scale_color_viridis_d(option = "cividis", end = .8) +
labs(y = "Variety", fill = "Color") +
theme(legend.position = "none")
Amazing🤩! For some of the features, there's a noticeable difference in the distribution for each color label. For instance, it seems the white pumpkins can be found in smaller packages and in some particular varieties of pumpkins. The *item_size* category also seems to make a difference in the color distribution. These features may help predict the color of a pumpkin.
Amazing🤩! For some of the features, there's a noticeable difference in the distribution for each color label. For instance, it seems the white pumpkins can be found in smaller packages and in some particular varieties of pumpkins. The *item_size* category also seems to make a difference in the color distribution. These features may help predict the color of a pumpkin.
@ -227,19 +227,10 @@ baked_pumpkins %>%
```{r cat plot pumpkins-colors-variety}
Now that we have an idea of the relationship between the binary categories of color and the larger group of sizes, let's explore logistic regression to determine a given pumpkin's likely color.
# Specify colors for each value of the hue variable
palette <- c(ORANGE = "orange", WHITE = "wheat")
# Create the bar plot
ggplot(pumpkins, aes(y = Variety, fill = Color)) +
geom_bar(position = "dodge") +
scale_fill_manual(values = palette) +
labs(y = "Variety", fill = "Color") +
Now that we have an idea of the relationship between the binary categories of color and the larger group of sizes, let's explore logistic regression to determine a given pumpkin's likely color.
### **Analysing relationships between features and label**