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# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
+ [](
## command
git-chglog --tag-filter-pattern 'v2.0.*' -o
## create next tag
git-chglog --next-tag 2.0.0 -o
git commit -am "release 2.0.0"
git tag 2.0.0
| Query | Description | Example |
| -------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | --------------------------- |
| `<old>..<new>` | Commit contained in `<new>` tags from `<old>`. | `$ git-chglog 1.0.0..2.0.0` |
| `<name>..` | Commit from the `<name>` to the latest tag. | `$ git-chglog 1.0.0..` |
| `..<name>` | Commit from the oldest tag to `<name>`. | `$ git-chglog ..2.0.0` |
| `<name>` | Commit contained in `<name>`. | `$ git-chglog 1.0.0` |
## Release version logs
+ [OpenIM CHANGELOG-V1.0](
+ [OpenIM CHANGELOG-V2.0](
+ [OpenIM CHANGELOG-V2.1](
+ [OpenIM CHANGELOG-V2.2](
+ [OpenIM CHANGELOG-V2.3](
+ [OpenIM CHANGELOG-V2.9](
+ [OpenIM CHANGELOG-V3.0](