M66B 1 year ago
parent 272f6362f1
commit 53afe0a2ed

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@

@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
#== VALIDATION WARNINGS =======================================================
#parameter warnings
validate.1={0} parameter value "{1}" is non-standard. Standard values are: {2}
validate.47={0} parameter value "{1}" is deprecated in the latest iCalendar specification.
validate.53={0} parameter value ("{1}") contains one or more invalid characters. Parameter values may contain printable characters, with the exception of: {2}
validate.58={0} parameter value ("{1}") contains one or more invalid characters. Parameter values may contain printable, 7-bit ASCII characters, with the exception of: {2}
validate.54={0} parameter contains one or more invalid characters in its name. Parameter names may contain letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9), and dashes (-).
validate.57={0} parameter contains one or more invalid characters in its name. Parameter names may contain printable, 7-bit ASCII characters, with the exception of: {1}
#generic cardinality
validate.2=A {0} property is required for this component.
validate.3=There cannot be more than one instance of the {0} property.
validate.45=iCalendar version {0} does not support this property.
validate.48=iCalendar version {0} does not support this component.
validate.4=An iCalendar object must have at least one component.
validate.44=iCalendar version 2.0 does not support having a GEO property in this location.
validate.55=Multiple {0} properties can only exist if they have different LANGUAGE parameter values.
#Observance, VEvent, VJournal, VTodo
validate.5=The BYHOUR, BYMINUTE, and BYSECOND rule parts cannot be specified in the RecurrenceRule property when the DateStart property contains a date value (as opposed to a date-time value).
validate.6=There should be only one instance of the RecurrenceRule property.
validate.7=Audio alarms should have no more than 1 attachment.
validate.8=Email alarms must have at least one attendee.
validate.9=Only email alarms can have attendees.
validate.10=The trigger must specify which date field its duration is relative to.
validate.11=The trigger''s duration is relative to the start date, but the parent component has no start date property.
validate.12=The trigger''s duration is relative to the end date, but the parent component has no end date or duration property.
validate.14=A start date must be defined if no Method property is set at the top level of the iCalendar object.
validate.17=The DateStart and DateEnd properties must have the same data type (they must either both be dates or both be date-times).
validate.18=An end date and a duration cannot both be defined in the same event.
#VEvent, VFreeBusy
validate.15=A start date must be defined if an end date is defined.
validate.16=The start date must come before the end date.
#VEvent, VJournal, VTodo
validate.13=Invalid status value of "{0}" for this component. Valid status values are: {1}.
validate.19=The DateStart and RecurrenceId properties must have the same data type (they must either both be dates or both be date-times)."
validate.20={0} properties in free/busy components must always contain a time component.
validate.21=At least one StandardTime or one DaylightSavingsTime property must be specified.
validate.22=The start date must come before the due date.
validate.23=The DateStart and DateDue properties must have the same data type (they must either both be dates or both be date-times).
validate.24=A due date and a duration cannot both be defined in the same to-do component.
validate.25=A start date must be defined if a duration is defined.
validate.26=Property has no value.
validate.28=Property value "{0}" is non-standard. Standard values for this iCalendar version are: {1}
validate.46=Property value "{0}" is not supported by this iCalendar version. Supported versions are: {1}
validate.29=Property value "{0}" should be between 1 and 100 inclusive.
validate.30=Frequency field is required.
validate.31="Until" and "count" fields cannot both be set.
validate.32=Non-standard rule parts are not allowed in the latest iCalendar specification.
validate.33=A duration or date must be defined.
#UtcOffsetProperty, Timezone
validate.34=Minute offset must be between 0 and 59 inclusive.
validate.35=A maximum version must be specified.
validate.36=A status code must be defined.
validate.37=This property has been removed from the latest iCalendar specification. Its use should be avoided.
#validate.38=No time periods are defined. #removed in 0.4.6
validate.39=One or more time periods do not have start dates.
validate.40=One or more time periods do not have either an end date or a duration.
validate.41=Latitude is not set.
validate.42=Longitude is not set.
validate.43=One or more values are null.
validate.49=Property cannot contain a mix of dates and periods.
validate.50=Date values cannot contain a mix of date and date-time values.
validate.51=vCal 1.0 does not support period values.
validate.52={0} property contains one or more invalid characters in its name. Property names may contain letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9), and dashes (-).
validate.59={0} property contains one or more invalid characters in its name. Property names may contain printable, 7-bit ASCII characters, with the exception of: {1}
validate.56=A format type should be defined when the property value is in-line binary data.
