# ACS (Audio Content Search)
## Introduction
ACS, or Audio Content Search, refers to the problem of getting the key word time stamp from automatically transcribe spoken language (speech-to-text).
This demo is an implementation of obtaining the keyword timestamp in the text from a given audio file. It can be done by a single command or a few lines in python using `PaddleSpeech` .
Now, the search word in demo is:
## Usage
### 1. Installation
see [installation ](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleSpeech/blob/develop/docs/source/install.md ).
You can choose one way from meduim and hard to install paddlespeech.
The dependency refers to the requirements.txt, and install the dependency as follows:
pip install -r requirements.txt
### 2. Prepare Input File
The input of this demo should be a WAV file(`.wav`), and the sample rate must be the same as the model.
Here are sample files for this demo that can be downloaded:
wget -c https://paddlespeech.bj.bcebos.com/PaddleAudio/zh.wav
### 3. run paddlespeech_server
Before using the client, it is necessary to start paddlespeech_servers.
Here are sample server configuration:
bash demos/audio_content_search/run.sh
The logs of the two services will be recorded in 'acs.log' and 'streaming_asr.log' in this configuration.
### 4. Usage
- Command Line(Recommended)
# Chinese
paddlespeech_client acs --server_ip --port 8490 --input ./zh.wav
paddlespeech asr --help
- `input` (required): Audio file to recognize.
- `server_ip` : the server ip.
- `port` : the server port.
- `lang` : the language type of the model. Default: `zh` .
- `sample_rate` : Sample rate of the model. Default: `16000` .
- `audio_format` : The audio format.
[2022-05-15 15:00:58,185] [ INFO] - acs http client start
[2022-05-15 15:00:58,185] [ INFO] - endpoint:
[2022-05-15 15:01:03,220] [ INFO] - acs http client finished
[2022-05-15 15:01:03,221] [ INFO] - ACS result: {'transcription': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康', 'acs': [{'w': '我', 'bg': 0, 'ed': 1.6800000000000002}, {'w': '我', 'bg': 2.1, 'ed': 4.28}, {'w': '康', 'bg': 3.2, 'ed': 4.92}]}
[2022-05-15 15:01:03,221] [ INFO] - Response time 5.036084 s.
- Python API
from paddlespeech.server.bin.paddlespeech_client import ACSClientExecutor
acs_executor = ACSClientExecutor()
res = acs_executor(
[2022-05-15 15:08:13,955] [ INFO] - acs http client start
[2022-05-15 15:08:13,956] [ INFO] - endpoint:
[2022-05-15 15:08:19,026] [ INFO] - acs http client finished
{'transcription': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康', 'acs': [{'w': '我', 'bg': 0, 'ed': 1.6800000000000002}, {'w': '我', 'bg': 2.1, 'ed': 4.28}, {'w': '康', 'bg': 3.2, 'ed': 4.92}]}