# --------------------------------------------------------
# paddle: Large-Scale Self-Supervised Pre-training for Full Stack Speech Processing (https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.13900.pdf)
# Github source: https://github.com/microsoft/unilm/tree/master/paddle
# Copyright (c) 2021 Microsoft
# Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details]
# Based on fairseq code bases
# https://github.com/pytorch/fairseq
# --------------------------------------------------------
import math
import warnings
from typing import Dict , Optional , Tuple
from . functional import multi_head_attention_forward_paddle
import paddle
import paddle . nn as nn
import paddle . nn . functional as F
from paddle import Tensor
class TransposeLast ( nn . Layer ) :
def __init__ ( self , deconstruct_idx = None ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . deconstruct_idx = deconstruct_idx
def forward ( self , x ) :
if self . deconstruct_idx is not None :
x = x [ self . deconstruct_idx ]
return paddle . transpose ( x , perm = [ 0 , 2 , 1 ] )
class Fp32LayerNorm ( nn . LayerNorm ) :
def __init__ ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( * args , * * kwargs )
def forward ( self , input ) :
output = F . layer_norm (
input . float ( ) ,
self . normalized_shape ,
self . weight . float ( ) if self . weight is not None else None ,
self . bias . float ( ) if self . bias is not None else None ,
self . eps ,
return output . type_as ( input )
class Fp32GroupNorm ( nn . GroupNorm ) :
def __init__ ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( * args , * * kwargs )
def forward ( self , input ) :
output = F . group_norm (
input . float ( ) ,
self . num_groups ,
self . weight . float ( ) if self . weight is not None else None ,
self . bias . float ( ) if self . bias is not None else None ,
self . eps ,
return output . type_as ( input )
class SamePad ( nn . Layer ) :
def __init__ ( self , kernel_size , causal = False ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
if causal :
self . remove = kernel_size - 1
else :
self . remove = 1 if kernel_size % 2 == 0 else 0
def forward ( self , x ) :
if self . remove > 0 :
x = x [ : , : , : - self . remove ]
return x
class Swish ( nn . Layer ) :
""" Swish function
def __init__ ( self ) :
""" Construct an MultiHeadedAttention object. """
super ( Swish , self ) . __init__ ( )
self . act = nn . Sigmoid ( )
def forward ( self , x ) :
return x * self . act ( x )
class GLU_Linear ( nn . Layer ) :
def __init__ ( self , input_dim , output_dim , glu_type = " sigmoid " , bias_in_glu = True ) :
super ( GLU_Linear , self ) . __init__ ( )
self . glu_type = glu_type
self . output_dim = output_dim
if glu_type == " sigmoid " :
self . glu_act = nn . Sigmoid ( )
elif glu_type == " swish " :
self . glu_act = Swish ( )
elif glu_type == " relu " :
self . glu_act = nn . ReLU ( )
elif glu_type == " gelu " :
self . glu_act = nn . GELU ( )
if bias_in_glu :
self . linear = nn . Linear ( input_dim , output_dim * 2 , True )
else :
self . linear = nn . Linear ( input_dim , output_dim * 2 , False )
def forward ( self , x ) :
# to be consistent with GLU_Linear, we assume the input always has the #channel (#dim) in the last dimension of the tensor, so need to switch the dimension first for 1D-Conv case
x = self . linear ( x )
if self . glu_type == " bilinear " :
x = ( x [ : , : , 0 : self . output_dim ] * x [ : , : , self . output_dim : self . output_dim * 2 ] )
else :
x = ( x [ : , : , 0 : self . output_dim ] * self . glu_act ( x [ : , : , self . output_dim : self . output_dim * 2 ] ) )
return x
def gelu_accurate ( x ) :
if not hasattr ( gelu_accurate , " _a " ) :
gelu_accurate . _a = math . sqrt ( 2 / math . pi )
return (
0.5 * x * ( 1 + paddle . tanh ( gelu_accurate . _a * ( x + 0.044715 * paddle . pow ( x , 3 ) ) ) )
