Added english translation to

mikaal-anwar 5 years ago
parent abd8f58f33
commit 3855b1d24f

@ -4,104 +4,123 @@
### Hash related ### Hash related
- [q1_sum of two numbers](/src/hash related/q1_sum of two numbers) - [q1_sum of two numbers](/src/hash相关/q1_两数之和)
- [q387_the first unique character in the string] (/src/hash related/q387\_ the first unique character in the string) - [q387_the first unique character in the string](/src/hash相关/q387_字符串中的第一个唯一字符)
### Linked list operation ### Linked list operation
- [q2_Add two numbers](/src/Link list operation/q2_Add two numbers) - [q2_Add two numbers](/src/链表操作/q2_两数相加)
- [q19_delete the Nth node from the bottom of the linked list](/src/list operation/q19_delete the Nth node from the bottom of the linked list) - [q19_delete the Nth node from the bottom of the linked list](/src/链表操作/q19_删除链表的倒数第N个节点)
- [q25_k set of flipped linked lists] (/src/linked list operation/q25_k set of flipped linked lists) - [q25_k set of flipped linked lists](/src/链表操作/q25_k个一组翻转链表)
- [q61_rotating linked list](/src/linked list operation/q61_rotating linked list) - [q61_rotating linked list](/src/链表操作/q61_旋转链表)
- [q138_copy linked list with random pointer](/src/linked list operation/q138_copy linked list with random pointer) - [q138_copy linked list with random pointer](/src/链表操作/q138_复制带随机指针的链表)
- [q206_reverse linked list](/src/linked list operation/q206_reverse linked list) - [q206_reverse linked list](/src/链表操作/q206_反转链表)
### Double pointer traversal/sliding window ### Double pointer traversal/sliding window
- [q3_Longest substring without repeated characters] (/src/Double pointer traversal/q3_Longest substring without repeated characters) - [q3_Longest substring without repeated characters](/src/双指针遍历/q3_无重复字符的最长子串)
- [q11_Container with the most water](/src/Double pointer traversal/q11_Container with the most water) - [q11_Container with the most water](/src/双指针遍历/q11_盛最多水的容器)
- [q15_sum of three numbers](/src/double pointer traversal/q15_sum of three numbers) - [q15_sum of three numbers](/src/双指针遍历/q15_三数之和)
- [q16_closest sum of three numbers](/src/dual pointer traversal/q16_closest sum of three numbers) - [q16_closest sum of three numbers](/src/双指针遍历/q16_最接近的三数之和)
- [q26_delete duplicates in the sorted array](/src/double pointer traversal/q26_delete duplicates in the sorted array) - [q26_delete duplicates in the sorted array](/src/双指针遍历/q26_删除排序数组中的重复项)
- [q42_trapping-rain-water](/src/Dual pointer traversal/q42\_接雨水) - [q42_trapping-rain-water](/src/双指针遍历/q42_接雨水)
- [q121_The best time to buy and sell stocks] (/src/Dual pointer traversal/q121_The best time to buy and sell stocks) - [q121_The best time to buy and sell stocks](/src/双指针遍历/q121_买卖股票的最佳时机)
- [q209_The smallest length sub-array](/src/Double pointer traversal/q209_The smallest length sub-array) - [q209_The smallest length sub-array](/src/双指针遍历/q209_长度最小的子数组)
### Fast and slow pointer traversal ### Fast and slow pointer traversal
- [q141_circular linked list](/src/fast and slow pointer traversal/q141_circular linked list) - [q141_circular linked list](/src/快慢指针遍历/q141_环形链表)
- [q202_happy number](/src/speed pointer traversal/q202_happy number) - [q202_happy number](/src/快慢指针遍历/q202_快乐数)
- [q876_intermediate node of linked list] (/src/fast/slow pointer traversal/q876_intermediate node of linked list) - [q876_intermediate node of linked list](/src/快慢指针遍历/q876_链表的中间结点)
### Interval merge ### Interval merge
- [q56_Merge interval](/src/Merge interval/q56_Merge interval) - [q56_Merge interval](/src/区间合并/q56_合并区间)
### String manipulation ### String manipulation
- [q6_Zigzag transformation](/src/String operation/q6_Zigzag transformation) - [q6_Zigzag transformation](/src/字符串操作/q6_Z字形变换)
- [q14_longest common prefix](/src/string operation/q14_longest common prefix) - [q14_longest common prefix](/src/字符串操作/q14_最长公共前缀)
