l-110 bug修复

dongming 2 years ago
parent 2b170abcc7
commit 32ab450fef

@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ func (r *MsbDeploymentReconciler) SetupWithManager(mgr ctrl.Manager) error {
return ctrl.NewControllerManagedBy(mgr).
Owns(&appsv1.Deployment{}). // 监控 deployment 类型,变更就触发 reconciler
Owns(&corev1.Service{}). // 监控 service 类型,变更就触发 reconciler
Owns(&corev1.Service{}). // 监控 service 类型,变更就触发 reconciler
Owns(&networkv1.Ingress{}). // 监控 ingress 类型,变更就触发 reconciler
@ -475,11 +475,13 @@ func createCondition(conditionType, message, status, reason string) myAppsv1.Con
// 只是删除对应的Condition不做更多的操作
func (r *MsbDeploymentReconciler) deleteStatus(md *myAppsv1.MsbDeployment, conditionType string) {
// 1. 遍历conditions
for i := range md.Status.Conditions {
var tmp []myAppsv1.Condition
copy(tmp, md.Status.Conditions)
for i := range tmp {
// 2. 找到要删除的对象
if md.Status.Conditions[i].Type == conditionType {
if tmp[i].Type == conditionType {
// 3. 执行删除
md.Status.Conditions = deleteCondition(md.Status.Conditions, i)
md.Status.Conditions = deleteCondition(tmp, i)

@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
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<testsuite name="e2e" tests="64" failures="0" errors="0" time="109.125">
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Should be create mod ingress with tls success" classname="e2e" time="3.022559889"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Should be exist msbdeployment" classname="e2e" time="0.032308961"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Should be exist ingress, and have a tls setting" classname="e2e" time="0.034872611"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Should be exist issuer" classname="e2e" time="0.025461398"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Should be exist certificate" classname="e2e" time="0.024536388"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Delete msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Should be delete mod ingress success" classname="e2e" time="3.01690593"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Delete msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Should not be exist msbdeployment" classname="e2e" time="0.019755163"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Delete msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Should not be exist deployment" classname="e2e" time="0.03127168"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Delete msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Should not be exist service" classname="e2e" time="0.023646105"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Delete msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Should not be exist ingress" classname="e2e" time="0.021197081"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Delete msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Should not be exist issuer" classname="e2e" time="0.104384323"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Delete msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Should not be exist certificate" classname="e2e" time="0.401023335"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress Create msbdeployment mod ingress Should be create mod ingress success" classname="e2e" time="1.225955715"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress Create msbdeployment mod ingress Should be exist msbdeployment" classname="e2e" time="0.009590279"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress Create msbdeployment mod ingress Should be exist deployment" classname="e2e" time="0.010331642"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress Create msbdeployment mod ingress Should be exist service" classname="e2e" time="0.353561755"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress Create msbdeployment mod ingress Should be exist ingress" classname="e2e" time="0.401696824"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress Delete msbdeployment mod ingress Should be delete mod ingress success" classname="e2e" time="3.20492992"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress Delete msbdeployment mod ingress Should not be exist msbdeployment" classname="e2e" time="0.03643279"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress Delete msbdeployment mod ingress Should not be exist deployment" classname="e2e" time="0.025111098"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress Delete msbdeployment mod ingress Should not be exist service" classname="e2e" time="0.018181285"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress Delete msbdeployment mod ingress Should not be exist ingress" classname="e2e" time="0.020438962"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to Ingress Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to ingress Should be create mod nodeport success" classname="e2e" time="1.017580932"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to Ingress Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to ingress Should be exist msbdeployment" classname="e2e" time="0.010714256"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to Ingress Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to ingress Should be exist deployment" classname="e2e" time="0.016441073"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to Ingress Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to ingress Should be exist service" classname="e2e" time="0.255184402"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to Ingress Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to ingress Should not be exist ingress" classname="e2e" time="0.400590063"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to Ingress Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to ingress Should be update to ingress success" classname="e2e" time="1.214198213"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to Ingress Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to ingress Should be exist ingress" classname="e2e" time="0.016829275"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to Ingress Delete msbdeployment n2i Should be delete mod nodeport success" classname="e2e" time="3.022204257"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to Ingress Delete msbdeployment n2i Should not be exist msbdeployment" classname="e2e" time="0.112901185"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to Ingress Delete msbdeployment n2i Should not be exist deployment" classname="e2e" time="0.032176544"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to Ingress Delete msbdeployment n2i Should not be exist service" classname="e2e" time="0.026723179"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to Ingress Delete msbdeployment n2i Should not be exist ingress" classname="e2e" time="0.023081696"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress default value Create msbdeployment mod ingress, but no replicas Create msbdeployment mod ingress success" classname="e2e" time="1.03300364"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress default value Create msbdeployment mod ingress, but no replicas Should be exist msbdeployment, and have a default replicas" classname="e2e" time="0.02775176"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress default value Create msbdeployment mod ingress, but no svcport Create msbdeployment mod ingress success" classname="e2e" time="1.011596519"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress default value Create msbdeployment mod ingress, but no svcport Should be exist msbdeployment, and have a default