def gelu ( x : Tensor ) - > Tensor :
return nn . functional . gelu ( x . astype ( " float32 " ) ) . astype ( x . dtype )
def get_activation_fn ( activation : str ) :
""" Returns the activation function corresponding to `activation` """
if activation == " relu " :
return F . relu
elif activation == " gelu " :
return gelu
elif activation == " gelu_fast " :
warnings . warn (
" --activation-fn=gelu_fast has been renamed to gelu_accurate "
return gelu_accurate
elif activation == " gelu_accurate " :
return gelu_accurate
elif activation == " tanh " :
return paddle . tanh
elif activation == " linear " :
return lambda x : x
elif activation == " glu " :
return lambda x : x
else :
raise RuntimeError ( " --activation-fn {} not supported " . format ( activation ) )
def quant_noise ( module , p , block_size ) :
Wraps modules and applies quantization noise to the weights for
subsequent quantization with Iterative Product Quantization as
described in " Training with Quantization Noise for Extreme Model Compression "
Args :
- module : nn . Layer
- p : amount of Quantization Noise
- block_size : size of the blocks for subsequent quantization with iPQ
Remarks :
- Module weights must have the right sizes wrt the block size
- Only Linear , Embedding and Conv2d modules are supported for the moment
- For more detail on how to quantize by blocks with convolutional weights ,
see " And the Bit Goes Down: Revisiting the Quantization of Neural Networks "
- We implement the simplest form of noise here as stated in the paper
which consists in randomly dropping blocks
# if no quantization noise, don't register hook
if p < = 0 :
return module
# supported modules
assert isinstance ( module , ( nn . Linear , nn . Embedding , nn . Conv2d ) )
# test whether module.weight has the right sizes wrt block_size
is_conv = module . weight . ndim == 4
# 2D matrix
if not is_conv :
assert (
module . weight . size ( 1 ) % block_size == 0
) , " Input features must be a multiple of block sizes "
# 4D matrix
else :
# 1x1 convolutions
if module . kernel_size == ( 1 , 1 ) :
assert (
module . in_channels % block_size == 0
) , " Input channels must be a multiple of block sizes "
# regular convolutions
else :
k = module . kernel_size [ 0 ] * module . kernel_size [ 1 ]
assert k % block_size == 0 , " Kernel size must be a multiple of block size "
def _forward_pre_hook ( mod , input ) :
# no noise for evaluation
if mod . training :
if not is_conv :
# gather weight and sizes
weight = mod . weight
in_features = weight . size ( 1 )
out_features = weight . size ( 0 )
# split weight matrix into blocks and randomly drop selected blocks
mask = paddle . zeros (
in_features / / block_size * out_features , device = weight . device
mask . bernoulli_ ( p )
mask = mask . repeat_interleave ( block_size , - 1 ) . view ( - 1 , in_features )
else :
# gather weight and sizes
weight = mod . weight
in_channels = mod . in_channels
out_channels = mod . out_channels
# split weight matrix into blocks and randomly drop selected blocks
if mod . kernel_size == ( 1 , 1 ) :
mask = paddle . zeros (
int ( in_channels / / block_size * out_channels ) ,
device = weight . device ,
mask . bernoulli_ ( p )
mask = mask . repeat_interleave ( block_size , - 1 ) . view ( - 1 , in_channels )
else :
mask = paddle . zeros (
weight . size ( 0 ) , weight . size ( 1 ) , device = weight . device
mask . bernoulli_ ( p )
mask = (
mask . unsqueeze ( 2 )
. unsqueeze ( 3 )
. repeat ( 1 , 1 , mod . kernel_size [ 0 ] , mod . kernel_size [ 1 ] )
# scale weights and apply mask
mask = mask . to (
paddle . bool
s = 1 / ( 1 - p )
mod . weight . data = s * weight . masked_fill ( mask , 0 )
module . register_forward_pre_hook ( _forward_pre_hook )
return module
class MultiheadAttention ( nn . Layer ) :
""" Multi-headed attention.
