Crowdin sync

M66B 4 years ago
parent 09d2fdaf94
commit 4beaaf12e8

@ -184,6 +184,8 @@
<string name="title_setup_doze_battery">Alto consumo della batteria?</string>
<string name="title_setup_doze_stopped">Sincronizzazione interrotta?</string>
<string name="title_setup_doze_device">Questo è probabilmente necessario per questo dispositivo</string>
<string name="title_setup_doze_12">I messaggi push sono disabilitati</string>
<string name="title_setup_alarm_12">L\'app non funzionerà</string>
<string name="title_setup_inexact">Sveglie e promemoria sono disabilitati</string>
<string name="title_setup_background">Restrizioni di background abilitate</string>
<string name="title_setup_data">Risparmio dati abilitato</string>

@ -174,6 +174,8 @@
<string name="title_setup_doze_battery">電池消費量が多いですか?</string>
<string name="title_setup_doze_stopped">同期が停止しましたか?</string>
<string name="title_setup_doze_device">これはおそらくこのデバイスに必要です</string>
<string name="title_setup_doze_12">プッシュメッセージは無効です</string>
<string name="title_setup_alarm_12">このアプリは動作しません</string>
<string name="title_setup_inexact">アラーム &amp; リマインダーは無効です</string>
<string name="title_setup_background">バックグラウンドの制限は有効です</string>
<string name="title_setup_data">データセーバーが有効になっています</string>

@ -132,21 +132,21 @@ Dizajn je zasnovan na brojnim diskusijama i ukoliko želite, možete također ra
* [(4) Kako mogu imati nevažeći sigurnosni certifikat / praznu lozinku / vezu za običan tekst?](#user-content-faq4)
* [(5) Kako mogu prilagoditi prikaz poruka?](#user-content-faq5)
* [(6) Kako da se prijavim na Gmail / G suite?](#user-content-faq6)
* [(7) Why are sent messages not appearing (directly) in the sent folder?](#user-content-faq7)
* [(8) Can I use a Microsoft Exchange account?](#user-content-faq8)
* [(9) What are identities / how do I add an alias?](#user-content-faq9)
* [~~(11) Why is POP not supported?~~](#user-content-faq11)
* [~~(10) What does 'UIDPLUS not supported' mean?~~](#user-content-faq10)
* [(12) How does encryption/decryption work?](#user-content-faq12)
* [(13) How does search on device/server work?](#user-content-faq13)
* [(14) How can I set up an Outlook / Live / Hotmail account?](#user-content-faq14)
* [(15) Why does the message text keep loading?](#user-content-faq15)
* [(16) Why are messages not being synchronized?](#user-content-faq16)
* [~~(17) Why does manual synchronize not work?~~](#user-content-faq17)
* [(18) Why is the message preview not always shown?](#user-content-faq18)
* [(19) Why are the pro features so expensive?](#user-content-faq19)
* [(20) Can I get a refund?](#user-content-faq20)
* [(21) How do I enable the notification light?](#user-content-faq21)
* [(7) Zašto se poslane poruke ne pojavljuju (direktno) u folderu 'poslano'?](#user-content-faq7)
* [(8) Mogu li koristiti Microsoft Exchange račun?](#user-content-faq8)
* [(9) Šta su identiteti / kako da dodam pserudonim?](#user-content-faq9)
* [~~(11) Zašto POP nije podržan?~~](#user-content-faq11)
* [~~(10) Šta znači 'UIDPLUS nije podržan'?~~](#user-content-faq10)
* [(12) Kako radi šifriranje/dešifriranje?](#user-content-faq12)
* [(13) Kako radi pretraživanje na uređaju/serveru?](#user-content-faq13)
* [(14) Kako da postavim Outlook / Live / Hotmail račun?](#user-content-faq14)
* [(15) Zašto se tekst poruke konstantno učitava?](#user-content-faq15)
* [(16) Zašto se poruke ne sinhronizuju?](#user-content-faq16)
* [~~(17) Zašto ne radi ručna sinhronizacija?~~](#user-content-faq17)
* [(18) Zašto se pregled poruke ne prikazuje uvijek?](#user-content-faq18)
* [(19) Zašto su pro funkcionalnosti tako skupe?](#user-content-faq19)
* [(20) Mogu li dobiti povrat novca?](#user-content-faq20)
* [(21) Kako da uključim lampicu za obavještenja?](#user-content-faq21)
* [(22) What does account/folder error ... mean?](#user-content-faq22)
* [(23) Why do I get alert .. ?](#user-content-faq23)
* [(24) What is browse messages on the server?](#user-content-faq24)
