<stringname="title_no_format">Původní zpráva bude zahrnuta</string>
<stringname="title_no_search">Vyhledávání na serveru není pro tento účet k dispozici</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search"comment="title_complex_search This message will be shown when using a complex search (AND, OR, NOT, etc) when no folder is selected (for example the unified inbox is showing)">Vyberte složku pro komplexní vyhledávání</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search">Vyberte složku pro komplexní vyhledávání</string>
<stringname="title_too_large">Zpráva je příliš velká pro úplné přeformátování</string>
<stringname="title_truncated">Zpráva je příliš velká pro úplné zobrazení</string>
<stringname="title_insufficient_memory">Zpráva je příliš velká na dostupnou paměť (%1$d)</string>
<stringname="title_no_folder">Mappe findes ikke</string>
<stringname="title_no_format">Den oprindeligt modtagne besked bliver inkluderet</string>
<stringname="title_no_search">Søg på server er utilgængelig for denne konto</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search"comment="title_complex_search This message will be shown when using a complex search (AND, OR, NOT, etc) when no folder is selected (for example the unified inbox is showing)">Vælg en mappe til en kompleks søgning</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search">Vælg en mappe til en kompleks søgning</string>
<stringname="title_too_large">Besked for stor til fuldstændig omformatering</string>
<stringname="title_truncated">Besked for stor til fuldstændig visning</string>
<stringname="title_insufficient_memory">Besked for stor ift. tilgængelige hukommelse (%1$d)</string>
<stringname="title_no_folder">Ordner nicht vorhanden</string>
<stringname="title_no_format">Die ursprünglich empfangene Nachricht wird miteinbezogen</string>
<stringname="title_no_search">Die Suche auf dem Server ist für dieses Konto nicht verfügbar</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search"comment="title_complex_search This message will be shown when using a complex search (AND, OR, NOT, etc) when no folder is selected (for example the unified inbox is showing)">Für eine umfangreiche Suche einen Ordner auswählen</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search">Für eine umfangreiche Suche einen Ordner auswählen</string>
<stringname="title_too_large">Nachricht zu groß, um sie vollständig umformatieren zu können</string>
<stringname="title_truncated">Nachricht zu groß, um vollständig angezeigt zu werden</string>
<stringname="title_insufficient_memory">Nachricht zu groß für den verfügbaren Speicher (%1$d)</string>
<stringname="title_no_folder">Ο φάκελος δεν υπάρχει</string>
<stringname="title_no_format">Θα συμπεριληφθεί το μήνυμα που λήφθηκε αρχικά</string>
<stringname="title_no_search">Η αναζήτηση στο διακομιστή δεν είναι διαθέσιμη για αυτόν το λογαριασμό</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search"comment="title_complex_search This message will be shown when using a complex search (AND, OR, NOT, etc) when no folder is selected (for example the unified inbox is showing)">Επιλέξτε έναν φάκελο για μια σύνθετη αναζήτηση</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search">Επιλέξτε έναν φάκελο για μια σύνθετη αναζήτηση</string>
<stringname="title_too_large">Το μήνυμα είναι υπερβολικά μεγάλο γιανα αναμορφοποιηθεί πλήρως</string>
<stringname="title_truncated">Το μύνημα είναι πολύ μεγάλο γιανα προβληθεί ολόκληρο</string>
<stringname="title_insufficient_memory">Υπερβολικά μεγάλο μήνυμα για τη διαθέσιμη μνήμη (%1$d)</string>
@ -1214,6 +1214,8 @@
<stringname="title_style_blockquote">Παράθεμα με εσοχή</string>
<stringname="title_no_search">La búsqueda en el servidor no está disponible para esta cuenta</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search"comment="title_complex_search This message will be shown when using a complex search (AND, OR, NOT, etc) when no folder is selected (for example the unified inbox is showing)">Seleccione una carpeta para una búsqueda compleja</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search">Seleccione una carpeta para una búsqueda compleja</string>
<stringname="title_too_large">Mensaje demasiado grande para reformatear completamente</string>
<stringname="title_truncated">Mensaje demasiado grande para mostrarlo por completo</string>
<stringname="title_insufficient_memory">Mensaje demasiado grande para la memoria disponible (%1$d)</string>
<stringname="title_no_format">Le message initialement reçu sera inclus</string>
