@ -47,32 +47,6 @@ class AudioSegment(object):
"""Return whether two objects are unequal."""
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __len__(self):
"""Returns length of segment in samples."""
return self.num_samples
def __add__(self, other):
"""Add samples from another segment to those of this segment and return
a new segment (sample-wise addition, not segment concatenation).
:param other: Segment containing samples to be
added in.
:type other: AudioSegment
:return: New segment containing resulting samples.
:rtype: AudioSegment
:raise TypeError: If sample rates of segments don't match,
or if length of segments don't match.
if type(self) != type(other):
raise TypeError("Cannot add segment of different type: {}"
if self._sample_rate != other._sample_rate:
raise TypeError("Sample rates must match to add segments.")
if len(self._samples) != len(other._samples):
raise TypeError("Segment lengths must match to add segments.")
samples = self.samples + other.samples
return type(self)(samples, sample_rate=self._sample_rate)
def __str__(self):
"""Return human-readable representation of segment."""
return ("%s: num_samples=%d, sample_rate=%d, duration=%.2fsec, "
@ -108,13 +82,13 @@ class AudioSegment(object):
def concatenate(cls, *segments):
"""Concatenate an arbitrary number of audio segments together.
:param *segments: Input audio segments
:param *segments: Input audio segments.
:type *segments: AudioSegment
:return: Audio segment instance.
:return: Audio segment instance as concatenating results.
:rtype: AudioSegment
:raises ValueError: If number of segments is zero, or if sample_rate
not match between two audio segments
:raises TypeError: If item of segments is not Audiosegment instance
:raises ValueError: If the number of segments is zero, or if the
sample_rate of any two segments does not match.
:raises TypeError: If every segment in is not Audiosegment instance.
# Perform basic sanity-checks.
if len(segments) == 0:
@ -155,12 +129,13 @@ class AudioSegment(object):
def slice_from_file(self, file, start=None, end=None):
def slice_from_file(cls, file, start=None, end=None):
"""Loads a small section of an audio without having to load
the entire file into the memory which can be incredibly wasteful.
:param file: Input audio filepath
:type file: basestring
:param file: Input audio filepath or file object.
:type file: basestring|file
:param start: Start time in seconds. If start is negative, it wraps
around from the end. If not provided, this function
reads from the very beginning.
@ -169,9 +144,11 @@ class AudioSegment(object):
from the end. If not provided, the default behvaior is
to read to the end of the file.
:type end: float
:return: The specified slice of input audio in the audio.AudioSegment format.
:return: AudioSegment instance of the specified slice of the input
audio file.
:rtype: AudioSegment
:rainse ValueError: If the position is error, or if the time is out bounds.
:raise ValueError: If start or end is incorrectly set, e.g. out of
bounds in time.
sndfile = soundfile.SoundFile(file)
sample_rate = sndfile.samplerate
@ -184,35 +161,55 @@ class AudioSegment(object):
end += duration
if start < 0.0:
raise ValueError("The slice start position (%f s) is out of "
"bounds. Filename: %s" % (start, file))
"bounds." % start)
if end < 0.0:
raise ValueError("The slice end position (%f s) is out of bounds "
"Filename: %s" % (end, file))
raise ValueError("The slice end position (%f s) is out of bounds." %
if start > end:
raise ValueError("The slice start position (%f s) is later than "
"the slice end position (%f s)." % (start, end))
if end > duration:
raise ValueError("The slice end time (%f s) is out of bounds "
"(> %f s) Filename: %s" % (end, duration, file))
raise ValueError("The slice end position (%f s) is out of bounds "
"(> %f s)" % (end, duration))
start_frame = int(start * sample_rate)
end_frame = int(end * sample_rate)
data = sndfile.read(frames=end_frame - start_frame, dtype='float32')
return type(self)(data, sample_rate)
return cls(data, sample_rate)
def make_silence(self, duration, sample_rate):
def make_silence(cls, duration, sample_rate):
"""Creates a silent audio segment of the given duration and
sample rate.
