Using Matplotlib, plot the model's [Receiving Operating Characteristic]( or ROC. ROC curves are often used to get a view of the output of a classifier in terms of its true vs. false positives. "ROC curves typically feature true positive rate on the Y axis, and false positive rate on the X axis." Thus, the steepness of the curve and the space between the midpoint line and the curve matter: you want a curve that quickly heads up and over the line. In our case, there are false positives to start with, and then the line heads up and over properly:
Using Matplotlib, plot the model's [Receiving Operating Characteristic]( or ROC. ROC curves are often used to get a view of the output of a classifier in terms of its true vs. false positives. "ROC curves typically feature true positive rate on the Y axis, and false positive rate on the X axis." Thus, the steepness of the curve and the space between the midpoint line and the curve matter: you want a curve that quickly heads up and over the line. In our case, there are false positives to start with, and then the line heads up and over properly:
Finally, use Scikit-learn's [`roc_auc_score` API]( to compute the actual 'Area Under the Curve' (AUC):
Finally, use Scikit-learn's [`roc_auc_score` API]( to compute the actual 'Area Under the Curve' (AUC):