See " Attention Is All You Need " for more details .
def __init__ (
self ,
embed_dim ,
num_heads ,
kdim = None ,
vdim = None ,
dropout = 0.0 ,
bias = True ,
add_bias_kv = False ,
add_zero_attn = False ,
self_attention = False ,
encoder_decoder_attention = False ,
q_noise = 0.0 ,
qn_block_size = 8 ,
has_relative_attention_bias = True ,
num_buckets = 32 ,
max_distance = 128 ,
gru_rel_pos = True ,
rescale_init = False ,
) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . embed_dim = embed_dim
self . kdim = kdim if kdim is not None else embed_dim
self . vdim = vdim if vdim is not None else embed_dim
self . qkv_same_dim = self . kdim == embed_dim and self . vdim == embed_dim
self . num_heads = num_heads
self . dropout_module = nn . Dropout ( dropout )
self . has_relative_attention_bias = has_relative_attention_bias
self . num_buckets = num_buckets
self . max_distance = max_distance
if self . has_relative_attention_bias :
self . relative_attention_bias = nn . Embedding ( num_buckets , num_heads )
self . head_dim = embed_dim / / num_heads
self . q_head_dim = self . head_dim
self . k_head_dim = self . head_dim
assert (
self . head_dim * num_heads == self . embed_dim
) , " embed_dim must be divisible by num_heads "
self . scaling = self . head_dim * * - 0.5
self . self_attention = self_attention
self . encoder_decoder_attention = encoder_decoder_attention
assert not self . self_attention or self . qkv_same_dim , (
" Self-attention requires query, key and " " value to be of the same size "
k_bias = True
if rescale_init :
k_bias = False
k_embed_dim = embed_dim
q_embed_dim = embed_dim
self . k_proj = quant_noise (
nn . Linear ( self . kdim , k_embed_dim , bias_attr = k_bias ) , q_noise , qn_block_size
self . v_proj = quant_noise (
nn . Linear ( self . vdim , embed_dim , bias_attr = bias ) , q_noise , qn_block_size
self . q_proj = quant_noise (
nn . Linear ( embed_dim , q_embed_dim , bias_attr = bias ) , q_noise , qn_block_size
self . out_proj = quant_noise (
nn . Linear ( embed_dim , embed_dim , bias_attr = bias ) , q_noise , qn_block_size
if add_bias_kv :
self . bias_k = self . create_parameter (
shape = [ 1 , 1 , embed_dim ] , dtype = " float32 "
self . bias_v = self . create_parameter (
shape = [ 1 , 1 , embed_dim ] , dtype = " float32 "
else :
self . bias_k = self . bias_v = None
self . add_zero_attn = add_zero_attn
self . gru_rel_pos = gru_rel_pos
if self . gru_rel_pos :
self . grep_linear = nn . Linear ( self . q_head_dim , 8 )
self . grep_a = self . create_parameter (
shape = [ 1 , num_heads , 1 , 1 ] , dtype = " float32 "
self . reset_parameters ( )
def reset_parameters ( self ) :
def _relative_positions_bucket ( self , relative_positions , bidirectional = True ) :
num_buckets = self . num_buckets
max_distance = self . max_distance
relative_buckets = 0
if bidirectional :
num_buckets = num_buckets / / 2
relative_buckets + = ( relative_positions > 0 ) . astype ( " int64 " ) * num_buckets
relative_positions = paddle . abs ( relative_positions )
else :
relative_positions = - paddle . minimum ( relative_positions , paddle . zeros_like ( relative_positions ) )
max_exact = num_buckets / / 2
is_small = relative_positions < max_exact
relative_postion_if_large = max_exact + (
paddle . log ( relative_positions . astype ( " float32 " ) / max_exact )
