@ -883,16 +883,16 @@ HTML Formatting Elements
- <u> -To underline
I want to be <b>bold Text </b>
I am very <strong>important text </strong>
I want to be <i>an italic text </i>
I am <em>emphasized text </em>
I am <mark> marked text </mark>
I am <small>a smaller text </small>
I am <del> deleted text </del>
My favorite language is not <del>Python</del>. It is <ins>JavaScript</ins>
I want to be <b>bold Text </b>
I am very <strong>important text </strong>
I want to be <i>an italic text </i>
I am <em>emphasized text </em>
I am <mark> marked text </mark>
I am <small>a smaller text </small>
I am <del> deleted text </del>
My favorite language is not <del>Python</del>. It is <ins>JavaScript</ins>
2H<sub>2</sub> + O<sub>2</sub> = 2H<sub>2</sub> O<sub></sub>
2<sup>10</sup> = 1024
2<sup>10</sup> = 1024
<pre>I like to make break her
I like to start a new line