@ -339,8 +339,8 @@ public class FragmentCompose extends FragmentEx {
result.putLong("iid" , msg.identity);
if (msg.replying != null)
result.putLong("rid" , msg.replying);
result.putString("cc" , msg.cc);
result.putString("bcc" , msg.bcc);
result.putSerializable("cc" , msg.cc);
result.putSerializable("bcc" , msg.bcc);
result.putString("thread" , msg.thread);
result.putString("subject" , msg.subject);
result.putString("body" , msg.body);
@ -348,50 +348,37 @@ public class FragmentCompose extends FragmentEx {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(action)) {
if (msg != null) {
result.putString("from" , msg.from);
result.putString("to" , msg.to);
result.putSerializable("from" , msg.from);
result.putSerializable("to" , msg.to);
} else if ("reply".equals(action)) {
String to = null;
Address[] to = null;
if (msg != null)
try {
Address[] reply = MessageHelper.decodeAddresses(msg.reply);
to = (reply.length == 0 ? msg.from : msg.reply);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
Log.e(Helper.TAG, ex + "\n" + Log.getStackTraceString(ex));
to = (msg.reply == null || msg.reply.length == 0 ? msg.from : msg.reply);
result.putLong("rid" , msg.id);
result.putString("from" , msg.to);
result.putString("to" , to);
result.putSerializable("from" , msg.to);
result.putSerializable("to" , to);
} else if ("reply_all".equals(action)) {
String to = null;
Address[] to = null;
if (msg != null) {
try {
Address[] from = MessageHelper.decodeAddresses(msg.from);
Address[] reply = MessageHelper.decodeAddresses(msg.reply);
Address[] cc = MessageHelper.decodeAddresses(msg.cc);
List<Address> addresses = new ArrayList<>();
addresses.addAll(Arrays.asList(reply.length == 0 ? from : reply));
to = MessageHelper.encodeAddresses(addresses.toArray(new Address[0]));
} catch (Throwable ex) {
Log.e(Helper.TAG, ex + "\n" + Log.getStackTraceString(ex));
if (msg.reply != null)
else if (msg.from != null)
if (msg.cc != null)
to = addresses.toArray(new Address[0]);
result.putLong("rid" , msg.id);
result.putString("from" , msg.to);
result.putString("to" , to);
result.putSerializable("from" , msg.to);
result.putSerializable("to" , to);
} else if ("forward".equals(action)) {
String to = null;
Address[] to = null;
if (msg != null)
try {
Address[] reply = MessageHelper.decodeAddresses(msg.reply);
to = (reply.length == 0 ? msg.from : msg.reply);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
Log.e(Helper.TAG, ex + "\n" + Log.getStackTraceString(ex));
result.putString("from" , msg.to);
result.putString("to" , to);
to = (msg.reply == null || msg.reply.length == 0 ? msg.from : msg.reply);
result.putSerializable("from" , msg.to);
result.putSerializable("to" , to);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
Log.e(Helper.TAG, ex + "\n" + Log.getStackTraceString(ex));
@ -416,10 +403,10 @@ public class FragmentCompose extends FragmentEx {
long iid = result.getLong("iid" , -1);
long rid = result.getLong("rid" , -1);
String thread = result.getString("thread");
String from = result.getString("from");
String to = result.getString("to");
String cc = result.getString("cc");
String bcc = result.getString("bcc");
Address[] from = (Address[]) result.getSerializable("from");
Address[] to = (Address[]) result.getSerializable("to");
Address[] cc = (Address[]) result.getSerializable("cc");
Address[] bcc = (Address[]) result.getSerializable("bcc");
String subject = result.getString("subject");
String body = result.getString("body");
String action = result.getString("action");
