@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
package messageCMS
import (
errors "Open_IM/pkg/common/http"
imdb "Open_IM/pkg/common/db/mysql_model/im_mysql_model"
pbMessageCMS "Open_IM/pkg/proto/message_cms"
open_im_sdk "Open_IM/pkg/proto/sdk_ws"
type messageCMSServer struct {
rpcPort int
rpcRegisterName string
etcdSchema string
etcdAddr []string
func NewMessageCMSServer(port int) *messageCMSServer {
return &messageCMSServer{
rpcPort: port,
rpcRegisterName: config.Config.RpcRegisterName.OpenImMessageCMSName,
etcdSchema: config.Config.Etcd.EtcdSchema,
etcdAddr: config.Config.Etcd.EtcdAddr,
func (s *messageCMSServer) Run() {
log.NewInfo("0", "messageCMS rpc start ")
listenIP := ""
if config.Config.ListenIP == "" {
listenIP = ""
} else {
listenIP = config.Config.ListenIP
address := listenIP + ":" + strconv.Itoa(s.rpcPort)
//listener network
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", address)
if err != nil {
panic("listening err:" + err.Error() + s.rpcRegisterName)
log.NewInfo("0", "listen network success, ", address, listener)
defer listener.Close()
//grpc server
srv := grpc.NewServer()
defer srv.GracefulStop()
//Service registers with etcd
pbMessageCMS.RegisterMessageCMSServer(srv, s)
rpcRegisterIP := config.Config.RpcRegisterIP
if config.Config.RpcRegisterIP == "" {
rpcRegisterIP, err = utils.GetLocalIP()
if err != nil {
log.Error("", "GetLocalIP failed ", err.Error())
log.NewInfo("", "rpcRegisterIP", rpcRegisterIP)
err = getcdv3.RegisterEtcd(s.etcdSchema, strings.Join(s.etcdAddr, ","), rpcRegisterIP, s.rpcPort, s.rpcRegisterName, 10)
if err != nil {
log.NewError("0", "RegisterEtcd failed ", err.Error())
panic(utils.Wrap(err, "register message_cms module rpc to etcd err"))
err = srv.Serve(listener)
if err != nil {
log.NewError("0", "Serve failed ", err.Error())
log.NewInfo("0", "message cms rpc success")
func (s *messageCMSServer) BoradcastMessage(_ context.Context, req *pbMessageCMS.BoradcastMessageReq) (*pbMessageCMS.BoradcastMessageResp, error) {
log.NewInfo(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "BoradcastMessage", req.String())
resp := &pbMessageCMS.BoradcastMessageResp{}
return resp, errors.WrapError(constant.ErrDB)
func (s *messageCMSServer) GetChatLogs(_ context.Context, req *pbMessageCMS.GetChatLogsReq) (*pbMessageCMS.GetChatLogsResp, error) {
log.NewInfo(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "GetChatLogs", req.String())
resp := &pbMessageCMS.GetChatLogsResp{}
time, err := utils.TimeStringToTime(req.Date)
if err != nil {
log.NewError(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "time string parse error", err.Error())
chatLog := db.ChatLog{
Content: req.Content,
SendTime: time,
ContentType: req.ContentType,
SessionType: req.SessionType,
switch chatLog.SessionType {
case constant.SingleChatType:
chatLog.SendID = req.UserId
case constant.GroupChatType:
chatLog.RecvID = req.GroupId
chatLog.SendID = req.UserId
log.NewDebug(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "chat_log: ", chatLog)
nums, err := imdb.GetChatLogCount(chatLog)
resp.ChatLogsNum = int32(nums)
if err != nil {
log.NewError(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "GetChatLogCount", err.Error())
chatLogs, err := imdb.GetChatLog(chatLog, req.Pagination.PageNumber, req.Pagination.ShowNumber)
if err != nil {
log.NewError(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "GetChatLog", err.Error())
return resp, errors.WrapError(constant.ErrDB)
for _, chatLog := range chatLogs {
pbChatLog := &pbMessageCMS.ChatLogs{
SessionType: chatLog.SessionType,
ContentType: chatLog.ContentType,
SearchContent: req.Content,
WholeContent: chatLog.Content,
Date: chatLog.CreateTime.String(),
SenderNickName: chatLog.SenderNickname,
SenderId: chatLog.SendID,
if chatLog.SenderNickname == "" {
sendUser, err := imdb.GetUserByUserID(chatLog.SendID)
if err != nil {
