<stringname="title_sort_unread_atop"comment="title_sort_unread_atop Option title to let folders with unread messages be sorted at the top">Oxunulmayanları üstdə sırala</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_placeholders_hint">Ovo se primjenjuje samo na preformatirane poruke</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_inline_hint">Poravnate slike su slike unutar tijela poruke</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_language_detection_hint">Podrška za otkrivanje jezika zavisi od proizvođača uređaja</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_autoexpand_hint">Automatski otvori poruku kada se u konverzaciji nalazi samo jedna poruka ili samo jedna nepročitana poruka</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_autoseen_hint">Automatsko označavanje poruke kao pročitane pri proširivanju je opcija koja se može isključiti u naprednim postavkama svakog računa</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_autoclose_hint">Automatski zatvori konverzacije kada se sve poruke arhiviraju, pošalju ili izbrišu</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_e2e_encryption">Opcija za E2E (end-to-end) šifriranje</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_display_pin_hint">PIN ima prednost naspram biometrijske provjere</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_badge_hint">Dostupno samo na podržanim launcher-ima</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_notify_remove_hint">Obavještenja o novim porukama će se uvijek skloniti kada se prevuku preko ekrana ili označavanjem poruka kao \'pročitane\'</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_notify_separate_hint">Kako da podesim obavještenja za račune, foldere i pošiljaoce?</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_english_hint">Ovo će restartovati aplikaciju</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_protocol_hint">Ovo će značajno povećati potrošnju baterije i skladišnog prostora!</string>
@ -576,6 +584,8 @@
<stringname="title_no_drafts">Nema foldera za nacrte</string>
<stringname="title_no_junk_folder">Nema izabranog spam foldera za ovaj račun</string>
<stringname="title_no_idle">Ovaj provajder (poslužitelj) ne podržava trenutna obavještenja. To će odložiti prijem novih poruka i povećati potrošnju baterije.</string>
<stringname="title_account_delete">Izbrisati ovaj račun trajno?</string>
<stringname="title_identity_delete">Izbrisati ovaj identitet trajno?</string>
<stringname="title_edit_html">Uredi kao HTML</string>
<stringname="title_sort_unread_atop"comment="title_sort_unread_atop Option title to let folders with unread messages be sorted at the top">Sortér ulæst øverst</string>
<stringname="title_search_folder">Søg efter mappe</string>
<stringname="title_apply_to_all">Anvend på alle</string>
<stringname="title_show_flagged">Εμφάνιση του αριθμού μηνυμάτων με αστέρι</string>
<stringname="title_subscribed_only">Μόνο με συνδρομή</string>
<stringname="title_sort_unread_atop"comment="title_sort_unread_atop Option title to let folders with unread messages be sorted at the top">Ταξινόμηση των μη αναγνωσμένων στην κορυφή</string>
<stringname="title_sort_unread_atop"comment="title_sort_unread_atop Option title to let folders with unread messages be sorted at the top">Mostrar no leídos arriba</string>
<stringname="title_sort_unread_atop"comment="title_sort_unread_atop Option title to let folders with unread messages be sorted at the top">Afficher les dossiers contenant des messages non-lus en haut de la liste</string>
<stringname="title_sort_unread_atop"comment="title_sort_unread_atop Option title to let folders with unread messages be sorted at the top">Dossiers avec messages non-lus en haut</string>
<stringname="title_search_folder">Rechercher un dossier</string>
<stringname="title_apply_to_all">Appliquer à tous</string>
<stringname="title_hide_folder">Masquer le dossier</string>
<stringname="title_sort_unread_atop"comment="title_sort_unread_atop Option title to let folders with unread messages be sorted at the top">Afficher les dossiers contenant des messages non-lus en haut de la liste</string>
<stringname="title_sort_unread_atop"comment="title_sort_unread_atop Option title to let folders with unread messages be sorted at the top">Dossiers avec messages non-lus en haut</string>
<stringname="title_search_folder">Rechercher un dossier</string>
<stringname="title_apply_to_all">Appliquer à tous</string>
<stringname="title_hide_folder">Masquer le dossier</string>
<stringname="title_sort_unread_atop"comment="title_sort_unread_atop Option title to let folders with unread messages be sorted at the top">Porta in cima i non letti</string>
<stringname="title_search_folder">Cerca per cartella</string>
<stringname="title_apply_to_all">Applica a tutti</string>
<stringname="title_sort_unread_atop"comment="title_sort_unread_atop Option title to let folders with unread messages be sorted at the top">未読を先頭に並び替える</string>
<stringname="title_sort_unread_atop"comment="title_sort_unread_atop Option title to let folders with unread messages be sorted at the top">Sortuj nieprzeczytane na górze</string>
<stringname="title_sort_unread_atop"comment="title_sort_unread_atop Option title to let folders with unread messages be sorted at the top">Ordenar as não lidas no topo</string>
<stringname="title_sort_unread_atop"comment="title_sort_unread_atop Option title to let folders with unread messages be sorted at the top">Sortează necitite în partea de sus</string>