<stringname="title_no_search">La recherche sur le serveur n’est pas disponible pour ce compte</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search"comment="title_complex_search This message will be shown when using a complex search (AND, OR, NOT, etc) when no folder is selected (for example the unified inbox is showing)">Sélectionner un dossier pour faire une recherche complexe</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search">Sélectionner un dossier pour faire une recherche complexe</string>
<stringname="title_too_large">Message trop volumineux pour être complètement reformaté</string>
<stringname="title_truncated">Message trop volumineux pour être affiché complètement</string>
<stringname="title_insufficient_memory">Message trop volumineux pour la mémoire disponible (%1$d)</string>
<stringname="title_no_format">Le message initialement reçu sera inclus</string>
<stringname="title_no_search">La recherche sur le serveur n\'est pas disponible pour ce compte</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search"comment="title_complex_search This message will be shown when using a complex search (AND, OR, NOT, etc) when no folder is selected (for example the unified inbox is showing)">Sélectionner un dossier pour faire une recherche complexe</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search">Sélectionner un dossier pour faire une recherche complexe</string>
<stringname="title_too_large">Message trop volumineux pour être complètement reformaté</string>
<stringname="title_truncated">Message trop volumineux pour être affiché complètement</string>
<stringname="title_insufficient_memory">Message trop volumineux pour la mémoire disponible (%1$d)</string>
<stringname="title_no_folder">La cartella non esiste</string>
<stringname="title_no_format">Il messaggio originale ricevuto sarà incluso</string>
<stringname="title_no_search">La ricerca sul server non è disponibile per questo profilo</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search"comment="title_complex_search This message will be shown when using a complex search (AND, OR, NOT, etc) when no folder is selected (for example the unified inbox is showing)">Seleziona una cartella per fare una ricerca complessa</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search">Seleziona una cartella per fare una ricerca complessa</string>
<stringname="title_too_large">Messaggio troppo grande da riformattare completamente</string>
<stringname="title_truncated">Messaggio troppo grande da mostrare completamente</string>
<stringname="title_insufficient_memory">Messaggio troppo grande per la memoria disponibile (%1$d)</string>
<stringname="title_no_folder">התיקייה אינה קיימת</string>
<stringname="title_no_format">ההודעה המקורית שהתקבלה תצורף</string>
<stringname="title_no_search">אין תמיכה בחיפוש בשרת בחשבון הזה</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search"comment="title_complex_search This message will be shown when using a complex search (AND, OR, NOT, etc) when no folder is selected (for example the unified inbox is showing)">נא לבחור תיקייה לחיפוש מורכב</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search">נא לבחור תיקייה לחיפוש מורכב</string>
<stringname="title_too_large">ההודעה גדולה מכדי לעבור עיצוב מלא מחדש</string>
<stringname="title_truncated">ההודעה גדולה מכדי להופיע במלואה</string>
<stringname="title_insufficient_memory">ההודעה גדולה מדי לזיכרון הזמין (%1$d)</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search"comment="title_complex_search This message will be shown when using a complex search (AND, OR, NOT, etc) when no folder is selected (for example the unified inbox is showing)">詳細検索するフォルダーを選択</string>
@ -1113,7 +1113,7 @@ Het blokkeren van een afzenderdomein maakt gebruik van filterregels, wat een pro
<stringname="title_no_folder">Map bestaat niet</string>
<stringname="title_no_format">Het oorspronkelijke ontvangen bericht zal worden opgenomen</string>
<stringname="title_no_search">Zoeken op server is niet beschikbaar voor dit account</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search"comment="title_complex_search This message will be shown when using a complex search (AND, OR, NOT, etc) when no folder is selected (for example the unified inbox is showing)">Selecteer een map voor een complexe zoekopdracht</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search">Selecteer een map voor een complexe zoekopdracht</string>
<stringname="title_too_large">Bericht te groot om volledig opnieuw op te maken</string>
<stringname="title_truncated">Bericht is te groot om volledig weer te geven</string>