/ math . log ( max_distance / max_exact )
* ( num_buckets - max_exact )
) . astype ( " int64 " )
relative_postion_if_large = paddle . minimum (
relative_postion_if_large , paddle . full_like ( relative_postion_if_large , num_buckets - 1 )
relative_buckets + = paddle . where ( is_small , relative_positions , relative_postion_if_large )
return relative_buckets
def compute_bias ( self , query_length , key_length ) :
context_position = paddle . arange ( query_length , dtype = " int64 " ) [ : , None ]
memory_position = paddle . arange ( key_length , dtype = " int64 " ) [ None , : ]
relative_position = memory_position - context_position
relative_position_bucket = self . _relative_positions_bucket (
relative_position ,
bidirectional = True
# relative_position_bucket = relative_position_bucket.to(self.relative_attention_bias.weight.device)
values = self . relative_attention_bias ( relative_position_bucket )
values = values . transpose ( [ 2 , 0 , 1 ] )
return values
def forward (
self ,
query ,
key : Optional [ Tensor ] ,
value : Optional [ Tensor ] ,
key_padding_mask : Optional [ Tensor ] = None ,
incremental_state : Optional [ Dict [ str , Dict [ str , Optional [ Tensor ] ] ] ] = None ,
need_weights : bool = True ,
static_kv : bool = False ,
attn_mask : Optional [ Tensor ] = None ,
before_softmax : bool = False ,
need_head_weights : bool = False ,
position_bias : Optional [ Tensor ] = None
) - > Tuple [ Tensor , Optional [ Tensor ] , Optional [ Tensor ] ] :
""" Input shape: Time x Batch x Channel
Args :
key_padding_mask ( ByteTensor , optional ) : mask to exclude
keys that are pads , of shape ` ( batch , src_len ) ` , where
padding elements are indicated by 1 s .
need_weights ( bool , optional ) : return the attention weights ,
averaged over heads ( default : False ) .
attn_mask ( ByteTensor , optional ) : typically used to
implement causal attention , where the mask prevents the
attention from looking forward in time ( default : None ) .
before_softmax ( bool , optional ) : return the raw attention
weights and values before the attention softmax .
need_head_weights ( bool , optional ) : return the attention
weights for each head . Implies * need_weights * . Default :
return the average attention weights over all heads .
if need_head_weights :
need_weights = True
tgt_len , bsz , embed_dim = query . shape
src_len = tgt_len
assert embed_dim == self . embed_dim
assert list ( query . shape ) == [ tgt_len , bsz , embed_dim ]
if key is not None :
src_len , key_bsz , _ = key . shape
if self . has_relative_attention_bias and position_bias is None :
position_bias = self . compute_bias ( tgt_len , src_len )
position_bias_ = position_bias . unsqueeze ( 0 )
position_bias = paddle . concat ( [ position_bias_ for _ in range ( bsz ) ] , axis = 0 )
position_bias = position_bias . reshape ( [ bsz * self . num_heads , tgt_len , src_len ] )
if (
incremental_state is None
and not static_kv
and self . q_head_dim == self . head_dim
) :
assert key is not None and value is not None
assert attn_mask is None
attn_mask_rel_pos = None
if position_bias is not None :
attn_mask_rel_pos = position_bias
if self . gru_rel_pos :
query_layer = query . transpose ( [ 1 , 0 , 2 ] )
new_x_shape = query_layer . shape [ : - 1 ] + [ self . num_heads , - 1 ]
query_layer = query_layer . reshape ( new_x_shape )