:param duration: Length of silence in seconds
:param duration: Length of silence in seconds.
:type duration: float
:param sample_rate: Sample rate
:param sample_rate: Sample rate.
:type sample_rate: float
:return: Silence of the given duration
:return: Silent AudioSegment instance of the given duration.
:rtype: AudioSegment
samples = np.zeros(int(duration * sample_rate))
return type(self)(samples, sample_rate)
return cls(samples, sample_rate)
def superimposed(self, other):
"""Add samples from another segment to those of this segment
(sample-wise addition, not segment concatenation).
:param other: Segment containing samples to be added in.
:type other: AudioSegments
:raise TypeError: If type of two segments don't match.
:raise ValueError: If the sample_rate of two segments not equal, or if
the length of segments don't match.
if type(self) != type(other):
raise TypeError("Cannot add segments of different types: %s "
"and %s." % (type(self), type(other)))
if self._sample_rate != other._sample_rate:
raise ValueError("Sample rates must match to add segments.")
if len(self._samples) != len(other._samples):
raise ValueError("Segment lengths must match to add segments.")
self._samples += other._samples
def to_bytes(self, dtype='float32'):
"""Create a byte string containing the audio content.
@ -258,16 +255,17 @@ class AudioSegment(object):
self._samples = np.interp(new_indices, old_indices, self._samples)
def normalize(self, target_db=-20, max_gain_db=300.0):
"""Normalize audio to be desired RMS value in decibels.
"""Normalize audio to be of the desired RMS value in decibels.
Note that this is an in-place transformation.
:param target_db: Target RMS value in decibels. This value should
be less than 0.0 as 0.0 is full-scale audio.
:param target_db: Target RMS value in decibels. This value should be
less than 0.0 as 0.0 is full-scale audio.
:type target_db: float
:param max_gain_db: Max amount of gain in dB that can be applied for
normalization. This is to prevent nans when attempting
to normalize a signal consisting of all zeros.
normalization. This is to prevent nans when
attempting to normalize a signal consisting of
all zeros.
:type max_gain_db: float
:raises ValueError: If the required gain to normalize the segment to
the target_db value exceeds max_gain_db.
@ -275,9 +273,9 @@ class AudioSegment(object):
gain = target_db - self.rms_db
if gain > max_gain_db:
raise ValueError(
"Unable to normalize segment to %f dB because it has an RMS "
"value of %f dB and the difference exceeds max_gain_db (%f dB)"
% (target_db, self.rms_db, max_gain_db))
"Unable to normalize segment to %f dB because the "
"the probable gain have exceeds max_gain_db (%f dB)" %
(target_db, max_gain_db))
self.apply_gain(min(max_gain_db, target_db - self.rms_db))
def normalize_online_bayesian(self,
@ -285,30 +283,30 @@ class AudioSegment(object):
"""Normalize audio using a production-compatible online/causal algorithm.
This uses an exponential likelihood and gamma prior to make online estimates
of the RMS even when there are very few samples.
"""Normalize audio using a production-compatible online/causal
algorithm. This uses an exponential likelihood and gamma prior to
make online estimates of the RMS even when there are very few samples.
Note that this is an in-place transformation.
:param target_db: Target RMS value in decibels
:param target_db: Target RMS value in decibels.
:type target_bd: float
:param prior_db: Prior RMS estimate in decibels
:param prior_db: Prior RMS estimate in decibels.
:type prior_db: float
:param prior_samples: Prior strength in number of samples
:param prior_samples: Prior strength in number of samples.
:type prior_samples: float
:param startup_delay: Default 0.0 s. If provided, this function will accrue
statistics for the first startup_delay seconds before
applying online normalization.
:param startup_delay: Default 0.0 s. If provided, this function will
accrue statistics for the first startup_delay
seconds before applying online normalization.
