@ -333,6 +333,7 @@ Fonts, sizes, colors, etc should be material design whenever possible.
* [(176) When will a message be considered safely transported?](#user-content-faq176)
* [(176) When will a message be considered safely transported?](#user-content-faq176)
* [(177) What does 'Sensitivity' mean?](#user-content-faq177)
* [(177) What does 'Sensitivity' mean?](#user-content-faq177)
* [(178) Why are widgets not updating?](#user-content-faq178)
* [(178) Why are widgets not updating?](#user-content-faq178)
* [(179) What are reply templates?](#user-content-faq179)
[I have another question.](#user-content-get-support)
[I have another question.](#user-content-get-support)
@ -4608,6 +4609,24 @@ Please see [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywQrYJ6rtnM) about how t
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<a name="faq179"></a>
**(179) What are reply templates?**
Reply templates are predefined answer texts.
You can reply with a template, insert a template via the three-dots overflow menu in the message editor,
and long press on an open space to insert a snippet (the latter requires Android 6 Marshmallow or later).
Templates can have the following options:
* *Default*: template to use when writing a new message
* *Use as read receipt*: template to use instead of the default read receipt text
* *Favorite*: template will be added in the main reply popup menu
* *Snippet*: template will be used as text fragment (since version 1.1857)
* *Hide from menus*: template will be hidden (disabled)
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<h2><a name="get-support"></a>Get support</h2>
<h2><a name="get-support"></a>Get support</h2>
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