query_layer = query_layer . transpose ( [ 0 , 2 , 1 , 3 ] )
_B , _H , _L , __ = query_layer . shape
gate_a , gate_b = paddle . nn . functional . sigmoid ( self . grep_linear ( query_layer ) . reshape ( [ _B , _H , _L , 2 , 4 ] ) . sum ( - 1 , keepdim = False ) ) . chunk ( 2 , axis = - 1 )
gate_a_1 = gate_a * ( gate_b * self . grep_a - 1.0 ) + 2.0
attn_mask_rel_pos = gate_a_1 . reshape ( [ bsz * self . num_heads , - 1 , 1 ] ) * position_bias
attn_mask_rel_pos = attn_mask_rel_pos . reshape ( ( - 1 , tgt_len , tgt_len ) )
k_proj_bias = self . k_proj . bias
if k_proj_bias is None :
k_proj_bias = paddle . zeros_like ( self . q_proj . bias )
x , attn = multi_head_attention_forward_paddle (
query ,
key ,
value ,
self . embed_dim ,
self . num_heads ,
paddle . empty ( [ 0 ] ) ,
paddle . concat ( ( self . q_proj . bias , self . k_proj . bias , self . v_proj . bias ) , axis = 0 ) ,
self . bias_k ,
self . bias_v ,
self . add_zero_attn ,
self . dropout_module . p ,
self . out_proj . weight ,
self . out_proj . bias ,
self . training ,
key_padding_mask ,
need_weights ,
attn_mask_rel_pos ,
use_separate_proj_weight = True ,
q_proj_weight = self . q_proj . weight ,
k_proj_weight = self . k_proj . weight ,
v_proj_weight = self . v_proj . weight ,
return x , attn , position_bias
if incremental_state is not None :
saved_state = self . _get_input_buffer ( incremental_state )
if saved_state is not None and " prev_key " in saved_state :
# previous time steps are cached - no need to recompute
# key and value if they are static
if static_kv :
assert self . encoder_decoder_attention and not self . self_attention
key = value = None
else :
saved_state = None
if self . self_attention :
q = self . q_proj ( query )
k = self . k_proj ( query )
v = self . v_proj ( query )
elif self . encoder_decoder_attention :
# encoder-decoder attention
q = self . q_proj ( query )
if key is None :
assert value is None
k = v = None
else :
k = self . k_proj ( key )
v = self . v_proj ( key )
else :
assert key is not None and value is not None
q = self . q_proj ( query )
k = self . k_proj ( key )
v = self . v_proj ( value )
q * = self . scaling
if self . bias_k is not None :
assert self . bias_v is not None
k = paddle . concat ( [ k , self . bias_k . repeat ( 1 , bsz , 1 ) ] , axis = 0 )
v = paddle . concat ( [ v , self . bias_v . repeat ( 1 , bsz , 1 ) ] , axis = 0 )
if attn_mask is not None :
attn_mask = paddle . concat (
[ attn_mask , attn_mask . new_zeros ( attn_mask . size ( 0 ) , 1 ) ] , axis = 1
if key_padding_mask is not None :
key_padding_mask = paddle . concat (
key_padding_mask ,
key_padding_mask . new_zeros ( key_padding_mask . size ( 0 ) , 1 ) ,
] ,
axis = 1 ,
q = (
q . contiguous ( )
. view ( tgt_len , bsz * self . num_heads , self . q_head_dim )
. transpose ( [ 1 , 0 , 2 ] )
if k is not None :
k = (
k . contiguous ( )
. view ( - 1 , bsz * self . num_heads , self . k_head_dim )
. transpose ( [ 1 , 0 , 2 ] )
if v is not None :
v = (
v . contiguous ( )
. view ( - 1 , bsz * self . num_heads , self . head_dim )
. transpose ( [ 1 , 0 , 2 ] )
if saved_state is not None :
# saved states are stored with shape (bsz, num_heads, seq_len, head_dim)
if " prev_key " in saved_state :
_prev_key = saved_state [ " prev_key " ]
assert _prev_key is not None
prev_key = _prev_key . view ( bsz * self . num_heads , - 1 , self . head_dim )