log.NewError(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "GetUserByUserID failed", err.Error())
pbChatLog.SenderNickName = sendUser.Nickname
switch chatLog.SessionType {
case constant.SingleChatType:
recvUser, err := imdb.GetUserByUserID(chatLog.RecvID)
if err != nil {
log.NewError(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "GetUserByUserID failed", err.Error())
pbChatLog.ReciverId = recvUser.UserID
pbChatLog.ReciverNickName = recvUser.Nickname
case constant.GroupChatType:
group, err := imdb.GetGroupInfoByGroupID(chatLog.RecvID)
if err != nil {
log.NewError(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "GetGroupById failed")
pbChatLog.GroupId = group.GroupID
pbChatLog.GroupName = group.GroupName
resp.ChatLogs = append(resp.ChatLogs, pbChatLog)
resp.Pagination = &open_im_sdk.ResponsePagination{
CurrentPage: req.Pagination.PageNumber,
ShowNumber: req.Pagination.ShowNumber,
log.NewInfo(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "resp output: ", resp.String())
return resp, nil
func (s *messageCMSServer) MassSendMessage(_ context.Context, req *pbMessageCMS.MassSendMessageReq) (*pbMessageCMS.MassSendMessageResp, error) {
log.NewInfo(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "MassSendMessage", req.String())
resp := &pbMessageCMS.MassSendMessageResp{}
return resp, nil
func (s *messageCMSServer) WithdrawMessage(_ context.Context, req *pbMessageCMS.WithdrawMessageReq) (*pbMessageCMS.WithdrawMessageResp, error) {
log.NewInfo(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "WithdrawMessage", req.String())
resp := &pbMessageCMS.WithdrawMessageResp{}
return resp, nil
@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
package statistics
import (
imdb "Open_IM/pkg/common/db/mysql_model/im_mysql_model"
//cp "Open_IM/pkg/common/utils"
pbStatistics "Open_IM/pkg/proto/statistics"
//open_im_sdk "Open_IM/pkg/proto/sdk_ws"
errors "Open_IM/pkg/common/http"
type statisticsServer struct {
rpcPort int
rpcRegisterName string
etcdSchema string
etcdAddr []string
func NewStatisticsServer(port int) *statisticsServer {
return &statisticsServer{
rpcPort: port,
rpcRegisterName: config.Config.RpcRegisterName.OpenImStatisticsName,
etcdSchema: config.Config.Etcd.EtcdSchema,
etcdAddr: config.Config.Etcd.EtcdAddr,
func (s *statisticsServer) Run() {
log.NewInfo("0", "Statistics rpc start ")
listenIP := ""
if config.Config.ListenIP == "" {
listenIP = ""
} else {
listenIP = config.Config.ListenIP
address := listenIP + ":" + strconv.Itoa(s.rpcPort)
//listener network
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", address)
if err != nil {
panic("listening err:" + err.Error() + s.rpcRegisterName)
log.NewInfo("0", "listen network success, ", address, listener)
defer listener.Close()
//grpc server
srv := grpc.NewServer()
defer srv.GracefulStop()
//Service registers with etcd
pbStatistics.RegisterUserServer(srv, s)
rpcRegisterIP := config.Config.RpcRegisterIP
if config.Config.RpcRegisterIP == "" {
rpcRegisterIP, err = utils.GetLocalIP()
if err != nil {
log.Error("", "GetLocalIP failed ", err.Error())
err = getcdv3.RegisterEtcd(s.etcdSchema, strings.Join(s.etcdAddr, ","), rpcRegisterIP, s.rpcPort, s.rpcRegisterName, 10)
if err != nil {
log.NewError("0", "RegisterEtcd failed ", err.Error())
panic(utils.Wrap(err, "register statistics module rpc to etcd err"))
err = srv.Serve(listener)
if err != nil {
log.NewError("0", "Serve failed ", err.Error())
log.NewInfo("0", "statistics rpc success")
func (s *statisticsServer) GetActiveGroup(_ context.Context, req *pbStatistics.GetActiveGroupReq) (*pbStatistics.GetActiveGroupResp, error) {
log.NewInfo(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "req", req.String())
resp := &pbStatistics.GetActiveGroupResp{}
fromTime, toTime, err := ParseTimeFromTo(req.StatisticsReq.From, req.StatisticsReq.To)
if err != nil {