<stringname="title_sort_unread_atop"comment="title_sort_unread_atop Option title to let folders with unread messages be sorted at the top">Zotriediť s neprečítanými správami na vrchu</string>
<stringname="title_sort_unread_atop"comment="title_sort_unread_atop Option title to let folders with unread messages be sorted at the top">Sortera olästa högst upp</string>
<stringname="title_search_folder">Sök efter mapp</string>
<stringname="title_apply_to_all">Tillämpa för alla</string>
<stringname="title_sort_unread_atop"comment="title_sort_unread_atop Option title to let folders with unread messages be sorted at the top">Сортувати, непрочитані зверху</string>
<stringname="title_show_folders">Hiện các thư mục ẩn</string>
<stringname="title_show_flagged">Hiện số thư gắn sao</string>
<stringname="title_subscribed_only">Chỉ có đã đăng ký</string>
<stringname="title_sort_unread_atop"comment="title_sort_unread_atop Option title to let folders with unread messages be sorted at the top">Sắp xếp chưa đọc ở đầu</string>
<stringname="title_sort_unread_atop"comment="title_sort_unread_atop Option title to let folders with unread messages be sorted at the top">将含未读邮件的文件夹排在最前面</string>
<stringname="title_sort_unread_atop"comment="title_sort_unread_atop Option title to let folders with unread messages be sorted at the top">置頂含未讀訊息資料夾</string>
* ~~Select local images for signatures~~ (this will not be added because it requires image file management and because images are not shown by default in most email clients anyway)
* ~~Show messages matched by a rule~~
* ~~[ManageSieve](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5804)~~ (there are no maintained Java libraries with a suitable license and without dependencies and besides that, FairEmail has its own filter rules)
* ~~Search for messages with/without attachments~~ (this cannot be added because IMAP doesn't support searching for attachments)
* ~~Search for a folder~~ (filtering a hierarchical folder list is problematic)
* ~~Search suggestions~~
* ~~[Autocrypt Setup Message](https://autocrypt.org/autocrypt-spec-1.0.0.pdf) (section 4.4)~~ (IMO it is not a good idea to let an email client handle sensitive encryption keys for an exceptional use case while OpenKeychain can export keys too)
* ~~Generic unified folders~~
* ~~New per account message notification schedules~~ (implemented by adding a time condition to rules so messages can be snoozed during selected periods)
* ~~Copy accounts and identities~~
* ~~Pinch zoom~~ (not reliably possible in a scrolling list; the full message view can be zoomed instead)
* ~~More compact folder view~~
* ~~Compose lists and tables~~ (this requires a rich text editor, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq99))
* ~~Pinch zoom text size~~
* ~~Display GIFs~~
* ~~Themes~~ (a grey light and dark theme were added because this is what most people seems to want)
* ~~Any day time condition~~ (any day doesn't really fit into the from/to date/time condition)
* ~~Send as attachment~~
* ~~Widget for selected account~~
* ~~Remind to attach files~~
* ~~Select domains to show images for~~ (this will be too complicated to use)
* ~~Unified starred messages view~~ (there is already a special search for this)
* ~~Move notification action~~
* ~~S/MIME support~~
* ~~Search for settings~~
Anything on this list is in random order and *might* be added in the near future.
* ~~Izbor lokalnih slika za potpise~~ (ovo neće biti dodano, jer zahtijeva upravljanje slikovnim datotekama i zato što se većina slika po zadanom ionako ne prikazuje u većini e-mail klijenata)
* ~~Prikaz poruka podudarnih sa pravilom~~
* ~~[ManageSieve](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5804)~~ (ne postoje Java biblioteke sa prikladnom licencom i bez zavisnih datoteka, a osim toga FairEmail ima svoja vlastita pravila filtriranja)
* ~~Traženje poruka sa/bez priloga~~ (ovo se ne može dodati, jer IMAP ne podržava pretraživanje priloga)
* ~~Traženje foldera~~ (filtriranje hijerarhijskog spiska foldera je problematično)
* ~~Pretraga sugestija~~
* ~~[Poruka za postavku autošifriranja](https://autocrypt.org/autocrypt-spec-1.0.0.pdf) (sekcijan 4.4)~~ (IMO nije dobra ideja dozvoliti e-mail klijentu da upravlja osjetljivim enkripcijskim ključevima za izuzetne situacije, dok OpenKeychain također ,pže ozvoziti ključeve)
* ~~Generički objedinjeni folderi~~
* ~~Novi rasporedi obavještavanja o porukama prema računima~~ (implementirano preko dodavanja vremenskih uvjeta pravilima, tako da se poruke mogu odlagati tokom izabranih perioda)
* ~~Kopiranje računa i identiteta~~
* ~~Prstohvatno zumiranje~~ (nije moguće za listanje spiska poruka; umjesto toga zumiranje radi u prikazu cijelih poruka)
* ~~Kompaktniji izgled foldera~~
* ~~Pravljenje spiskova i tabela~~ (za ovo je potreban uređivač obogaćenog teksta, pogledajte [ova ČPP](#user-content-faq99))
* ~~Prstohvatno zumiranje veličine teksta~~
* ~~Prikazivanje GIF-ova~~
* ~~Teme~~ (siva svjetla i tamna tema su dodane jer je izgleda to želja većine ljudi)
* ~~Vremenski uvjet-bilo koji dan~~ (bilo koji dan se ne uklapa u vremenske uvjete od datuma-do datuma)
* ~~Slanje kao priloga~~
* ~~Vidžet za izabrani račun~~
* ~~Podsjetnik za prilaganje datoteka~~
* ~~Izbor određenih domena za prikaz slika~~ (ovo bi bilo prekomplikovano za korištenje)
* ~~Prikaz objedinjenih poruka sa zvjezdicama~~ (već postoji specijalna vrsta pretrage za ovo)
* ~~Radnja premještanja u obavještenju~~
* ~~S/MIME podrška~~
* ~~Pretraživanje postavki~~
Sve na ovom spisku je nasumično raspoređeno i *moguće* da će biti dodano u bliskoj budućnosti.