if static_kv :
k = prev_key
else :
assert k is not None
k = paddle . concat ( [ prev_key , k ] , axis = 1 )
src_len = k . size ( 1 )
if " prev_value " in saved_state :
_prev_value = saved_state [ " prev_value " ]
assert _prev_value is not None
prev_value = _prev_value . view ( bsz * self . num_heads , - 1 , self . head_dim )
if static_kv :
v = prev_value
else :
assert v is not None
v = paddle . concat ( [ prev_value , v ] , axis = 1 )
prev_key_padding_mask : Optional [ Tensor ] = None
if " prev_key_padding_mask " in saved_state :
prev_key_padding_mask = saved_state [ " prev_key_padding_mask " ]
assert k is not None and v is not None
key_padding_mask = MultiheadAttention . _append_prev_key_padding_mask (
key_padding_mask = key_padding_mask ,
prev_key_padding_mask = prev_key_padding_mask ,
batch_size = bsz ,
src_len = k . size ( 1 ) ,
static_kv = static_kv ,
saved_state [ " prev_key " ] = k . view ( bsz , self . num_heads , - 1 , self . head_dim )
saved_state [ " prev_value " ] = v . view ( bsz , self . num_heads , - 1 , self . head_dim )
saved_state [ " prev_key_padding_mask " ] = key_padding_mask
# In this branch incremental_state is never None
assert incremental_state is not None
incremental_state = self . _set_input_buffer ( incremental_state , saved_state )
assert k is not None
assert k . size ( 1 ) == src_len
# This is part of a workaround to get around fork/join parallelism
# not supporting Optional types.
if key_padding_mask is not None and key_padding_mask . dim ( ) == 0 :
key_padding_mask = None
if key_padding_mask is not None :
assert key_padding_mask . size ( 0 ) == bsz
assert key_padding_mask . size ( 1 ) == src_len
if self . add_zero_attn :
assert v is not None
src_len + = 1
k = paddle . concat ( [ k , k . new_zeros ( ( k . size ( 0 ) , 1 ) + k . shape [ 2 : ] ) ] , axis = 1 )
v = paddle . concat ( [ v , v . new_zeros ( ( v . size ( 0 ) , 1 ) + v . shape [ 2 : ] ) ] , axis = 1 )
if attn_mask is not None :
attn_mask = paddle . concat (
[ attn_mask , attn_mask . new_zeros ( attn_mask . size ( 0 ) , 1 ) ] , axis = 1
if key_padding_mask is not None :
key_padding_mask = paddle . concat (
key_padding_mask ,
paddle . zeros ( key_padding_mask . size ( 0 ) , 1 ) . type_as (
) ,
] ,
axis = 1 ,
attn_weights = paddle . matmul ( q , k . transpose ( [ 0 , 2 , 1 ] ) )
attn_weights = self . apply_sparse_mask ( attn_weights , tgt_len , src_len , bsz )
assert list ( attn_weights . shape ) == [ bsz * self . num_heads , tgt_len , src_len ]
if attn_mask is not None :
attn_mask = attn_mask . unsqueeze ( 0 )
attn_weights + = attn_mask
if key_padding_mask is not None :
# don't attend to padding symbols
attn_weights = attn_weights . view ( bsz , self . num_heads , tgt_len , src_len )
attn_weights = attn_weights . masked_fill (
key_padding_mask . unsqueeze ( 1 ) . unsqueeze ( 2 ) . to ( paddle . bool ) ,
float ( " -inf " ) ,
attn_weights = attn_weights . view ( bsz * self . num_heads , tgt_len , src_len )
if before_softmax :
return attn_weights , v , position_bias
if position_bias is not None :
if self . gru_rel_pos == 1 :
query_layer = q . view ( bsz , self . num_heads , tgt_len , self . q_head_dim )
_B , _H , _L , __ = query_layer . shape
gate_a , gate_b = paddle . sigmoid ( self . grep_linear ( query_layer ) . view (