:type startup_delay: float
# Estimate total RMS online
# Estimate total RMS online.
startup_sample_idx = min(self.num_samples - 1,
int(self.sample_rate * startup_delay))
prior_mean_squared = 10.**(prior_db / 10.)
prior_sum_of_squares = prior_mean_squared * prior_samples
cumsum_of_squares = np.cumsum(self.samples**2)
sample_count = np.arange(len(self)) + 1
sample_count = np.arange(len(self.num_samples)) + 1
if startup_sample_idx > 0:
cumsum_of_squares[:startup_sample_idx] = \
@ -317,42 +315,40 @@ class AudioSegment(object):
mean_squared_estimate = ((cumsum_of_squares + prior_sum_of_squares) /
(sample_count + prior_samples))
rms_estimate_db = 10 * np.log10(mean_squared_estimate)
# Compute required time-varying gain
# Compute required time-varying gain.
gain_db = target_db - rms_estimate_db
def resample(self, target_sample_rate, quality='sinc_medium'):
"""Resample audio segment. This resamples the audio to a new
sample rate.
"""Resample the audio to a target sample rate.
Note that this is an in-place transformation.
:param target_sample_rate: Target sample rate
:param target_sample_rate: Target sample rate.
:type target_sample_rate: int
:param quality: One of {'sinc_fastest', 'sinc_medium', 'sinc_best'}.
Sets resampling speed/quality tradeoff.
See http://www.mega-nerd.com/SRC/api_misc.html#Converters
:type quality: basestring
:type quality: str
resample_ratio = target_sample_rate / self._sample_rate
new_samples = scikits.samplerate.resample(
self._samples = scikits.samplerate.resample(
self._samples, r=resample_ratio, type=quality)
self._samples = new_samples
self._sample_rate = target_sample_rate
def pad_silence(self, duration, sides='both'):
"""Pads this audio sample with a period of silence.
"""Pad this audio sample with a period of silence.
Note that this is an in-place transformation.
:param duration: Length of silence in seconds to pad
:param duration: Length of silence in seconds to pad.
:type duration: float
:param sides: Position for padding
'beginning' - adds silence in the beginning
'end' - adds silence in the end
:param sides: Position for padding:
'beginning' - adds silence in the beginning;
'end' - adds silence in the end;
'both' - adds silence in both the beginning and the end.
:type sides: str
:raises ValueError: If the sides not surport
:raises ValueError: If sides is not supported.
if duration == 0.0:
return self
@ -367,51 +363,41 @@ class AudioSegment(object):
raise ValueError("Unknown value for the kwarg %s" % sides)
self._samples = padded._samples
self._sample_rate = padded._sample_rate
def subsegment(self, start_sec=None, end_sec=None):
"""Return new AudioSegment containing audio between given boundaries.
:param start_sec: Beginning of subsegment in seconds,
(beginning of segment if None).
:param start_sec: Beginning of subsegment in seconds.
:type start_sec: float
:param end_sec: End of subsegment in seconds,
(end of segment if None).
:param end_sec: End of subsegment in seconds.
:type end_sec: float
:return: New AudioSegment containing specified subsegment.
:rtype: AudioSegment
start_sec = 0.0 if start_sec is None else start_sec
end_sec = self.duration if end_sec is None else end_sec
# negative boundaries are relative to end of segment
if start_sec < 0.0:
start_sec = self.duration + start_sec
if end_sec < 0.0:
end_sec = self.duration + end_sec
start_sample = int(round(start_sec * self._sample_rate))
end_sample = int(round(end_sec * self._sample_rate))
samples = self._samples[start_sample:end_sample]
return type(self)(samples, sample_rate=self._sample_rate)
self._samples = self._samples[start_sample:end_sample]
def random_subsegment(self, subsegment_length, rng=None):
"""Return a random subsegment of a specified length in seconds.
:param subsegment_length: Subsegment length in seconds.
:type subsegment_length: float
:param rng: Random number generator state
:param rng: Random number generator state.