@ -467,8 +467,8 @@ In the display section of the settings you can enable or disable for example:
* *Show stars*: to hide stars (favorites)
* *Show message preview*: to show 1-4 lines of the message text
* *Show address details by default*: to expand the addresses section by default
* *Automatically show original message for known contacts*: to automatically show original messages for contacts on your device, please read [this FAQ](#user-content-faq35)
* *Automatically show images for known contacts*: to automatically show images for contacts on your device, please read [this FAQ](#user-content-faq35)
* *Automatski prikaži izvornu poruku za poznate kontakte*: za automatski prikaz izvornih poruka za kontakte na vašem uređaju, molimo da pročitate [ova ČPP](#user-content-faq35)
* *Automatski prikaži slike za poznate kontakte*: za automatski prikaz slika za kontakte na vašem uređaju, molimo da pročitate [ova ČPP](#user-content-faq35)
Note that messages can be previewed only when the message text was downloaded. Larger message texts are not downloaded by default on metered (generally mobile) networks. You can change this in the connection settings.
@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ See [here](https://support.google.com/mail/answer/7126229) for Google's instruct
Sent messages are normally moved from the outbox to the sent folder as soon as your provider adds sent messages to the sent folder. This requires a sent folder to be selected in the account settings and the sent folder to be set to synchronizing.
Some providers do not keep track of sent messages or the used SMTP server might not be related to the provider. In these cases FairEmail, will automatically add sent messages to the sent folder on synchronizing the sent folder, which will happen after a message have been sent. Note that this will result in extra internet traffic.
Some providers do not keep track of sent messages or the used SMTP server might not be related to the provider. U ovim slučajevima, FairEmail će automatski dodati poslane poruke u folder 'Poslano' tokom sinhronizacije istog, što se događa nakon što poruka bude poslana. Note that this will result in extra internet traffic.
~~If this doesn't happen, your provider might not keep track of sent messages or you might be using an SMTP server not related to the provider.~~ ~~In these cases you can enable the advanced identity setting *Store sent messages* to let FairEmail add sent messages to the sent folder right after sending a message.~~~~Note that enabling this setting might result in duplicate messages if your provider adds sent messages to the sent folder too.~~ ~~Also beware that enabling this setting will result in extra data usage, especially when when sending messages with large attachments.~~
@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ Note that you can copy an identity by long pressing it.
Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced settings of an existing identity to edit the username when composing a new message, if your provider allows this.
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
FairEmail će automatski ažurirati lozinke povezanih identiteta, kada ažurirate lozinku dodijeljenog računa ili povezanog identiteta.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ To sign/encrypt a message, just select the appropriate method in the send dialog
To verify a signature or to decrypt a received message, open the message and just tap the gesture or padlock icon just below the message action bar.
The first time you send a signed/encrypted message you might be asked for a sign key. FairEmail will automatically store the selected sign key in the used identity for the next time. If you need to reset the sign key, just save the identity or long press the identity in the list of identities and select *Reset sign key*. The selected sign key is visible in the list of identities. If need to select a key on a case by case basis, you can create multiple identities for the same account with the same email address.
The first time you send a signed/encrypted message you might be asked for a sign key. FairEmail će automatski sačuvati izabrani potpisni ključ slijedeći put kada budete koristili identitet. If you need to reset the sign key, just save the identity or long press the identity in the list of identities and select *Reset sign key*. The selected sign key is visible in the list of identities. If need to select a key on a case by case basis, you can create multiple identities for the same account with the same email address.
In the encryption settings you can select the default encryption method (PGP or S/MIME), enable *Sign by default*, *Encrypt by default* and *Automatically decrypt messages*, but be aware that automatic decryption is not possible if user interaction is required, like selecting a key or reading a security token.