_B , _H , _L , 2 , 4 ) . sum ( - 1 , keepdim = False ) ) . chunk ( 2 , axis = - 1 )
gate_a_1 = gate_a * ( gate_b * self . grep_a - 1.0 ) + 2.0
position_bias = gate_a_1 . view ( bsz * self . num_heads , - 1 , 1 ) * position_bias
position_bias = position_bias . view ( attn_weights . shape )
attn_weights = attn_weights + position_bias
attn_weights_float = F . softmax (
attn_weights , dim = - 1
attn_weights = attn_weights_float . type_as ( attn_weights )
attn_probs = self . dropout_module ( attn_weights )
assert v is not None
attn = paddle . bmm ( attn_probs , v )
assert list ( attn . shape ) == [ bsz * self . num_heads , tgt_len , self . head_dim ]
attn = attn . transpose ( [ 1 , 0 , 2 ] ) . reshape ( [ tgt_len , bsz , embed_dim ] )
attn = self . out_proj ( attn )
attn_weights : Optional [ Tensor ] = None
if need_weights :
attn_weights = attn_weights_float . view (
bsz , self . num_heads , tgt_len , src_len
) . transpose ( [ 1 , 0 , 2 , 3 ] )
if not need_head_weights :
# average attention weights over heads
attn_weights = attn_weights . mean ( dim = 0 )
return attn , attn_weights , position_bias
def _append_prev_key_padding_mask (
key_padding_mask : Optional [ Tensor ] ,
prev_key_padding_mask : Optional [ Tensor ] ,
batch_size : int ,
src_len : int ,
static_kv : bool ,
) - > Optional [ Tensor ] :
# saved key padding masks have shape (bsz, seq_len)
if prev_key_padding_mask is not None and static_kv :
new_key_padding_mask = prev_key_padding_mask
elif prev_key_padding_mask is not None and key_padding_mask is not None :
new_key_padding_mask = paddle . concat (
[ prev_key_padding_mask . float ( ) , key_padding_mask . float ( ) ] , axis = 1
# During incremental decoding, as the padding token enters and
# leaves the frame, there will be a time when prev or current
# is None
elif prev_key_padding_mask is not None :
if src_len > prev_key_padding_mask . size ( 1 ) :
filler = paddle . zeros (
( batch_size , src_len - prev_key_padding_mask . size ( 1 ) ) ,
device = prev_key_padding_mask . device ,
new_key_padding_mask = paddle . concat (
[ prev_key_padding_mask . float ( ) , filler . float ( ) ] , axis = 1
else :
new_key_padding_mask = prev_key_padding_mask . float ( )
elif key_padding_mask is not None :
if src_len > key_padding_mask . size ( 1 ) :
filler = paddle . zeros (
( batch_size , src_len - key_padding_mask . size ( 1 ) ) ,
device = key_padding_mask . device ,
new_key_padding_mask = paddle . concat (
[ filler . float ( ) , key_padding_mask . float ( ) ] , axis = 1
else :
new_key_padding_mask = key_padding_mask . float ( )
else :
new_key_padding_mask = prev_key_padding_mask
return new_key_padding_mask
def _get_input_buffer (
self , incremental_state : Optional [ Dict [ str , Dict [ str , Optional [ Tensor ] ] ] ]
) - > Dict [ str , Optional [ Tensor ] ] :
result = self . get_incremental_state ( incremental_state , " attn_state " )
if result is not None :
return result
else :
empty_result : Dict [ str , Optional [ Tensor ] ] = { }
return empty_result
def _set_input_buffer (
self ,
incremental_state : Dict [ str , Dict [ str , Optional [ Tensor ] ] ] ,
buffer : Dict [ str , Optional [ Tensor ] ] ,
) :
return self . set_incremental_state ( incremental_state , " attn_state " , buffer )
def apply_sparse_mask ( self , attn_weights , tgt_len : int , src_len : int , bsz : int ) :
return attn_weights