log.NewError(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "ParseTimeFromTo failed", err.Error())
return resp, errors.WrapError(constant.ErrArgs)
log.NewDebug(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "time: ", fromTime, toTime)
activeGroups, err := imdb.GetActiveGroups(fromTime, toTime, 12)
if err != nil {
log.NewError(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "GetActiveGroups failed", err.Error())
return resp, errors.WrapError(constant.ErrDB)
for _, activeGroup := range activeGroups {
resp.Groups = append(resp.Groups,
GroupName: activeGroup.Name,
GroupId: activeGroup.Id,
MessageNum: int32(activeGroup.MessageNum),
log.NewInfo(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), resp.String())
return resp, nil
func (s *statisticsServer) GetActiveUser(_ context.Context, req *pbStatistics.GetActiveUserReq) (*pbStatistics.GetActiveUserResp, error) {
log.NewInfo(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), req.String())
resp := &pbStatistics.GetActiveUserResp{}
fromTime, toTime, err := ParseTimeFromTo(req.StatisticsReq.From, req.StatisticsReq.To)
if err != nil {
log.NewError(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "ParseTimeFromTo failed", err.Error())
return resp, errors.WrapError(constant.ErrDB)
log.NewDebug(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "time: ", fromTime, toTime)
activeUsers, err := imdb.GetActiveUsers(fromTime, toTime, 12)
if err != nil {
log.NewError(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "GetActiveUsers failed", err.Error())
return resp, errors.WrapError(constant.ErrDB)
for _, activeUser := range activeUsers {
resp.Users = append(resp.Users,
UserId: activeUser.Id,
NickName: activeUser.Name,
MessageNum: int32(activeUser.MessageNum),
log.NewInfo(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), resp.String())
return resp, nil
func ParseTimeFromTo(from, to string) (time.Time, time.Time, error) {
var fromTime time.Time
var toTime time.Time
fromTime, err := utils.TimeStringToTime(from)
if err != nil {
return fromTime, toTime, err
toTime, err = utils.TimeStringToTime(to)
if err != nil {
return fromTime, toTime, err
return fromTime, toTime, nil
func isInOneMonth(from, to time.Time) bool {
return from.Month() == to.Month() && from.Year() == to.Year()
func GetRangeDate(from, to time.Time) [][2]time.Time {
interval := to.Sub(from)
var times [][2]time.Time
switch {
// today
case interval == 0:
times = append(times, [2]time.Time{
from, from.Add(time.Hour * 24),
// days
case isInOneMonth(from, to):
for i := 0; ; i++ {
fromTime := from.Add(time.Hour * 24 * time.Duration(i))
toTime := from.Add(time.Hour * 24 * time.Duration(i+1))
if toTime.After(to.Add(time.Hour * 24)) {
times = append(times, [2]time.Time{
fromTime, toTime,
// month
case !isInOneMonth(from, to):
if to.Sub(from) < time.Hour*24*30 {
for i := 0; ; i++ {
fromTime := from.Add(time.Hour * 24 * time.Duration(i))
toTime := from.Add(time.Hour * 24 * time.Duration(i+1))
if toTime.After(to.Add(time.Hour * 24)) {
times = append(times, [2]time.Time{
fromTime, toTime,
} else {
for i := 0; ; i++ {
if i == 0 {
fromTime := from
toTime := getFirstDateOfNextNMonth(fromTime, 1)
times = append(times, [2]time.Time{
fromTime, toTime,
} else {
fromTime := getFirstDateOfNextNMonth(from, i)
toTime := getFirstDateOfNextNMonth(fromTime, 1)
if toTime.After(to) {
toTime = to
times = append(times, [2]time.Time{
fromTime, toTime,
times = append(times, [2]time.Time{
fromTime, toTime,
return times
func getFirstDateOfNextNMonth(currentTime time.Time, n int) time.Time {
lastOfMonth := time.Date(currentTime.Year(), currentTime.Month(), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, currentTime.Location()).AddDate(0, n, 0)
return lastOfMonth
func (s *statisticsServer) GetGroupStatistics(_ context.Context, req *pbStatistics.GetGroupStatisticsReq) (*pbStatistics.GetGroupStatisticsResp, error) {
