You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package models
import (
type Model struct {
ID uint `gorm:"primarykey" json:"id"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"`
DeletedAt gorm.DeletedAt `gorm:"index" json:"-"`
2 months ago
type FieldMap = map[string]any
// 查询范围的常量
const (
SCOPE_ALL = iota
2 months ago
// 通用的查询列表排序类型
type Sorter struct {
// 排序字段
SortField *string `form:"sortField" binding:"omitempty,gt=0"`
// 排序方式 asc,desc
// oneof多个选项之一
SortMethod *string `form:"sortMethod" binding:"omitempty,oneof=asc desc"`
// 通用的查询列表翻页类型
type Pager struct {
// 页码索引
PageNum *int `form:"pageNum" binding:"omitempty,gt=0"`
// 每页记录数
PageSize *int `form:"pageSize" binding:"omitempty,gt=0"`
const (
PageNumDefault = 1
PageSizeDefault = 10
PageSizeMax = 100
SortFieldDefault = "id"
SortMethodDefault = "DESC"
// Clean 整理Sorter
func (s *Sorter) Clean() {
if s.SortField == nil {
temp := SortFieldDefault
s.SortField = &temp
if s.SortMethod == nil {
temp := SortMethodDefault
s.SortMethod = &temp
// Clean 整理Pager
func (p *Pager) Clean() {
if p.PageNum == nil || *p.PageNum == 0 {
temp := PageNumDefault
p.PageNum = &temp
if p.PageSize == nil {
temp := PageSizeDefault
p.PageSize = &temp
if *p.PageSize > PageSizeMax {
temp := PageSizeMax
p.PageSize = &temp