custom-notsigned-prcomment:'💕 Thank you for your contribution and please kindly read and sign our [🎯]( <br> '
custom-notsigned-prcomment:'💕 Thank you for your contribution and please kindly read and sign our [🎯]( <br> If you wish to sign the CRA, **Please copy and comment on the following sentence:**'
custom-pr-sign-comment:'I have read the CLA Document and I hereby sign the CLA'
custom-pr-sign-comment:'I have read the CLA Document and I hereby sign the CLA'
custom-allsigned-prcomment:'🤖 All Contributors have signed the [${{ }} CLA](<br> The signed information is recorded [🤖here](${{ env.OPEN_IM_SERVER_ALLOWLIST }}/cla.json)'
custom-allsigned-prcomment:'🤖 All Contributors have signed the [${{ }} CLA](<br> The signed information is recorded [🤖here](${{ }}/cla.json)'
# lock-pullrequest-aftermerge: false - if you don't want this bot to automatically lock the pull request after merging (default - true)
# lock-pullrequest-aftermerge: false - if you don't want this bot to automatically lock the pull request after merging (default - true)
# use-dco-flag: true - If you are using DCO instead of CLA
# use-dco-flag: true - If you are using DCO instead of CLA