<stringname="title_insufficient_memory">Bericht te groot voor het beschikbare geheugen (%1$d)</string>
@ -1214,6 +1214,8 @@ Het blokkeren van een afzenderdomein maakt gebruik van filterregels, wat een pro
<stringname="title_complex_search"comment="title_complex_search This message will be shown when using a complex search (AND, OR, NOT, etc) when no folder is selected (for example the unified inbox is showing)">ଏକ ଜଟିଳ ସନ୍ଧାନ ପାଇଁ ଗୋଟିଏ ଫୋଲ୍ଡର୍ ଚୟନ କରନ୍ତୁ</string>
<stringname="title_no_folder">Folder nie istnieje</string>
<stringname="title_no_format">Pierwotnie odebrana wiadomość zostanie dołączona</string>
<stringname="title_no_search">Wyszukiwanie na serwerze nie jest dostępne dla tego konta</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search"comment="title_complex_search This message will be shown when using a complex search (AND, OR, NOT, etc) when no folder is selected (for example the unified inbox is showing)">Wybierz folder dla zaawansowanego wyszukiwania</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search">Wybierz folder dla zaawansowanego wyszukiwania</string>
<stringname="title_too_large">Wiadomość jest zbyt duża, aby całkowicie sformatować</string>
<stringname="title_truncated">Wiadomość jest za duża, aby wyświetlić ją w całości</string>
<stringname="title_insufficient_memory">Wiadomość jest zbyt duża dla dostępnej pamięci (%1$d)</string>
<stringname="title_no_search">Pesquisa no servidor não está disponível para esta conta</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search"comment="title_complex_search This message will be shown when using a complex search (AND, OR, NOT, etc) when no folder is selected (for example the unified inbox is showing)">Selecione uma pasta para uma busca complexa</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search">Selecione uma pasta para uma busca complexa</string>
<stringname="title_too_large">Mensagem muito grande para reformar completamente</string>
<stringname="title_truncated">Mensagem muito grande para exibir completamente</string>
<stringname="title_insufficient_memory">Mensagem muito grande para a memória disponível (%1$d)</string>
@ -1217,6 +1217,8 @@
<stringname="title_style_blockquote">Citação em bloco</string>
<stringname="title_no_search">Pesquisa no servidor não está disponível para esta conta</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search"comment="title_complex_search This message will be shown when using a complex search (AND, OR, NOT, etc) when no folder is selected (for example the unified inbox is showing)">Selecione uma pasta para uma busca complexa</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search">Selecione uma pasta para uma busca complexa</string>
<stringname="title_too_large">Mensagem demasiado grande para reformatar na íntegra</string>
<stringname="title_truncated">Mensagem demasiado grande para ser mostrada na íntegra</string>
<stringname="title_insufficient_memory">Mensagem muito grande para a memória disponível (%1$d)</string>
<stringname="title_no_folder">Папка не существует</string>
<stringname="title_no_format">Исходное сообщение будет включено</string>
<stringname="title_no_search">Поиск на сервере недоступен для этой учётной записи</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search"comment="title_complex_search This message will be shown when using a complex search (AND, OR, NOT, etc) when no folder is selected (for example the unified inbox is showing)">Выберите папку для сложного поиска</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search">Выберите папку для сложного поиска</string>
<stringname="title_too_large">Сообщение слишком большое для полного переформатирования</string>
<stringname="title_truncated">Сообщение слишком велико для полного отображения</string>
<stringname="title_insufficient_memory">Сообщение слишком большое для доступной памяти (%1$d)</string>
<stringname="title_eml_remark">Za posredovanje sporočil morajo biti surova (izvirna) sporočila prejeta z e-poštnega strežnika. To zahteva internetno povezavo in sporočila morajo še vedno biti shranjena na strežniku.</string>
<stringname="title_eml_option">To lahko preprečite z omogočanjem stalnega prejemanja datotek surovih sporočil v nastavitvah povezave.</string>
<stringname="title_buttons_hint">Dejanska razpoložljivost gumbov je odvisna od vrste računa in nastavitev.</string>
@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@
<stringname="title_no_folder">Mapa ne obstaja</string>
<stringname="title_no_format">Izvirno prejeto sporočilo bo vključeno.</string>