- [q763_Dividing letter interval](/src/String operation/q763_Dividing letter interval) - [q763_Dividing letter interval](/src/字符串操作/q763_划分字母区间)
### Digital operation ### Digital operation
- [q7_integer inversion](/src/digital operation/q7_integer inversion) - [q7_integer inversion](/src/数字操作/q7_整数反转)
- [q8_string conversion integer](/src/number operation/q8_string conversion integer) - [q8_string conversion integer](/src/数字操作/q8_字符串转换整数)
- [q9_Palindrome Number](/src/Number Operation/q9_Palindrome Number) - [q9_Palindrome Number](/src/数字操作/q9_回文数)
- [q43_string multiplication](/src/number operation/q43_string multiplication) - [q43_string multiplication](/src/数字操作/q43_字符串相乘)
- [q172_zero after factorial](/src/digital operation/q172_zero after factorial) - [q172_zero after factorial](/src/数字操作/q172_阶乘后的零)
- [q258_Add everybody](/src/Digital operation/q258_Add everybody) - [q258_Add everybody](/src/数字操作/q258_各位相加)
### Array operations ### Array operations
- [q54_spiral matrix](/src/array operation/q54_spiral matrix) - [q54_spiral matrix](/src/数组操作/q54_螺旋矩阵)
- [q73_Zero Matrix](/src/Array Operation/q73_Zero Matrix) - [q73_Zero Matrix](/src/数组操作/q73_矩阵置零)
- [q78_subset](/src/array operation/q78_subset) - [q78_subset](/src/数组操作/q78_子集)
- [q384_scrambling array](/src/array operation/q384_scrambling array) - [q384_scrambling array](/src/数组操作/q384_打乱数组)
- [q581_shortest unordered continuous subarray](/src/array operation/q581_shortest unordered continuous subarray) - [q581_shortest unordered continuous subarray](/src/数组操作/q581_最短无序连续子数组)
- [q945_Minimum increment to make the array unique] (/src/Array operation/q945_Minimum increment to make the array unique) - [q945_Minimum increment to make the array unique](/src/数组操作/q945_使数组唯一的最小增量)
### Stack related ### Stack related
- [q20_valid brackets](/src/stack related/q20_valid brackets) - [q20_valid brackets](/src/栈相关/q20_有效的括号)
- [q32_longest valid bracket](/src/stack related/q32_longest valid bracket) - [q32_longest valid bracket](/src/栈相关/q32_最长有效括号)
- [q155_Minimal stack](/src/stack related/q155_Minimal stack) - [q155_Minimal stack](/src/栈相关/q155_最小栈)
- [q224_basic calculator](/src/stack related/q224_basic calculator) - [q224_basic calculator](/src/栈相关/q224_基本计算器)
- [q232_implement queue with stack](/src/stack related/q232_implement queue with stack) - [q232_implement queue with stack](/src/栈相关/q232_用栈实现队列)
- [q316_remove duplicate letters](/src/stack related/q316_remove duplicate letters) - [q316_remove duplicate letters](/src/栈相关/q316_去除重复字母)
### Heap related ### Heap related
- [q215_the Kth largest element in the array] (/src/heap-related/q215_the Kth largest element in the array) - [q215_the Kth largest element in the array](/src/堆相关/q215_数组中的第K个最大元素)
- [q347_top K high frequency elements](/src/heap related/q347_top K high frequency elements) - [q347_top K high frequency elements](/src/堆相关/q347_前K个高频元素)
### Recursion ### Recursion
- [q21_merge two ordered linked lists](/src/recursion/q21_merge two ordered linked lists) - [q21_merge two ordered linked lists](/src/递归/q21_合并两个有序链表)
- [q101_symmetric binary tree](/src/recursion/q101_symmetric binary tree) - [q101_symmetric binary tree](/src/递归/q101_对称二叉树)
- [q104_Maximum Depth of Binary Tree](/src/Recursion/q104_Maximum Depth of Binary Tree) - [q104_Maximum Depth of Binary Tree](/src/递归/q104_二叉树的最大深度)
- [q226_flip binary tree](/src/recursion/q226_flip binary tree) - [q226_flip binary tree](/src/递归/q226_翻转二叉树)
- [q236_The nearest common ancestor of the binary tree](/src/recursion/q236_The nearest common ancestor of the binary tree) - [q236_The nearest common ancestor of the binary tree](/src/递归/q236_二叉树的最近公共祖先)
