> If you encounter problem with downloading **nltk_data** while using paddlespeech, it maybe due to your poor network, we suggest you download the [nltk_data](https://paddlespeech.bj.bcebos.com/Parakeet/tools/nltk_data.tar.gz) provided by us, and extract it to your `${HOME}`.
> If you encounter problem with downloading **nltk_data** while using paddlespeech, it maybe due to your poor network, we suggest you download the [nltk_data](https://paddlespeech.bj.bcebos.com/Parakeet/tools/nltk_data.tar.gz) provided by us, and extract it to your `${HOME}`.
> If you fail to install paddlespeech-ctcdecoders, it doesn't matter.
## Medium: Get the Major Functions (Support Linux)
## Medium: Get the Major Functions (Support Linux)
If you want to get the major function of `paddlespeech`, you need to do following steps:
If you want to get the major function of `paddlespeech`, you need to do following steps: