@ -2484,302 +2484,304 @@ public class FragmentCompose extends FragmentBase {
Log.i("Load action id=" + draft.id + " action=" + getActionName(action));
// Move draft to new account
if (draft.account != aid && aid >= 0) {
Log.i("Account changed");
Long uid = draft.uid;
String msgid = draft.msgid;
boolean content = draft.content;
long ui_hide = draft.ui_hide;
// To prevent violating constraints
draft.uid = null;
draft.msgid = null;
// Create copy to delete
draft.id = null;
draft.uid = uid;
draft.msgid = msgid;
draft.content = false;
draft.ui_hide = new Date().getTime();
draft.id = db.message().insertMessage(draft);
EntityOperation.queue(context, draft, EntityOperation.DELETE);
if (action == R.id.action_delete) {
EntityFolder trash = db.folder().getFolderByType(draft.account, EntityFolder.TRASH);
if (empty || trash == null)
EntityOperation.queue(context, draft, EntityOperation.DELETE);
EntityOperation.queue(context, draft, EntityOperation.MOVE, trash.id);
// Restore original with new account, no uid and new msgid
draft.id = id;
draft.account = aid;
draft.folder = db.folder().getFolderByType(aid, EntityFolder.DRAFTS).id;
draft.uid = null;
draft.msgid = EntityMessage.generateMessageId();
draft.content = content;
draft.ui_hide = ui_hide;
if (!empty) {
Handler handler = new Handler(context.getMainLooper());
handler.post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
ToastEx.makeText(context, R.string.title_draft_deleted, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
}else {
// Move draft to new account
if (draft.account != aid && aid >= 0) {
Log.i("Account changed");
Long uid = draft.uid;
String msgid = draft.msgid;
boolean content = draft.content;
long ui_hide = draft.ui_hide;
// To prevent violating constraints
draft.uid = null;
draft.msgid = null;
// Create copy to delete
draft.id = null;
draft.uid = uid;
draft.msgid = msgid;
draft.content = false;
draft.ui_hide = new Date().getTime();
draft.id = db.message().insertMessage(draft);
EntityOperation.queue(context, draft, EntityOperation.DELETE);
if (content)
EntityOperation.queue(context, draft, EntityOperation.ADD);
// Restore original with new account, no uid and new msgid
draft.id = id;
draft.account = aid;
draft.folder = db.folder().getFolderByType(aid, EntityFolder.DRAFTS).id;
draft.uid = null;
draft.msgid = EntityMessage.generateMessageId();
draft.content = content;
draft.ui_hide = ui_hide;
if (content)
EntityOperation.queue(context, draft, EntityOperation.ADD);
Map<String, String> crumb = new HashMap<>();
crumb.put("draft", draft.folder + ":" + draft.id);
crumb.put("content", Boolean.toString(draft.content));
crumb.put("file", Boolean.toString(draft.getFile(context).exists()));
crumb.put("action", getActionName(action));
Log.breadcrumb("compose", crumb);
Map<String, String> crumb = new HashMap<>();
crumb.put("draft", draft.folder + ":" + draft.id);
crumb.put("content", Boolean.toString(draft.content));
crumb.put("file", Boolean.toString(draft.getFile(context).exists()));
crumb.put("action", getActionName(action));
Log.breadcrumb("compose", crumb);
List<EntityAttachment> attachments = db.attachment().getAttachments(draft.id);
List<EntityAttachment> attachments = db.attachment().getAttachments(draft.id);
// Get data
InternetAddress afrom[] = (identity == null ? null : new InternetAddress[]{new InternetAddress(identity.email, identity.name)});
// Get data
InternetAddress afrom[] = (identity == null ? null : new InternetAddress[]{new InternetAddress(identity.email, identity.name)});
InternetAddress ato[] = null;
InternetAddress acc[] = null;
InternetAddress abcc[] = null;
InternetAddress ato[] = null;
InternetAddress acc[] = null;
InternetAddress abcc[] = null;
boolean lookup_mx = prefs.getBoolean("lookup_mx", false);
boolean lookup_mx = prefs.getBoolean("lookup_mx", false);
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(to))
try {
ato = InternetAddress.parse(to);
if (action == R.id.action_send) {
for (InternetAddress address : ato)
if (lookup_mx)
ConnectionHelper.lookupMx(ato, context);
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(to))
try {
ato = InternetAddress.parse(to);
if (action == R.id.action_send) {
for (InternetAddress address : ato)
if (lookup_mx)
ConnectionHelper.lookupMx(ato, context);
} catch (AddressException ex) {
throw new AddressException(context.getString(R.string.title_address_parse_error,
Helper.ellipsize(to, ADDRESS_ELLIPSIZE), ex.getMessage()));
} catch (AddressException ex) {
throw new AddressException(context.getString(R.string.title_address_parse_error,
Helper.ellipsize(to, ADDRESS_ELLIPSIZE), ex.getMessage()));
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(cc))
try {
acc = InternetAddress.parse(cc);
if (action == R.id.action_send) {
for (InternetAddress address : acc)
if (lookup_mx)
ConnectionHelper.lookupMx(acc, context);
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(cc))
try {
acc = InternetAddress.parse(cc);
if (action == R.id.action_send) {
for (InternetAddress address : acc)
if (lookup_mx)
ConnectionHelper.lookupMx(acc, context);
} catch (AddressException ex) {
throw new AddressException(context.getString(R.string.title_address_parse_error,
Helper.ellipsize(cc, ADDRESS_ELLIPSIZE), ex.getMessage()));
} catch (AddressException ex) {
throw new AddressException(context.getString(R.string.title_address_parse_error,
Helper.ellipsize(cc, ADDRESS_ELLIPSIZE), ex.getMessage()));
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(bcc))
try {
abcc = InternetAddress.parse(bcc);
if (action == R.id.action_send) {
for (InternetAddress address : abcc)
if (lookup_mx)
ConnectionHelper.lookupMx(abcc, context);
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(bcc))
try {
abcc = InternetAddress.parse(bcc);
if (action == R.id.action_send) {
for (InternetAddress address : abcc)
if (lookup_mx)
ConnectionHelper.lookupMx(abcc, context);
} catch (AddressException ex) {
throw new AddressException(context.getString(R.string.title_address_parse_error,
Helper.ellipsize(bcc, ADDRESS_ELLIPSIZE), ex.getMessage()));
} catch (AddressException ex) {
throw new AddressException(context.getString(R.string.title_address_parse_error,
Helper.ellipsize(bcc, ADDRESS_ELLIPSIZE), ex.getMessage()));
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(extra))
extra = null;
int available = 0;
for (EntityAttachment attachment : attachments)
if (attachment.available)
Long ident = (identity == null ? null : identity.id);
boolean dirty = (!Objects.equals(draft.identity, ident) ||
!Objects.equals(draft.extra, extra) ||
!MessageHelper.equal(draft.from, afrom) ||
!MessageHelper.equal(draft.to, ato) ||
!MessageHelper.equal(draft.cc, acc) ||
!MessageHelper.equal(draft.bcc, abcc) ||
!Objects.equals(draft.subject, subject) ||
((draft.encrypt != null && draft.encrypt) != encrypt) ||
last_available != available);
last_available = available;
if (dirty) {
// Update draft
draft.identity = ident;
draft.extra = extra;
draft.from = afrom;
draft.to = ato;
draft.cc = acc;
draft.bcc = abcc;
draft.subject = subject;
draft.encrypt = encrypt;
draft.received = new Date().getTime();
draft.sender = MessageHelper.getSortKey(draft.from);
Uri lookupUri = ContactInfo.getLookupUri(context, draft.from);
draft.avatar = (lookupUri == null ? null : lookupUri.toString());
if (action == R.id.action_undo || action == R.id.action_redo) {
if (draft.revision != null && draft.revisions != null) {
dirty = true;
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(extra))
extra = null;
if (action == R.id.action_undo) {
if (draft.revision > 1)
} else {
if (draft.revision < draft.revisions)
body = Helper.readText(draft.getFile(context, draft.revision));
Helper.writeText(draft.getFile(context), body);
int available = 0;
for (EntityAttachment attachment : attachments)
if (attachment.available)
Long ident = (identity == null ? null : identity.id);
boolean dirty = (!Objects.equals(draft.identity, ident) ||
!Objects.equals(draft.extra, extra) ||
!MessageHelper.equal(draft.from, afrom) ||
!MessageHelper.equal(draft.to, ato) ||
!MessageHelper.equal(draft.cc, acc) ||
!MessageHelper.equal(draft.bcc, abcc) ||
!Objects.equals(draft.subject, subject) ||
((draft.encrypt != null && draft.encrypt) != encrypt) ||
last_available != available);
last_available = available;
if (dirty) {
// Update draft
draft.identity = ident;
draft.extra = extra;
draft.from = afrom;
draft.to = ato;
draft.cc = acc;
draft.bcc = abcc;
draft.subject = subject;
draft.encrypt = encrypt;
draft.received = new Date().getTime();
draft.sender = MessageHelper.getSortKey(draft.from);
Uri lookupUri = ContactInfo.getLookupUri(context, draft.from);
draft.avatar = (lookupUri == null ? null : lookupUri.toString());
db.message().setMessageRevision(draft.id, draft.revision);
if (action == R.id.action_undo || action == R.id.action_redo) {
if (draft.revision != null && draft.revisions != null) {
dirty = true;
draft.plain_only, // unchanged
} else {
File file = draft.getFile(context);
if (!file.exists())
Helper.writeText(file, body);
String previous = Helper.readText(file);
if (!body.equals(previous) ||
plain_only != (draft.plain_only != null && draft.plain_only)) {
dirty = true;
if (draft.revisions == null)
draft.revisions = 1;
draft.revision = draft.revisions;
if (action == R.id.action_undo) {
if (draft.revision > 1)
} else {
if (draft.revision < draft.revisions)
Helper.writeText(draft.getFile(context), body);
Helper.writeText(draft.getFile(context, draft.revisions), body);
body = Helper.readText(draft.getFile(context, draft.revision));
Helper.writeText(draft.getFile(context), body);
db.message().setMessageRevision(draft.id, draft.revision);
db.message().setMessageRevisions(draft.id, draft.revisions);
db.message().setMessageRevision(draft.id, draft.revision);
draft.plain_only = plain_only;
draft.plain_only, // unchanged
} else {
File file = draft.getFile(context);
if (!file.exists())
Helper.writeText(file, body);
String previous = Helper.readText(file);
if (!body.equals(previous) ||
plain_only != (draft.plain_only != null && draft.plain_only)) {
dirty = true;
if (draft.revisions == null)
draft.revisions = 1;
draft.revision = draft.revisions;
Helper.writeText(draft.getFile(context), body);
Helper.writeText(draft.getFile(context, draft.revisions), body);
db.message().setMessageRevision(draft.id, draft.revision);
db.message().setMessageRevisions(draft.id, draft.revisions);
draft.plain_only = plain_only;
// Remove unused inline images
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
File rfile = draft.getRefFile(context);
if (rfile.exists())
List<String> cids = new ArrayList<>();
for (Element element : Jsoup.parse(sb.toString()).select("img")) {
String src = element.attr("src");
if (src.startsWith("cid:"))
cids.add("<" + src.substring(4) + ">");
for (EntityAttachment attachment : new ArrayList<>(attachments))
if (attachment.isInline() && !cids.contains(attachment.cid)) {
Log.i("Removing unused inline attachment cid=" + attachment.cid);
// Remove unused inline images
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
File rfile = draft.getRefFile(context);
if (rfile.exists())
List<String> cids = new ArrayList<>();
for (Element element : Jsoup.parse(sb.toString()).select("img")) {
String src = element.attr("src");
if (src.startsWith("cid:"))
cids.add("<" + src.substring(4) + ">");
// Execute action
if (action == R.id.action_delete) {
EntityFolder trash = db.folder().getFolderByType(draft.account, EntityFolder.TRASH);
if (empty || trash == null)
EntityOperation.queue(context, draft, EntityOperation.DELETE);
EntityOperation.queue(context, draft, EntityOperation.MOVE, trash.id);
for (EntityAttachment attachment : new ArrayList<>(attachments))
if (attachment.isInline() && !cids.contains(attachment.cid)) {
Log.i("Removing unused inline attachment cid=" + attachment.cid);
// Execute action
if (action == R.id.action_save ||
action == R.id.action_undo ||
action == R.id.action_redo ||
action == R.id.menu_encrypt) {
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG || dirty)
EntityOperation.queue(context, draft, EntityOperation.ADD);
if (!empty) {
Handler handler = new Handler(context.getMainLooper());
handler.post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
ToastEx.makeText(context, R.string.title_draft_deleted, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
ToastEx.makeText(context, R.string.title_draft_saved, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
} else if (action == R.id.action_save ||
action == R.id.action_undo ||
action == R.id.action_redo ||
action == R.id.menu_encrypt) {
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG || dirty)
EntityOperation.queue(context, draft, EntityOperation.ADD);
Handler handler = new Handler(context.getMainLooper());
handler.post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
ToastEx.makeText(context, R.string.title_draft_saved, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
} else if (action == R.id.action_send) {
// Check data
if (draft.identity == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(context.getString(R.string.title_from_missing));
} else if (action == R.id.action_send) {
// Check data
if (draft.identity == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(context.getString(R.string.title_from_missing));
if (draft.to == null && draft.cc == null && draft.bcc == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(context.getString(R.string.title_to_missing));
if (draft.to == null && draft.cc == null && draft.bcc == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(context.getString(R.string.title_to_missing));
// Save attachments
for (EntityAttachment attachment : attachments)
if (!attachment.available)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(context.getString(R.string.title_attachments_missing));
// Save attachments
for (EntityAttachment attachment : attachments)
if (!attachment.available)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(context.getString(R.string.title_attachments_missing));
// Delete draft (cannot move to outbox)
EntityOperation.queue(context, draft, EntityOperation.DELETE);
// Delete draft (cannot move to outbox)
EntityOperation.queue(context, draft, EntityOperation.DELETE);
File refDraftFile = draft.getRefFile(context);
File refDraftFile = draft.getRefFile(context);
// Copy message to outbox
draft.id = null;
draft.folder = db.folder().getOutbox().id;
draft.uid = null;
draft.ui_hide = 0L;
draft.id = db.message().insertMessage(draft);
Helper.writeText(draft.getFile(context), body);
if (refDraftFile.exists()) {
File refFile = draft.getRefFile(context);
// Move attachments
for (EntityAttachment attachment : attachments)
db.attachment().setMessage(attachment.id, draft.id);
// Copy message to outbox
draft.id = null;
draft.folder = db.folder().getOutbox().id;
draft.uid = null;
draft.ui_hide = 0L;
draft.id = db.message().insertMessage(draft);
Helper.writeText(draft.getFile(context), body);
if (refDraftFile.exists()) {
File refFile = draft.getRefFile(context);
// Delay sending message
int send_delayed = prefs.getInt("send_delayed", 0);
if (draft.ui_snoozed == null && send_delayed != 0) {
draft.ui_snoozed = new Date().getTime() + send_delayed * 1000L;
db.message().setMessageSnoozed(draft.id, draft.ui_snoozed);
// Move attachments
for (EntityAttachment attachment : attachments)
db.attachment().setMessage(attachment.id, draft.id);
// Send message
if (draft.ui_snoozed == null)
EntityOperation.queue(context, draft, EntityOperation.SEND);
// Delay sending message
int send_delayed = prefs.getInt("send_delayed", 0);
if (draft.ui_snoozed == null && send_delayed != 0) {
draft.ui_snoozed = new Date().getTime() + send_delayed * 1000L;
db.message().setMessageSnoozed(draft.id, draft.ui_snoozed);
final String feedback;
if (draft.ui_snoozed == null)
feedback = context.getString(R.string.title_queued);
else {
DateFormat DTF = Helper.getDateTimeInstance(context);
feedback = context.getString(R.string.title_queued_at, DTF.format(draft.ui_snoozed));
// Send message
if (draft.ui_snoozed == null)
EntityOperation.queue(context, draft, EntityOperation.SEND);
Handler handler = new Handler(context.getMainLooper());
handler.post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
ToastEx.makeText(context, feedback, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
final String feedback;
if (draft.ui_snoozed == null)
feedback = context.getString(R.string.title_queued);
else {
DateFormat DTF = Helper.getDateTimeInstance(context);
feedback = context.getString(R.string.title_queued_at, DTF.format(draft.ui_snoozed));
Handler handler = new Handler(context.getMainLooper());
handler.post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
ToastEx.makeText(context, feedback, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();