@ -1771,6 +1771,7 @@ public class StyleHelper {
for (InsertedSpan span : text.getSpans(0, text.length(), InsertedSpan.class))
for (InsertedSpan span : text.getSpans(0, text.length(), InsertedSpan.class))
if (start >= 0 && start < end && end <= text.length()) {
if (start >= 0 && start < end && end <= text.length()) {
if (start == 0) {
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Invalid Context Range: 0, 1 must be in 0, 0
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Invalid Context Range: 0, 1 must be in 0, 0
at android.graphics.Paint.getRunCharacterAdvance(Paint.java:3541)
at android.graphics.Paint.getRunCharacterAdvance(Paint.java:3541)
@ -1797,9 +1798,9 @@ public class StyleHelper {
at android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run(Choreographer.java:1389)
at android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run(Choreographer.java:1389)
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:959)
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:959)
Pair<Integer, Integer> range = ensureParagraph(text, start, end);
if (range != null)
text.setSpan(new InsertedSpan(), range.first, range.second, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
text.setSpan(new InsertedSpan(), start, end, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);