log.NewInfo(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), req.String())
resp := &pbStatistics.GetGroupStatisticsResp{}
fromTime, toTime, err := ParseTimeFromTo(req.StatisticsReq.From, req.StatisticsReq.To)
if err != nil {
log.NewError(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "GetGroupStatistics failed", err.Error())
return resp, errors.WrapError(constant.ErrArgs)
increaseGroupNum, err := imdb.GetIncreaseGroupNum(fromTime, toTime.Add(time.Hour*24))
if err != nil {
log.NewError(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "GetIncreaseGroupNum failed", err.Error(), fromTime, toTime)
return resp, errors.WrapError(constant.ErrDB)
totalGroupNum, err := imdb.GetTotalGroupNum()
if err != nil {
log.NewError(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), err.Error())
return resp, errors.WrapError(constant.ErrDB)
resp.IncreaseGroupNum = increaseGroupNum
resp.TotalGroupNum = totalGroupNum
times := GetRangeDate(fromTime, toTime)
log.NewDebug(req.OperationID, "times:", times)
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
resp.IncreaseGroupNumList = make([]*pbStatistics.DateNumList, len(times), len(times))
resp.TotalGroupNumList = make([]*pbStatistics.DateNumList, len(times), len(times))
for i, v := range times {
go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup, index int, v [2]time.Time) {
defer wg.Done()
num, err := imdb.GetIncreaseGroupNum(v[0], v[1])
if err != nil {
log.NewError(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "GetIncreaseGroupNum", v, err.Error())
resp.IncreaseGroupNumList[index] = &pbStatistics.DateNumList{
Date: v[0].String(),
Num: num,
num, err = imdb.GetGroupNum(v[1])
if err != nil {
log.NewError(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "GetIncreaseGroupNum", v, err.Error())
resp.TotalGroupNumList[index] = &pbStatistics.DateNumList{
Date: v[0].String(),
Num: num,
}(wg, i, v)
log.NewInfo(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "resp: ", resp)
return resp, nil
func (s *statisticsServer) GetMessageStatistics(_ context.Context, req *pbStatistics.GetMessageStatisticsReq) (*pbStatistics.GetMessageStatisticsResp, error) {
log.NewInfo(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), req.String())
resp := &pbStatistics.GetMessageStatisticsResp{}
fromTime, toTime, err := ParseTimeFromTo(req.StatisticsReq.From, req.StatisticsReq.To)
log.NewDebug(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "times: ", fromTime, toTime)
if err != nil {
log.NewError(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "ParseTimeFromTo failed", err.Error())
return resp, errors.WrapError(constant.ErrArgs)
privateMessageNum, err := imdb.GetPrivateMessageNum(fromTime, toTime.Add(time.Hour*24))
if err != nil {
log.NewError(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "GetPrivateMessageNum failed", err.Error())
return resp, errors.WrapError(constant.ErrDB)
groupMessageNum, err := imdb.GetGroupMessageNum(fromTime, toTime.Add(time.Hour*24))
if err != nil {
log.NewError(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "GetGroupMessageNum failed", err.Error())
return resp, errors.WrapError(constant.ErrDB)
log.NewDebug(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), privateMessageNum, groupMessageNum)
resp.PrivateMessageNum = privateMessageNum
resp.GroupMessageNum = groupMessageNum
times := GetRangeDate(fromTime, toTime)
resp.GroupMessageNumList = make([]*pbStatistics.DateNumList, len(times), len(times))
resp.PrivateMessageNumList = make([]*pbStatistics.DateNumList, len(times), len(times))
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
for i, v := range times {
go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup, index int, v [2]time.Time) {
defer wg.Done()
num, err := imdb.GetPrivateMessageNum(v[0], v[1])
if err != nil {
log.NewError(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "GetIncreaseGroupNum", v, err.Error())