svcport" classname="e2e" time="0.057175599"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod nodeport must failed Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Should be create mod nodeport no nodeport, must failed" classname="e2e" time="0.013858282"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod nodeport must failed Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Should be create mod nodeport li nodeport, must failed" classname="e2e" time="0.022844482"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod nodeport must failed Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Should be create mod nodeport gt nodeport, must failed" classname="e2e" time="0.236045376"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod ingress to Nodeport Update msbdeployment mod ingress to nodeport Should be create mod ingress success" classname="e2e" time="1.216842624"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod ingress to Nodeport Update msbdeployment mod ingress to nodeport Should be exist msbdeployment" classname="e2e" time="0.019118689"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod ingress to Nodeport Update msbdeployment mod ingress to nodeport Should be exist deployment" classname="e2e" time="0.006906837"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod ingress to Nodeport Update msbdeployment mod ingress to nodeport Should be exist service" classname="e2e" time="0.356895436"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod ingress to Nodeport Update msbdeployment mod ingress to nodeport Should be exist ingress" classname="e2e" time="0.400860639"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod ingress to Nodeport Update msbdeployment mod ingress to nodeport Should be update to nodeport success" classname="e2e" time="1.225811238"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod ingress to Nodeport Update msbdeployment mod ingress to nodeport Should not be exist ingress" classname="e2e" time="0.009133742"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod ingress to Nodeport Delete msbdeployment i2n Should be delete mod ingress success" classname="e2e" time="3.025269131"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod ingress to Nodeport Delete msbdeployment i2n Should not be exist msbdeployment" classname="e2e" time="0.026153366"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod ingress to Nodeport Delete msbdeployment i2n Should not be exist deployment" classname="e2e" time="0.019366476"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod ingress to Nodeport Delete msbdeployment i2n Should not be exist service" classname="e2e" time="0.022820337"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod ingress to Nodeport Delete msbdeployment i2n Should not be exist ingress" classname="e2e" time="0.022318766"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Should be create mod nodeport success" classname="e2e" time="1.042805947"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Should be exist msbdeployment" classname="e2e" time="0.05290632"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Should be exist deployment" classname="e2e" time="0.037765152"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Should be exist service" classname="e2e" time="0.162780539"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Should not be exist ingress" classname="e2e" time="0.401055888"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Delete msbdeployment mod nodeport Should be delete mod nodeport success" classname="e2e" time="3.212194289"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Delete msbdeployment mod nodeport Should not be exist msbdeployment" classname="e2e" time="0.026401071"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Delete msbdeployment mod nodeport Should not be exist deployment" classname="e2e" time="0.024239397"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Delete msbdeployment mod nodeport Should not be exist service" classname="e2e" time="0.024828727"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Delete msbdeployment mod nodeport Should not be exist ingress" classname="e2e" time="0.034315432"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress must failed Create msbdeployment mod ingress no domain Should be create mod ingress no domain failed" classname="e2e" time="0.086156018"></testcase>
<testsuite name="e2e" tests="64" failures="0" errors="0" time="124.14">
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress default value Create msbdeployment mod ingress, but no replicas Create msbdeployment mod ingress success" classname="e2e" time="1.028740024"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress default value Create msbdeployment mod ingress, but no replicas Should be exist msbdeployment, and have a default replicas" classname="e2e" time="0.05754267"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress default value Create msbdeployment mod ingress, but no svcport Create msbdeployment mod ingress success" classname="e2e" time="1.018040168"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress default value Create msbdeployment mod ingress, but no svcport Should be exist msbdeployment, and have a default svcport" classname="e2e" time="0.025278619"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod nodeport must failed Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Should be create mod nodeport no nodeport, must failed" classname="e2e" time="0.015296818"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod nodeport must failed Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Should be create mod nodeport li nodeport, must failed" classname="e2e" time="0.01977246"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod nodeport must failed Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Should be create mod nodeport gt nodeport, must failed" classname="e2e" time="0.016328996"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to Ingress Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to ingress Should be create mod nodeport success" classname="e2e" time="1.035381094"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to Ingress Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to ingress Should be exist msbdeployment" classname="e2e" time="0.050084015"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to Ingress Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to ingress Should be exist deployment" classname="e2e" time="0.017928729"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to Ingress Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to ingress Should be exist service" classname="e2e" time="0.220737798"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to Ingress Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to ingress Should not be exist ingress" classname="e2e" time="0.399535873"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to Ingress Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to ingress Should be update to ingress success" classname="e2e" time="1.225044238"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to Ingress Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to ingress Should be exist ingress" classname="e2e" time="0.023910862"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to Ingress Delete msbdeployment n2i Should be delete mod nodeport success" classname="e2e" time="3.026135127"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to Ingress Delete msbdeployment n2i Should not be exist msbdeployment" classname="e2e" time="0.0381559"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to