### Divide and Conquer/Dichotomy ### Divide and Conquer/Dichotomy
-[q23\_Merge K sorted lists](/src/divide and conquer/q23_Merge K sorted lists) -[q33\_Search rotating sorted array](/src/divide and conquer/q33_search rotating sorted array) -[q34\_Find the first and last position of an element in the sorted array](/src/divide and conquer/q34_Find the first and last position of an element in the sorted array) - [q23_Merge K sorted lists](/src/分治法/q23_合并K个排序链表)
- [q33_Search rotating sorted array](/src/分治法/q33_搜索旋转排序数组)
- [q34_Find the first and last position of an element in the sorted array](/src/分治法/q34_在排序数组中查找元素的第一个和最后一个位置)
### Dynamic Planning ### Dynamic Planning
-[q5\_longest palindrome substring](/src/dynamic programming/q5*longest palindrome substring) -[q53\_Maximum Subsequence Sum](/src/Dynamic Programming/q53_Max Subsequence Sum) -[q62\_different path](/src/dynamic programming/q62_different path) -[q64\_Minimum path sum](/src/dynamic programming/q64_Minimum path sum) -[q70\_stair climbing](/src/dynamic programming/q70_stair climbing) -[q118\_杨辉 Triangle](/src/Dynamic Programming/q118*杨辉 Triangle) -[q300\_Longest Ascending Subsequence](/src/Dynamic Programming/q300_Longest Ascending Subsequence) -[q1143\_longest common subsequence](/src/dynamic programming/q1143_longest common subsequence) -[q1277\_square submatrix with all 1s](/src/dynamic programming/q1277_square submatrix with all 1s) - [q5_longest palindrome substring](/src/动态规划/q5_最长回文子串)
- [q53_Maximum Subsequence Sum](/src/动态规划/q53_最大子序和)
- [q62_different path](/src/动态规划/q62_不同路径)
- [q64_Minimum path sum](/src/动态规划/q64_最小路径和)
- [q70_stair climbing](/src/动态规划/q70_爬楼梯)
- [q118\_杨辉 Triangle](/src/动态规划/q118_杨辉三角)
- [q300_Longest Ascending Subsequence](/src/动态规划/q300_最长上升子序列)
- [q1143_longest common subsequence](/src/动态规划/q1143_最长公共子序列)
- [q1277_square submatrix with all 1s](/src/动态规划/q1277_统计全为1的正方形子矩阵)
### Backtracking ### Backtracking
-[q10\_regular expression matching](/src/backtracking/q10_regular expression matching) -[q22\_bracket generation](/src/backtracking/q22_bracket generation) -[q40\_combined sum 2](/src/backtracking/q40_combined sum 2) -[q46\_all permutation](/src/backtracking/q46_all permutation) - [q10_regular expression matching](/src/回溯法/q10_正则表达式匹配)
- [q22_bracket generation](/src/回溯法/q22_括号生成)
- [q40_combined sum 2](/src/回溯法/q40_组合总和2)
- [q46_all permutation](/src/回溯法/q46_全排列)
### Tree traversal ### Tree traversal
-[q94\_In-order traversal of binary tree](/src/Tree traversal/q94_In-order traversal of binary tree) -[q102\_Binary tree traversal](/src/Tree traversal/q102_Binary tree traversal) -[q110\_balanced binary tree](/src/tree traversal/q110_balanced binary tree) -[q144\_Preorder traversal of binary tree](/src/Tree traversal/q144_Preorder traversal of binary tree) -[q145\_Post-order traversal of binary tree](/src/Traversal of tree/q145_Post-order traversal of binary tree) - [q94_In-order traversal of binary tree](/src/树的遍历/q94_二叉树的中序遍历)
- [q102_Binary tree traversal](/src/树的遍历/q102_二叉树的层次遍历)
- [q110_balanced binary tree](/src/树的遍历/q110_平衡二叉树)
- [q144_Preorder traversal of binary tree](/src/树的遍历/q144_二叉树的前序遍历)
- [q145_Post-order traversal of binary tree](/src/树的遍历/q145_二叉树的后序遍历)
### Binary search tree related ### Binary search tree related
-[q98\_Verify Binary Search Tree](/src/Binary Search Tree Related/q98_Verify Binary Search Tree) -[q450\_delete nodes in binary search tree](/src/binary search tree related/q450_delete nodes in binary search tree) -[q701\_insert operation in binary search tree](/src/binary search tree related/q701_insert operation in binary search tree) - [q98_Verify Binary Search Tree](/src/二叉搜索树相关/q98_验证二叉搜索树)
- [q450_delete nodes in binary search tree](/src/二叉搜索树相关/q450_删除二叉搜索树中的节点)
- [q701_insert operation in binary search tree](/src/二叉搜索树相关/q701_二叉搜索树中的插入操作)
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