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Machine Learning for Beginners - A Curriculum

🌍 Travel around the world as we explore Machine Learning by means of world cultures 🌍

Azure Cloud Advocates at Microsoft are pleased to offer a 12-week, 24-lesson curriculum all about Machine Learning. Travel with us around the world as we apply these techniques to data from many areas of the world. Each lesson includes pre- and post-lesson quizzes, written instructions to complete the lesson, a solution, an assignment and more. Our project-based pedagogy allows you to learn while building, a proven way for new skills to 'stick'.

Hearty thanks to our authors (list all authors here)

Teachers, we have included some suggestions on how to use this curriculum. If you would like to create your own lessons, we have also included a lesson template

Students, to use this curriculum on your own, fork the entire repo and complete the exercises on your own:

  • Start with a pre-lecture quiz
  • Read the lecture and complete the activities, pausing and reflecting at each knowledge check.
  • Try to create the projects by comprehending the lessons rather than copying the solution code; however that code is available in the /solutions folders in each project-oriented lesson.
  • Take the post-lecture quiz
  • Complete the challenge
  • Complete the assignment
  • Consider forming a study group with friends and go through the content together.
  • For further study, we recommend Microsoft Learn and by watching the videos mentioned below.

Future space for Promo Video Promo video

Click the image above for a video about the project and the folks who created it!


We have chosen two pedagogical tenets while building this curriculum: ensuring that it is project-based and that it includes frequent quizzes. In addition, this curriculum has a common theme to give it cohesion.

By ensuring that the content aligns with projects, the process is made more engaging for students and retention of concepts will be augmented. In addition, a low-stakes quiz before a class sets the intention of the student towards learning a topic, while a second quiz after class ensures further retention. This curriculum was designed to be flexible and fun and can be taken in whole or in part. The projects start small and become increasingly complex by the end of the 12 week cycle.

Find our Code of Conduct, Contributing, and Translation guidelines. We welcome your constructive feedback!

Each lesson includes:

  • optional sketchnote
  • optional supplemental video
  • pre-lesson warmup quiz
  • written lesson
  • for project-based lessons, step-by-step guides on how to build the project
  • knowledge checks
  • a challenge
  • supplemental reading
  • assignment
  • post-lesson quiz

A note about quizzes: All quizzes are contained [in this app](link a quiz app here), for 48 total quizzes of three questions each. They are linked from within the lessons but the quiz app can be run locally; follow the instruction in the quiz-app folder.

Project Name/Group Concepts Taught Learning Objectives Linked Lesson Written Lesson Sketchnote Assignment Starting Quiz Ending Quiz Video Author
01 Introduction Introduction to Machine Learning Learn the basic concepts behind Machine Learning link Author
02 Introduction The History of Machine Learning Learn the history underlying this field link Author
03 Introduction The Ethics of Machine Learning Learn the ethics that are important to understand when working in ML link Author
04 Tooling Tools of the Trade Get set up to become an ML Programmer link Author
05 Tooling Programming for Machine Learning Tasks Learn basic strategies for programming for ML, using Python and JavaScript link Author
06 Tooling Math Basics for ML Basic mathematics tasks useful for Machine Learning link Author
07 Tooling Algorithms of Interest Learn useful algorithms that you might use for various ML tasks link Author
08 Libraries TensorFlow Learn the basics of TensorFlow 2 link Author
09 Libraries PyTorch Learn how to use PyTorch link Author
10 Libraries Skikit-Learn Learn about Skikit-Learn link Author
11 Libraries Keras Learn how to use Keras link Author
12 Libraries Apache SparkML Learn how to use Spark ML link Author
13 Libraries NLTK Learn how to use NLTK for Natural Language Processinng link Author
14 Types of ML Supervised Learning 1 Learn about supervised learning link Author
15 Types of ML Supervised Learning 2 Learn about supervised learning link Author
16 Types of ML Unsupervised Learning 1 Learn about unsupervised learning link Author
17 Types of ML Unsupervised Learning 2 Learn about unsupervised learning link Author
18 Types of ML Reinforcement Learning 1 Learn about reinforcement learning link Author
19 Types of ML Reinforcement Learning 2 Learn about reinforcement learning link Author
20 Applied ML ML on Edge devices Learn how to use ML in on edge devices such as Raspberry Pi link Author
21 Applied ML ML on the Web Learn about using ML on the web and in Progressive Web Apps link Author
22 Applied ML ML for Mobile Learn about using ML in mobile apps link Author
23 Applied ML AutoML Learn about AutoML, sometimes called 'ML for ML' link Author
24 Future The Future of Machine Learning What are the important trends that will shape the future of ML? link Author

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