* Automatically go to the next message on deleting a message: since the 'next' message can either be an older or a newer message this would be confusing. You can disable auto closing in the advanced options and use the bottom navigation bar instead.
* Automatically go to the next message on deleting a message: since the 'next' message can either be an older or a newer message this would be confusing. You can disable auto closing in the advanced options and use the bottom navigation bar instead.
* Rich text editor: besides that very few people would use this on a small mobile device, Android doesn't support a rich text editor and most rich text editor open source projects are abandoned.
* Rich text editor: besides that very few people would use this on a small mobile device, Android doesn't support a rich text editor and most rich text editor open source projects are abandoned.
* Widget to read e-mail: widgets can have limited user interaction only, so a widget to read e-mail would not be very useful. Moreover, it would be not very useful to duplicate functions which are already available in the app.
* Widget to read e-mail: widgets can have limited user interaction only, so a widget to read e-mail would not be very useful. Moreover, it would be not very useful to duplicate functions which are already available in the app.
* Calendar events: opening the attached calendar file should open the related calendar app.
* Executing filter rules: filter rules should be executed on the server because a battery powered device with possibly an unstable internet connection is not suitable for this.
* Executing filter rules: filter rules should be executed on the server because a battery powered device with possibly an unstable internet connection is not suitable for this.
* Badge count: there is no standard Android API for this and third party solutions might stop working anytime. For example *ShortcutBadger* [has lots of problems](https://github.com/leolin310148/ShortcutBadger/issues). You can use the provided widget instead.
* Badge count: there is no standard Android API for this and third party solutions might stop working anytime. For example *ShortcutBadger* [has lots of problems](https://github.com/leolin310148/ShortcutBadger/issues). You can use the provided widget instead.
* Switch language: although it is possible to change the language of an app, Android is not designed for this. Better fix the translation in your language if needed, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq26) about how to.
* Switch language: although it is possible to change the language of an app, Android is not designed for this. Better fix the translation in your language if needed, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq26) about how to.