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Mac Developer Deployment Guide for OpenIM


This guide aims to assist Mac-based developers in contributing effectively to OpenIM. It covers the setup of a development environment tailored for Mac, including the use of GitHub for development workflow and devcontainer for a consistent development experience.

Before contributing to OpenIM through issues and pull requests, make sure you are familiar with GitHub and the pull request workflow.


System Requirements

  • macOS (latest stable version recommended)
  • Internet connection
  • Administrator access

Knowledge Requirements

  • Basic understanding of Git and GitHub
  • Familiarity with Docker and containerization
  • Experience with Go programming language

Setting up the Development Environment

Installing Homebrew

Homebrew is an essential package manager for macOS. Install it using:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Installing and Configuring Git

  1. Install Git:

    brew install git
  2. Configure Git with your user details:

    git config --global "Your Name"
    git config --global ""

Forking and Cloning the Repository

  1. Fork the OpenIM repository on GitHub to your account.

  2. Clone your fork to your local machine:

    git clone<your-username>/open-im-server.git
    # The Docker bridging network mode for Mac is slightly different and needs to be set:
    # Set OpenIM IP
    export OPENIM_IP=<your-ip>
    # Init Config
    make init
    # Start Components
    docker compose up -d
    # Start OpenIM Server
    make start

Setting Up the Devcontainer

Devcontainers provide a Docker-based isolated development environment.

Read in the .devcontainer directory of the project to learn more about the devcontainer.

To set it up:

  1. Install Docker Desktop for Mac from Docker Hub.
  2. Install Visual Studio Code and the Remote - Containers extension.
  3. Open the cloned OpenIM repository in VS Code.
  4. VS Code will prompt to reopen the project in a container. Accept this to set up the environment automatically.

Installing Go and Dependencies

Use Homebrew to install Go:

brew install go

Ensure the version of Go is compatible with the version required by OpenIM (refer to the main documentation for version requirements).

Additional Tools

Install other required tools like Docker, Vagrant, and necessary GNU utils as described in the main documentation.

GitHub Development Workflow

Creating a New Branch

For new features or fixes, create a new branch:

git checkout -b feat/your-feature-name

Making Changes and Committing

  1. Make your changes in the code.

  2. Stage your changes:

    git add .
  3. Commit with a meaningful message:

    git commit -m "Add a brief description of your changes"

Pushing Changes and Creating Pull Requests

  1. Push your branch to GitHub:

    git push origin feat/your-feature-name
  2. Go to your fork on GitHub and create a pull request to the main OpenIM repository.

Keeping Your Fork Updated

Regularly sync your fork with the main repository:

git fetch upstream
git checkout main
git rebase upstream/main

More read:

Testing and Quality Assurance

Run tests as described in the OpenIM documentation to ensure your changes do not break existing functionality.


This guide provides a comprehensive overview for Mac developers to set up and contribute to OpenIM. By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth and efficient development experience. Happy coding!