@ -589,13 +589,124 @@ ReactDOM.render(user, rootElement)
![Rendering image](../images/rendering_image.png)
Let's inject the user inside the main JSX element and see the result
// index.js
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
// To get the root element from the HTML document
import asabenehImage from './images/asabeneh.jpg'
// JSX element, header
const welcome = 'Welcome to 30 Days Of React'
const title = 'Getting Started React'
const subtitle = 'JavaScript Library'
const author = {
firstName: 'Asabeneh',
lastName: 'Yetayeh',
const date = 'Oct 2, 2020'
// JSX element, header
const header = (
<div className='header-wrapper'>
Instructor: {author.firstName} {author.lastName}
<small>Date: {date}</small>
const numOne = 3
const numTwo = 2
const result = (
{numOne} + {numTwo} = {numOne + numTwo}
const yearBorn = 1820
const currentYear = new Date().getFullYear()
const age = currentYear - yearBorn
const personAge = (
{' '}
{author.firstName} {author.lastName} is {age} years old
// JSX element, main
const techs = ['HTML', 'CSS', 'JavaScript']
const techsFormatted = techs.map((tech) => <li>{tech}</li>)
const user = (
<img src={asabenehImage} alt='asabeneh image' />
// JSX element, main
const main = (
<div className='main-wrapper'>
Prerequisite to get started{' '}
const copyRight = 'Copyright 2020'
// JSX element, footer
const footer = (
<div className='footer-wrapper'>
// JSX element, app
const app = (
<div className='app'>
const rootElement = document.getElementById('root')
// we render the JSX element using the ReactDOM package
ReactDOM.render(app, rootElement)
![All JSX together final](../images/all_jsx_final.png)
The boilerplate code can be found [here](../03/../03_Day_Setting_Up/30-days-of-react_boilerplate)
# Exercises
1. Import and render the following images
![Front end](../images/frontend_technologies.png)
1.Design the following user card.
![User Card](../images/user_card_design.png)
![User Card](../images/user_card_design_jsx.png)
1. Use h1, p, input and button HTML element to create the following design using JSX