<stringname="title_no_search">Iskanje na strežniku za ta račun ni na voljo.</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search"comment="title_complex_search This message will be shown when using a complex search (AND, OR, NOT, etc) when no folder is selected (for example the unified inbox is showing)">Izberite mapo za napredno iskanje</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search">Izberite mapo za napredno iskanje</string>
<stringname="title_too_large">Sporočilo je preveliko za popolno preoblikovanje.</string>
<stringname="title_truncated">Sporočilo je preveliko za popoln prikaz.</string>
<stringname="title_insufficient_memory">Sporočilo je preveliko za razpoložljiv pomnilnik (%1$d).</string>
<stringname="title_no_folder">Mappen finns inte</string>
<stringname="title_no_format">Det ursprungligen mottagna meddelandet kommer att inkluderas</string>
<stringname="title_no_search">Sök på servern är inte tillgänglig för detta konto</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search"comment="title_complex_search This message will be shown when using a complex search (AND, OR, NOT, etc) when no folder is selected (for example the unified inbox is showing)">Välj en mapp för en komplex sökning</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search">Välj en mapp för en komplex sökning</string>
<stringname="title_too_large">Meddelandet är för stort för att omformatera</string>
<stringname="title_truncated">Meddelandet är för stort för att visas helt</string>
<stringname="title_insufficient_memory">Meddelande för stort för tillgängligt minne (%1$d)</string>
<stringname="title_no_folder">Folder nie istnieje</string>
<stringname="title_no_format">Pierwotnie odebrana wiadomość zostanie dołączona</string>
<stringname="title_no_search">Wyszukiwanie na serwerze nie jest dostępne dla tego konta</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search"comment="title_complex_search This message will be shown when using a complex search (AND, OR, NOT, etc) when no folder is selected (for example the unified inbox is showing)">Wybierz folder dla zaawansowanego wyszukiwania</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search">Wybierz folder dla zaawansowanego wyszukiwania</string>
<stringname="title_too_large">Wiadomość jest zbyt duża, aby całkowicie sformatować</string>
<stringname="title_truncated">Wiadomość jest za duża, aby wyświetlić ją w całości</string>
<stringname="title_insufficient_memory">Wiadomość jest zbyt duża dla dostępnej pamięci (%1$d)</string>
@ -1113,7 +1113,7 @@ Gönderen etki alanını engellemek, profesyonel bir özellik olan filtre kurall
<stringname="title_no_folder">Klasör yok</string>
<stringname="title_no_format">Alınan özgün iletiye eklenecek</string>
<stringname="title_no_search">Bu hesap için sunucuda arama yapılamıyor</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search"comment="title_complex_search This message will be shown when using a complex search (AND, OR, NOT, etc) when no folder is selected (for example the unified inbox is showing)">Karmaşık bir arama için bir klasör seçin</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search">Karmaşık bir arama için bir klasör seçin</string>
<stringname="title_too_large">Mesaj, tamamen yeniden biçimlendirilemeyecek kadar büyük</string>
<stringname="title_truncated">Mesaj tamamen görüntülenemeyecek kadar büyük</string>
<stringname="title_insufficient_memory">İleti, kullanılabilir bellek için çok büyük (%1$d)</string>
<stringname="title_no_folder">Тека не існує</string>
<stringname="title_no_format">Початкове повідомлення буде включено</string>
<stringname="title_no_search">Пошук на сервері недоступний для цього облікового запису</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search"comment="title_complex_search This message will be shown when using a complex search (AND, OR, NOT, etc) when no folder is selected (for example the unified inbox is showing)">Виберіть теку для складного пошуку</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search">Виберіть теку для складного пошуку</string>
<stringname="title_too_large">Лист завеликий для повного переформатування</string>
<stringname="title_truncated">Лист завеликий для показу</string>
<stringname="title_insufficient_memory">Повідомлення занадто велике для доступної пам\'яті (%1$d)</string>
<stringname="title_complex_search"comment="title_complex_search This message will be shown when using a complex search (AND, OR, NOT, etc) when no folder is selected (for example the unified inbox is showing)">选择进行复杂搜索的文件夹</string>