#== PARSE WARNINGS ============================================================
parse.line=Line {0}\: {2}
parse.prop={1} property\: {2}
parse.lineWithProp=Line {0} ({1} property)\: {2}
parse.0=Property has requested that it be skipped: {0}
parse.1=Property value could not be parsed. Reason: {0}
#parse.16=Property could not be unmarshalled. Unmarshalling as an XML property instead. Reason: {0} #removed in 0.6.1-SNAPSHOT
#parse.2=Ignoring END property that does not match up with any BEGIN properties. #removed in 0.6.1-SNAPSHOT
#parse.3=Skipped. {0} The entire line is: "{1}" #removed in 0.6.1-SNAPSHOT
parse.4=The following parameters are nameless: {0}
parse.5=Timezone ID "{0}" not recognized. Parsing with default timezone "{1}" instead.
parse.23=Property value is empty. One of the following XML elements are expected: {0}.
parse.31=Unable to decode quoted-printable value. Treating as plain-text. Reason: {0}
parse.32=The property''s character encoding ("{0}") is not supported by this system. {1} will be used instead.
parse.37=No VTIMEZONE component exists with an ID of \"{0}\". ID will be treated as an Olsen timezone ID instead.
parse.38=No VTIMEZONE component exists with an ID of \"{0}\". ID could not be parsed as an Olsen timezone ID either. The date will be parsed under the default timezone.
parse.39=VTIMEZONE component ignored: No TZID property defined.
parse.43=TZID \"{0}\" is formatted as an Olsen ID (begins with a forward slash), but no such Olsen ID exists. Since the TZID matches that of a VTIMEZONE component, the property will use the timezone defined by the VTIMEZONE component.
parse.6=Could not parse the raw date-time components out of the date string "{0}".
#DateOrDateTimePropertyScribe, DateTimePropertyScribe
parse.17=Could not parse date-time value.
parse.18=Could not parse duration value.
parse.19=Could not parse date value.
parse.20=Could not parse GEO value.
parse.21=Could not parse latitude "{0}".
parse.22=Could not parse longitude "{0}".
parse.24=Could not parse integer value.
parse.25=Could not parse value as a date or duration.
parse.26=Could not parse duration "{0}".
parse.27=Could not parse date "{0}".
parse.28=Could not parse offset string.
parse.29=Could not parse value as XML.
parse.7=Invalid {0} value "{1}".
parse.8=Ignoring non-numeric value found in {0} value: "{1}"
parse.36="Unable to integrate "$" operator into iCalendar data model. This data will be lost: {0}
parse.40=Invalid token: {0}
parse.41=Unrecognized frequency: {0}
parse.42=Invalid day: {0}
#FreeBusyScribe, RecurrenceDatesScribe
parse.9=Time period has no start date.
parse.10=Time period''s start date "{0}" could not be parsed.
parse.11=Time period''s end date "{0}" could not be parsed.
parse.12=Time period''s duration "{0}" could not be parsed.
parse.13=Time period has no end date or duration.
parse.14=Time period''s end date or duration "{0}" could not be parsed.
parse.15=Could not parse date: "{0}"
parse.30=Could not parse version value.
parse.33=Could not parse UTC offset: {0}
parse.34=Could not parse start date: {0}
parse.35=Could not parse end date: {0}
#== EXCEPTION MESSAGES ========================================================
exception.1=A problem occurred attempting to invoke the copy constructor of component class {0}.
exception.16=Parameters object cannot be null.
exception.17=A problem occurred attempting to invoke the copy constructor of property class {0}.
exception.26={0} parameter value is malformed and could not be parsed. Retrieve its raw text values instead by calling property.getParameters().get("{0}").
exception.2=Call "writeStartComponent" first.
exception.3=Cannot write a property after calling "writeEndComponent".
exception.4=Line length must be greater than 0.
exception.5=The length of the indent string must be less than the max line length.
exception.6=Property name required.
#exception.7=Line is malformed--no colon character found. #removed in 0.5.1-SNAPSHOT
#exception.8=Property name "{0}" contains one or more invalid characters. The following characters are not permitted: {1} #removed in 0.5.1-SNAPSHOT
#exception.9=Property name "{0}" begins with one or more whitespace characters, which is not permitted. #removed in 0.5.1-SNAPSHOT
#exception.10=Property "{0}" has a parameter named "{1}" whose value contains one or more invalid characters. The following characters are not permitted: {2} #removed in 0.5.1-SNAPSHOT
exception.11=Indent amount cannot be less than zero.
exception.12=Unable to set the raw offset. Modify the VTIMEZONE component instead.
exception.13=No scribes were found for the following component/property classes: {0}
exception.14=VTimezone component must have a non-empty TimezoneId property.
#exception.15=Period cannot be null. #removed in 0.4.6
exception.18=List cannot be null.
exception.19=Cannot parse date: {0}
exception.20=Invalid duration string: {0}
exception.21=Offset string is not in ISO8610 format: {0}
exception.22=URI scheme is not "data".
exception.23=Data portion of data URI is missing.
exception.24=Cannot parse data URI. Character set "{0}" is not supported by this JVM.
exception.25=Cannot create data URI. Character set "{0}" is not supported by this JVM.