@ -433,10 +420,11 @@ public class FragmentCompose extends FragmentEx {
ArrayAdapter adapter = (ArrayAdapter) spFrom.getAdapter();
if (adapter != null) {
InternetAddress[] afrom = MessageHelper.decodeAddresses(from);
for (int pos = 0; pos < adapter.getCount(); pos++) {
EntityIdentity identity = (EntityIdentity) adapter.getItem(pos);
if (iid < 0 ? afrom.length > 0 && afrom[0].getAddress().equals(identity.email) : iid == identity.id) {
if (iid < 0
? from != null && from.length > 0 && ((InternetAddress) from[0]).getAddress().equals(identity.email)
: iid == identity.id) {
@ -449,11 +437,11 @@ public class FragmentCompose extends FragmentEx {
Handler handler = new Handler();
etCc.setText(TextUtils.join(", " , MessageHelper.decodeAddresses(cc)));
etBcc.setText(TextUtils.join(", " , MessageHelper.decodeAddresses(bcc)));
etCc.setText(cc == null ? null : TextUtils.join(", " , cc));
etBcc.setText(bcc == null ? null : TextUtils.join(", " , bcc));
if (action == null) {
etTo.setText(TextUtils.join(", " , MessageHelper.decodeAddresses(to)));
etTo.setText(to == null ? null : TextUtils.join(", " , to));
if (body != null)
etBody.setText(Html.fromHtml(HtmlHelper.sanitize(getContext(), body, false)));
@ -464,10 +452,10 @@ public class FragmentCompose extends FragmentEx {
} else if ("reply".equals(action) || "reply_all".equals(action)) {
etTo.setText(TextUtils.join(", " , MessageHelper.decodeAddresses(to)));
etTo.setText(to == null ? null : TextUtils.join(", " , to));
String text = String.format("<br><br>%s %s:<br><br>%s" ,
Html.escapeHtml(new Date().toString()),
Html.escapeHtml(TextUtils.join(", " , MessageHelper.decodeAddresses(to))),
Html.escapeHtml(to == null ? "" : TextUtils.join(", " , to)),
HtmlHelper.sanitize(getContext(), body, true));
etSubject.setText(getContext().getString(R.string.title_subject_reply, subject));
@ -480,7 +468,7 @@ public class FragmentCompose extends FragmentEx {
} else if ("forward".equals(action)) {
String text = String.format("<br><br>%s %s:<br><br>%s" ,
Html.escapeHtml(new Date().toString()),
Html.escapeHtml(TextUtils.join(", " , MessageHelper.decodeAddresses(to))),
Html.escapeHtml(to == null ? "" : TextUtils.join(", " , to)),
HtmlHelper.sanitize(getContext(), body, true));
etSubject.setText(getContext().getString(R.string.title_subject_forward, subject));
@ -539,7 +527,7 @@ public class FragmentCompose extends FragmentEx {
String body = args.getString("body");
String subject = args.getString("subject");
Address afrom = (ident == null ? null : new InternetAddress(ident.email, ident.name));
Address afrom[] = (ident == null ? null : new Address[]{new InternetAddress(ident.email, ident.name)});
Address ato[] = (TextUtils.isEmpty(to) ? null : InternetAddress.parse(to));
Address acc[] = (TextUtils.isEmpty(cc) ? null : InternetAddress.parse(cc));
Address abcc[] = (TextUtils.isEmpty(bcc) ? null : InternetAddress.parse(bcc));
@ -553,10 +541,10 @@ public class FragmentCompose extends FragmentEx {
draft.identity = (ident == null ? null : ident.id);
draft.replying = (rid < 0 ? null : rid);
draft.thread = thread;
draft.from = MessageHelper.encodeAddresses(new Address[]{afrom});
draft.to = MessageHelper.encodeAddresses(ato);
draft.cc = MessageHelper.encodeAddresses(acc);
draft.bcc = MessageHelper.encodeAddresses(abcc);
draft.from = afrom;
draft.to = ato;
draft.cc = acc;
draft.bcc = abcc;
draft.subject = subject;
draft.body = "<pre>" + body.replaceAll("\\r?\\n" , "<br />") + "</pre>";
draft.received = new Date().getTime();