You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

103 lines
6.0 KiB

2 years ago
package main
import (
import (
func main() {
// connect
db, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open(confm.Get().String("sqlite.DSN")), &gorm.Config{})
if err != nil {
// all tables
tbs := []interface{}{
// drop tables
if err := db.Migrator().DropTable(tbs...); err != nil {
// create tables
if err := db.AutoMigrate(tbs...); err != nil {
// basic seed
// role
root := tables.Role{Name: "根", Key: "root"}
if result := db.Create(&root); result.Error != nil {
// user
users := []tables.User{
{Username: "admin", Password: "", PasswordSalt: "", Name: "Admin", Roles: []tables.Role{root}},
for i, _ := range users {
users[i].PasswordSalt = toolm.RandString(6, toolm.CharsAll)
users[i].Password = toolm.Sha256HMacString("admin", users[i].PasswordSalt)
if result := db.Create(&users); result.Error != nil {
// category
cats := []tables.Category{
{Model: tables.Model{ID: 1}, Name: "未分类", Status: tables.CategoryStatusPublish},
{Model: tables.Model{ID: 2}, Name: "新闻公告", Status: tables.CategoryStatusPublish},
{Model: tables.Model{ID: 3}, Name: "游戏介绍", Status: tables.CategoryStatusPublish},
{Model: tables.Model{ID: 4}, Name: "游戏特色", Status: tables.CategoryStatusPublish},
{Model: tables.Model{ID: 5}, Name: "特定内容", Status: tables.CategoryStatusPublish},
{Model: tables.Model{ID: 6}, Name: "怪物介绍", Status: tables.CategoryStatusPublish, ParentID: 3},
{Model: tables.Model{ID: 7}, Name: "NPC介绍", Status: tables.CategoryStatusPublish, ParentID: 3},
{Model: tables.Model{ID: 8}, Name: "武功介绍", Status: tables.CategoryStatusPublish, ParentID: 3},
{Model: tables.Model{ID: 9}, Name: "系统介绍", Status: tables.CategoryStatusPublish, ParentID: 3},
{Model: tables.Model{ID: 10}, Name: "装备预览", Status: tables.CategoryStatusPublish, ParentID: 3},
{Model: tables.Model{ID: 11}, Name: "武功", Status: tables.CategoryStatusPublish, ParentID: 4},
{Model: tables.Model{ID: 12}, Name: "离线挂机", Status: tables.CategoryStatusPublish, ParentID: 4},
{Model: tables.Model{ID: 13}, Name: "境界", Status: tables.CategoryStatusPublish, ParentID: 4},
{Model: tables.Model{ID: 14}, Name: "副本", Status: tables.CategoryStatusPublish, ParentID: 4},
if result := db.Create(&cats); result.Error != nil {
contents := []tables.Content{
{Subject: "家长监护工程", Content: "<p>家长监护工程(请自行编辑)</p>", CategoryID: 5, Status: tables.ContentStatusPublish, PublishTime: time.Now()},
{Subject: "联系我们", Content: "<p>联系我们(请自行编辑)</p>", CategoryID: 5, Status: tables.ContentStatusPublish, PublishTime: time.Now()},
{Subject: "商务合作", Content: "<p>商务合作(请自行编辑)</p>", CategoryID: 5, Status: tables.ContentStatusPublish, PublishTime: time.Now()},
{Subject: "用户纠纷处理", Content: "<p>用户纠纷处理(请自行编辑)</p>", CategoryID: 5, Status: tables.ContentStatusPublish, PublishTime: time.Now()},
{Subject: "用户协议", Content: "<p>用户协议(请自行编辑)</p>", CategoryID: 5, Status: tables.ContentStatusPublish, PublishTime: time.Now()},
{Subject: "QRCode", Content: "<p>QRCode请自行编辑</p>", Cover: "contents/d45d56cdc40ff9ad6245b6a30b5c10a9.png", CategoryID: 5, Status: tables.ContentStatusPublish, PublishTime: time.Now()},
{Subject: "App Store 下载", Content: "<p>App Store 下载(请自行编辑)</p>", Cover: "contents/6ac066a9023d893deb030d8d04faaf4d.png", CategoryID: 5, Status: tables.ContentStatusPublish, PublishTime: time.Now()},
{Subject: "安卓下载", Content: "<p>安卓下载(请自行编辑)</p>", Cover: "contents/1d6e08823657c551a66bb25693e69678.png", CategoryID: 5, Status: tables.ContentStatusPublish, PublishTime: time.Now()},
{Subject: "Logo", Content: "<p>Logo请自行编辑</p>", Cover: "contents/fbc658d2b9c8209a0eaa9b9721e426c2.png", CategoryID: 5, Status: tables.ContentStatusPublish, PublishTime: time.Now()},
{Subject: "底部文字", Content: "健康游戏忠告:抵制不良游戏,拒绝盗版游戏。注意自我保护,谨防受骗上当。适度游戏益脑,沉迷游戏伤身。合理安排时间,享受健康生活", CategoryID: 5, Status: tables.ContentStatusPublish, PublishTime: time.Now()},
{Subject: "Video Logo", Content: "<p>请自行编辑</p>", Cover: "contents/41af642d078b5cd5049f8eb4ee2472ed.png", CategoryID: 5, Status: tables.ContentStatusPublish, PublishTime: time.Now()},
{Subject: "维护公告", Content: "<p>测试内容1</p>", Cover: "contents/e842edc945d88a4f3fa49a39a22c8920.png", CategoryID: 2, Status: tables.ContentStatusPublish, PublishTime: time.Now(), Promotes: tables.ContentPromoteIndexImage | tables.ContentPromoteLatest},
{Subject: "攻击类", Content: "<p>测试内容2</p>", Cover: "contents/25510c2d7e8c3dcc8c4e17b5787e1765.png", CategoryID: 11, Status: tables.ContentStatusPublish, PublishTime: time.Now(), Promotes: tables.ContentPromoteIndexImage},
{Subject: "步伐类", Content: "<p>测试内容3</p>", Cover: "contents/ca2d7c6650b11683d5af710583c5dbf0.png", CategoryID: 11, Status: tables.ContentStatusPublish, PublishTime: time.Now()},
{Subject: "境界系统", Content: "<p>测试内容4</p>", Cover: "contents/9b17f01564d8a207de42e114aa5c9b2e.png", CategoryID: 13, Status: tables.ContentStatusPublish, PublishTime: time.Now()},
{Subject: "出入境", Content: "<p>测试内容5</p>", Cover: "contents/cac4665a7441c3ceeea3b19bdd3d0ffd.png", CategoryID: 13, Status: tables.ContentStatusPublish, PublishTime: time.Now()},
if result := db.Create(&contents); result.Error != nil {