:type rng: random.Random
:return: New AudioSegment containing random subsegment
of original segment
:rtype: AudioSegment
:raises ValueError: If the length of subsegment greater than origineal
:raises ValueError: If the length of subsegment greater than
origineal segemnt.
rng = random.Random() if rng is None else rng
if subsegment_length > self.duration:
raise ValueError("Length of subsegment must not be greater "
"than original segment.")
start_time = rng.uniform(0.0, self.duration - subsegment_length)
return self.subsegment(start_time, start_time + subsegment_length)
self.subsegment(start_time, start_time + subsegment_length)
def convolve(self, impulse_segment, allow_resample=False):
"""Convolve this audio segment with the given filter.
@ -420,10 +406,10 @@ class AudioSegment(object):
:param impulse_segment: Impulse response segments.
:type impulse_segment: AudioSegment
:param allow_resample: indicates whether resampling is allowed when
:param allow_resample: Indicates whether resampling is allowed when
the impulse_segment has a different sample
rate from this signal.
:type allow_resample: boolean
:type allow_resample: bool
:raises ValueError: If the sample rate is not match between two
audio segments and resample is not allowed.
@ -443,9 +429,10 @@ class AudioSegment(object):
:param impulse_segment: Impulse response segments.
:type impulse_segment: AudioSegment
:param allow_resample: indicates whether resampling is allowed when
the impulse_segment has a different sample rate from this signal.
:type allow_resample: boolean
:param allow_resample: Indicates whether resampling is allowed when
the impulse_segment has a different sample
rate from this signal.
:type allow_resample: bool
target_db = self.rms_db
self.convolve(impulse_segment, allow_resample=allow_resample)
@ -465,42 +452,36 @@ class AudioSegment(object):
:type noise: AudioSegment
:param snr_dB: Signal-to-Noise Ratio, in decibels.
:type snr_dB: float
:param allow_downsampling: whether to allow the noise signal to be downsampled
to match the base signal sample rate.
:type allow_downsampling: boolean
:param max_gain_db: Maximum amount of gain to apply to noise signal before
adding it in. This is to prevent attempting to apply infinite
gain to a zero signal.
:param allow_downsampling: Whether to allow the noise signal to be
downsampled to match the base signal sample
:type allow_downsampling: bool
:param max_gain_db: Maximum amount of gain to apply to noise signal
before adding it in. This is to prevent attempting
to apply infinite gain to a zero signal.
:type max_gain_db: float
:param rng: Random number generator state.
:type rng: random.Random
:raises ValueError: If the sample rate does not match between the two audio segments
and resample is not allowed, or if the duration of noise segments
is shorter than original audio segments.
:type rng: None|random.Random
:raises ValueError: If the sample rate does not match between the two
audio segments and resample is not allowed, or if
the duration of noise segments is shorter than
original audio segments.
rng = random.Random() if rng is None else rng
if allow_downsampling and noise.sample_rate > self.sample_rate:
noise = noise.resample(self.sample_rate)
if noise.sample_rate != self.sample_rate:
raise ValueError("Noise sample rate (%d Hz) is not equal to "
"base signal sample rate (%d Hz)." %
(noise.sample_rate, self.sample_rate))
raise ValueError("Noise sample rate (%d Hz) is not equal to base "
"signal sample rate (%d Hz)." % (noise.sample_rate,
if noise.duration < self.duration:
raise ValueError("Noise signal (%f sec) must be at "
"least as long as base signal (%f sec)." %
raise ValueError("Noise signal (%f sec) must be at least as long as"
" base signal (%f sec)." %
(noise.duration, self.duration))
noise_gain_db = self.rms_db - noise.rms_db - snr_dB
noise_gain_db = min(max_gain_db, noise_gain_db)
noise_subsegment = noise.random_subsegment(self.duration, rng=rng)
output = self + self.tranform_noise(noise_subsegment, noise_gain_db)
self._samples = output._samples
self._sample_rate = output._sample_rate
def tranform_noise(self, noise_subsegment, noise_gain_db):
""" tranform noise file
return type(self)(noise_subsegment._samples * (10.**(
noise_gain_db / 20.)), noise_subsegment._sample_rate)
noise_gain_db = min(self.rms_db - noise.rms_db - snr_dB, max_gain_db)
noise.random_subsegment(self.duration, rng=rng)
def samples(self):