huangyuxin 3 years ago
parent 719d23c07a
commit 829b7758de

@ -23,12 +23,6 @@ If you are in touch with PaddleSpeech for the first time and want to experience
If you want to install the paddlespeech on your own mechine. There are 3 steps you need to do.
### Install PaddlePaddle
python3 -m pip install paddlepaddle-gpu==2.2.0
### Install the Conda
The first setup is installing the conda. Conda is environment management system. You can go to [minicoda](https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html) to select a version (py>=3.7) and install it by yourself or you can use the scripts below:
@ -62,6 +56,14 @@ Intall the conda dependencies
conda install -c conda-forge sox libsndfile swig bzip2 gcc_linux-64=8.4.0 gxx_linux-64=8.4.0 --yes
### Install PaddlePaddle
For example, for CUDA 10.2, CuDNN7.5 install paddle 2.2.0:
python3 -m pip install paddlepaddle-gpu==2.2.0
### Install the PaddleSpeech Using PiP
To Install the PaddleSpeech, there are two methods. You can use the script below:
@ -118,21 +120,11 @@ git clone https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleSpeech.git
- Run the Docker image
sudo nvidia-docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/PaddleSpeech:/PaddleSpeech registry.baidubce.com/paddlepaddle/paddle:2.2.0-gpu-cuda10.2-cudnn7 /bin/bash
sudo nvidia-docker run --net=host --ipc=host --rm -it -v $(pwd)/PaddleSpeech:/PaddleSpeech registry.baidubce.com/paddlepaddle/paddle:2.2.0-gpu-cuda10.2-cudnn7 /bin/bash
Now you can execute training, inference and hyper-parameters tuning in the Docker container.
- Install PaddlePaddle
For example, for CUDA 10.2, CuDNN7.5 install paddle 2.2.0:
python3 -m pip install paddlepaddle-gpu==2.2.0
### Choice 2: Running in Ubuntu with Root Privilege
- Clone this repository
@ -165,13 +157,21 @@ conda activate py37
conda install -c conda-forge sox libsndfile swig bzip2 gcc_linux-64=8.4.0 gxx_linux-64=8.4.0 --yes
### Install PaddlePaddle
For example, for CUDA 10.2, CuDNN7.5 install paddle 2.2.0:
python3 -m pip install paddlepaddle-gpu==2.2.0
### Get the Funcition for Developing PaddleSpeech
pip install .[develop]
pip install -e .[develop]
### Install the Kaldi
### Install the Kaldi (Optional)
pushd tools
