:return: average sentence-level CER score
:rtype float
cers, char_ref_lens = [], []
for i, y in enumerate(ys_hat):
y_hat = [x[0] for x in groupby(y)]
y_true = ys_pad[i]
seq_hat, seq_true = [], []
for idx in y_hat:
idx = int(idx)
if idx != -1 and idx != self.idx_blank and idx != self.idx_space:
for idx in y_true:
idx = int(idx)
if idx != -1 and idx != self.idx_blank and idx != self.idx_space:
hyp_chars = "".join(seq_hat)
ref_chars = "".join(seq_true)
if len(ref_chars) > 0:
cers.append(editdistance.eval(hyp_chars, ref_chars))
cer_ctc = float(sum(cers)) / sum(char_ref_lens) if cers else None
return cer_ctc
def convert_to_char(self, ys_hat, ys_pad):
"""Convert index to character.
:param paddle.Tensor seqs_hat: prediction (batch, seqlen)
:param paddle.Tensor seqs_true: reference (batch, seqlen)
:return: token list of prediction
:rtype list
:return: token list of reference
:rtype list
seqs_hat, seqs_true = [], []
for i, y_hat in enumerate(ys_hat):
y_true = ys_pad[i]
eos_true = np.where(y_true == -1)[0]
ymax = eos_true[0] if len(eos_true) > 0 else len(y_true)
# NOTE: padding index (-1) in y_true is used to pad y_hat
seq_hat = [self.char_list[int(idx)] for idx in y_hat[:ymax]]
seq_true = [self.char_list[int(idx)] for idx in y_true if int(idx) != -1]
seq_hat_text = "".join(seq_hat).replace(self.space, " ")
seq_hat_text = seq_hat_text.replace(self.blank, "")
seq_true_text = "".join(seq_true).replace(self.space, " ")
return seqs_hat, seqs_true
def calculate_cer(self, seqs_hat, seqs_true):
"""Calculate sentence-level CER score.
:param list seqs_hat: prediction
:param list seqs_true: reference
:return: average sentence-level CER score
:rtype float
char_eds, char_ref_lens = [], []
for i, seq_hat_text in enumerate(seqs_hat):
seq_true_text = seqs_true[i]
hyp_chars = seq_hat_text.replace(" ", "")
ref_chars = seq_true_text.replace(" ", "")
char_eds.append(editdistance.eval(hyp_chars, ref_chars))
return float(sum(char_eds)) / sum(char_ref_lens)
def calculate_wer(self, seqs_hat, seqs_true):
"""Calculate sentence-level WER score.
:param list seqs_hat: prediction
:param list seqs_true: reference
:return: average sentence-level WER score
:rtype float
word_eds, word_ref_lens = [], []
for i, seq_hat_text in enumerate(seqs_hat):
seq_true_text = seqs_true[i]
hyp_words = seq_hat_text.split()
ref_words = seq_true_text.split()
word_eds.append(editdistance.eval(hyp_words, ref_words))
return float(sum(word_eds)) / sum(word_ref_lens)