resp.PrivateMessageNumList[index] = &pbStatistics.DateNumList{
Date: v[0].String(),
Num: num,
num, err = imdb.GetGroupMessageNum(v[0], v[1])
if err != nil {
log.NewError(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "GetIncreaseGroupNum", v, err.Error())
resp.GroupMessageNumList[index] = &pbStatistics.DateNumList{
Date: v[0].String(),
Num: num,
}(wg, i, v)
return resp, nil
func (s *statisticsServer) GetUserStatistics(_ context.Context, req *pbStatistics.GetUserStatisticsReq) (*pbStatistics.GetUserStatisticsResp, error) {
log.NewInfo(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "req: ", req.String())
resp := &pbStatistics.GetUserStatisticsResp{}
fromTime, toTime, err := ParseTimeFromTo(req.StatisticsReq.From, req.StatisticsReq.To)
if err != nil {
log.NewError(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "ParseTimeFromTo failed", err.Error())
return resp, errors.WrapError(constant.ErrArgs)
activeUserNum, err := imdb.GetActiveUserNum(fromTime, toTime.Add(time.Hour*24))
if err != nil {
log.NewError(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "GetActiveUserNum failed", err.Error())
return resp, errors.WrapError(constant.ErrDB)
increaseUserNum, err := imdb.GetIncreaseUserNum(fromTime, toTime.Add(time.Hour*24))
if err != nil {
log.NewError(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "GetIncreaseUserNum failed", err.Error())
return resp, errors.WrapError(constant.ErrDB)
totalUserNum, err := imdb.GetTotalUserNum()
if err != nil {
log.NewError(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "GetTotalUserNum failed", err.Error())
return resp, errors.WrapError(constant.ErrDB)
resp.ActiveUserNum = activeUserNum
resp.TotalUserNum = totalUserNum
resp.IncreaseUserNum = increaseUserNum
times := GetRangeDate(fromTime, toTime)
resp.TotalUserNumList = make([]*pbStatistics.DateNumList, len(times), len(times))
resp.ActiveUserNumList = make([]*pbStatistics.DateNumList, len(times), len(times))
resp.IncreaseUserNumList = make([]*pbStatistics.DateNumList, len(times), len(times))
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
for i, v := range times {
go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup, index int, v [2]time.Time) {
defer wg.Done()
num, err := imdb.GetActiveUserNum(v[0], v[1])
if err != nil {
log.NewError(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "GetIncreaseGroupNum", v, err.Error())
resp.ActiveUserNumList[index] = &pbStatistics.DateNumList{
Date: v[0].String(),
Num: num,
num, err = imdb.GetTotalUserNumByDate(v[1])
if err != nil {
log.NewError(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "GetTotalUserNumByDate", v, err.Error())
resp.TotalUserNumList[index] = &pbStatistics.DateNumList{
Date: v[0].String(),
Num: num,
num, err = imdb.GetIncreaseUserNum(v[0], v[1])
if err != nil {
log.NewError(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "GetIncreaseUserNum", v, err.Error())
resp.IncreaseUserNumList[index] = &pbStatistics.DateNumList{
Date: v[0].String(),
Num: num,
}(wg, i, v)
log.NewInfo(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "resp: ", resp)
return resp, nil
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
package http
import (
type BaseResp struct {
Code int32 `json:"code"`
ErrMsg string `json:"err_msg"`
Data interface{} `json:"data"`
func RespHttp200(ctx *gin.Context, err error, data interface{}) {
var resp BaseResp
switch e := err.(type) {
case constant.ErrInfo:
resp.Code = e.ErrCode
resp.ErrMsg = e.ErrMsg
s, ok := status.FromError(err)
if !ok {
fmt.Println("need grpc format error")
resp.Code = int32(s.Code())
resp.ErrMsg = s.Message()
resp.Data = data
ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, resp)
// warp error
func WrapError(err constant.ErrInfo) error {
return status.Error(codes.Code(err.ErrCode), err.ErrMsg)
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in new issue