@ -52,10 +52,11 @@ public interface DaoFolder {
@Query("SELECT folder.* FROM folder" +
" JOIN account ON account.id = folder.account" +
" WHERE ((:folder IS NULL AND unified) OR (NOT :folder is NULL AND folder.id = :folder))" +
" AND folder.synchronize" +
" AND :search" +
" OR (folder.synchronize" +
" AND account.synchronize" +
" AND (NOT :browse OR account.browse)")
List<EntityFolder> getFolders(Long folder, boolean browse);
" AND account.browse)")
List<EntityFolder> getFolders(Long folder, boolean search);
@Query("SELECT folder.*, account.name AS accountName, account.color AS accountColor, account.state AS accountState" +
", COUNT(message.id) AS messages" +