Ingress Delete msbdeployment n2i Should not be exist deployment" classname="e2e" time="0.022872275"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to Ingress Delete msbdeployment n2i Should not be exist service" classname="e2e" time="0.021572046"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod nodeport to Ingress Delete msbdeployment n2i Should not be exist ingress" classname="e2e" time="0.023710758"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Should be create mod nodeport success" classname="e2e" time="1.031205376"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Should be exist msbdeployment" classname="e2e" time="0.025900161"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Should be exist deployment" classname="e2e" time="0.026303577"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Should be exist service" classname="e2e" time="0.209047991"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Should not be exist ingress" classname="e2e" time="0.400877805"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Delete msbdeployment mod nodeport Should be delete mod nodeport success" classname="e2e" time="3.237008707"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Delete msbdeployment mod nodeport Should not be exist msbdeployment" classname="e2e" time="0.023724536"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Delete msbdeployment mod nodeport Should not be exist deployment" classname="e2e" time="0.023662461"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Delete msbdeployment mod nodeport Should not be exist service" classname="e2e" time="0.036599218"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod nodeport Delete msbdeployment mod nodeport Should not be exist ingress" classname="e2e" time="0.025411223"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress Create msbdeployment mod ingress Should be create mod ingress success" classname="e2e" time="1.014599247"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress Create msbdeployment mod ingress Should be exist msbdeployment" classname="e2e" time="0.009516857"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress Create msbdeployment mod ingress Should be exist deployment" classname="e2e" time="0.009901753"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress Create msbdeployment mod ingress Should be exist service" classname="e2e" time="0.233064746"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress Create msbdeployment mod ingress Should be exist ingress" classname="e2e" time="0.407063126"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress Delete msbdeployment mod ingress Should be delete mod ingress success" classname="e2e" time="3.203410523"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress Delete msbdeployment mod ingress Should not be exist msbdeployment" classname="e2e" time="0.02772414"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress Delete msbdeployment mod ingress Should not be exist deployment" classname="e2e" time="0.029121545"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress Delete msbdeployment mod ingress Should not be exist service" classname="e2e" time="0.031718195"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress Delete msbdeployment mod ingress Should not be exist ingress" classname="e2e" time="0.02581606"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress must failed Create msbdeployment mod ingress no domain Should be create mod ingress no domain failed" classname="e2e" time="0.0875762"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Should be create mod ingress with tls success" classname="e2e" time="3.224833619"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Should be exist msbdeployment" classname="e2e" time="0.031450298"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Should be exist ingress, and have a tls setting" classname="e2e" time="0.040925372"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Should be exist issuer" classname="e2e" time="0.026487623"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Should be exist certificate" classname="e2e" time="0.01938928"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Delete msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Should be delete mod ingress success" classname="e2e" time="3.020434124"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Delete msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Should not be exist msbdeployment" classname="e2e" time="0.026031996"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Delete msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Should not be exist deployment" classname="e2e" time="0.027860238"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Delete msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Should not be exist service" classname="e2e" time="0.036245265"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Delete msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Should not be exist ingress" classname="e2e" time="0.028591537"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Delete msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Should not be exist issuer" classname="e2e" time="0.088878491"></testcase>
<testcase name="Create msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Delete msbdeployment mod ingress with tls Should not be exist certificate" classname="e2e" time="0.392528186"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod ingress to Nodeport Update msbdeployment mod ingress to nodeport Should be create mod ingress success" classname="e2e" time="1.211712383"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod ingress to Nodeport Update msbdeployment mod ingress to nodeport Should be exist msbdeployment" classname="e2e" time="0.024091993"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod ingress to Nodeport Update msbdeployment mod ingress to nodeport Should be exist deployment" classname="e2e" time="0.037911495"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod ingress to Nodeport Update msbdeployment mod ingress to nodeport Should be exist service" classname="e2e" time="0.338539011"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod ingress to Nodeport Update msbdeployment mod ingress to nodeport Should be exist ingress" classname="e2e" time="0.388380331"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod ingress to Nodeport Update msbdeployment mod ingress to nodeport Should be update to nodeport success" classname="e2e" time="1.216177062"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod ingress to Nodeport Update msbdeployment mod ingress to nodeport Should not be exist ingress" classname="e2e" time="0.089516991"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod ingress to Nodeport Delete msbdeployment i2n Should be delete mod ingress success" classname="e2e" time="3.0214043"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod ingress to Nodeport Delete msbdeployment i2n Should not be exist msbdeployment" classname="e2e" time="0.02449547"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod ingress to Nodeport Delete msbdeployment i2n Should not be exist deployment" classname="e2e" time="0.03677086"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod ingress to Nodeport Delete msbdeployment i2n Should not be exist service" classname="e2e" time="0.023543063"></testcase>
<testcase name="Update msbdeployment mod ingress to Nodeport Delete msbdeployment i2n Should not be exist ingress" classname="e2e" time="0.025068171"></testcase>