15. What is the character code of J in '30 Days Of JavaScript' string using __charCodeAt()__
15. What is the character code of J in '30 Days Of JavaScript' string using __charCodeAt()__
16. Use __indexOf__ to determine the position of the first occurrence of a in 30 Days Of JavaScript
16. Use __indexOf__ to determine the position of the first occurrence of a in 30 Days Of JavaScript
17. Use __lastIndexOf__ to determine the position of the last occurrence of a in 30 Days Of JavaScript.
17. Use __lastIndexOf__ to determine the position of the last occurrence of a in 30 Days Of JavaScript.
18. Use __indexOf__ to find the position of the last occurrence of the word __because__ in the following sentence:__'You cannot end a sentence with because because because is a conjunction'__
18. Use __indexOf__ to find the position of the first occurrence of the word __because__ in the following sentence:__'You cannot end a sentence with because because because is a conjunction'__
19. Use __lastIndexOf__ to find the position of the first occurrence of the word __because__ in the following sentence:__'You cannot end a sentence with because because because is a conjunction'__
19. Use __lastIndexOf__ to find the position of the last occurrence of the word __because__ in the following sentence:__'You cannot end a sentence with because because because is a conjunction'__
20. Use __search__ to find the position of the first occurrence of the word __because__ in the following sentence:__'You cannot end a sentence with because because because is a conjunction'__
20. Use __search__ to find the position of the first occurrence of the word __because__ in the following sentence:__'You cannot end a sentence with because because because is a conjunction'__
21. Use __trim()__ to remove if there is trailing whitespace at the beginning and the end of a string.E.g ' 30 Days Of JavaScript '.
21. Use __trim()__ to remove if there is trailing whitespace at the beginning and the end of a string.E.g ' 30 Days Of JavaScript '.
22. Use __startsWith()__ method with the string *30 Days Of JavaScript* make the result true
22. Use __startsWith()__ method with the string *30 Days Of JavaScript* make the result true
@ -1185,263 +1185,4 @@ Arithmetic operators are mathematical operators.
In JavaScrip we use the increment operator to increase a value stored in a variable. The increment could be pre or post increment. Let us see each of them:
1. Pre-increment
let count = 0
console.log(++count) // 1
console.log(count) // 1
2. Post-increment
let count = 0
console.log(count++) // 0
console.log(count) // 1
We use most of the time post-increment. At leas you should remember how to use post-increment operator.
### Decrement Operator
In JavaScrip we use the decrement operator to decrease a value stored in a variable. The decrement could be pre or post decrement. Let us see each of them:
1. Pre-decrement
let count = 0
console.log(--count) // -1
console.log(count) // -1
2. Post-decrement
let count = 0
console.log(count--) // 0
console.log(count) // -1
### Operator Precendence
I would like to recommend you to read about operator precendence from this [link](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Operator_Precedence)
## Date Object
Time is an important thing. We like to know the time a certain activity or event. In JavaScript current time and date is created using JavaScript Date Object. The object we create using Date object provides many methods to work with date and time.The methods we use to get date and time information from a date object values are started with a word _get_ because it provide the information.
1. Declare firstName, lastName, country, city, age, isMarried, year variable and assign value to it
1. The JavaScript typeof operator uses to check different data types. Check the data type of each variables from question number 1.
## 2. Exercises: Arithmetic Operators Part
JavaScript arithmetic operators are addition(+), subtraction(-), multiplication(*), division(/), modulus(%), exponential(**), increment(++) and decrement(--).
let operandOne = 4;
let operandTwo = 3;
Using the above operands apply different JavaScript arithmetic operations.
## 3. Exercises: Booleans Part
Boolean value is either true or false.
1. Write three JavaScript statement which provide truthy value.
1. Write three JavaScript statement which provide falsy value.
## 4. Exercises: Comparison Operators
Figure out the result of the following comparison expression first without using console.log(). After you decide the result confirm it using console.log()
1. 4 > 3
1. 4 >= 3
1. 4 <3
1. 4 <= 3
1. 4 == 4
1. 4 === 4
1. 4 != 4
1. 4 !== 4
1. 4 != '4'
1. 4 == '4'
1. 4 === '4'
## 5. Exercises: Logical Operators
Figure out the result of the following expressions first without using console.log(). After you decide the result confirm it by using console.log()
1. 4 > 3 && 10 <12
1. 4 > 3 && 10 > 12
1. 4 > 3 || 10 <12
1. 4 > 3 || 10 > 12
1. !(4 > 3)
1. !(4 <3)
1. !(false)
1. !(4 > 3 && 10 <12)
1. !(4 > 3 && 10 > 12)
1. !(4 === '4')
## 6. Exercises: Date time Object
1. What is the year today?
1. What is the month today?
1. What is the date today?
1. What is the day today?
1. What is the hours now?
1. What is the minutes now?
1. Find out the numbers of seconds elapsed from January 1, 1970 to now.