diff --git a/src/document/cn/apis.js b/src/document/cn/apis.js index b00da0de6..ea8976109 100644 --- a/src/document/cn/apis.js +++ b/src/document/cn/apis.js @@ -341,6 +341,7 @@ * 如果需要可以用相同订单号再次发起支付单,支付成功或支付中的无法重复发起订单 * @apiSuccess {String} order_id RoyalPay订单ID,同时也是微信订单ID,最终支付成功的订单ID可能不同 * @apiSuccess {String} partner_order_id 商户订单ID + * @apiSuccess {String} channel_order_id 渠道方(支付宝、微信)交易流水号 * @apiSuccess {int} total_fee 订单金额,单位是货币最小面值单位 * @apiSuccess {int} real_fee 实际支付金额,单位是货币最小面值单位(目前等于订单金额,为卡券预留) * @apiSuccess {Double} rate 交易时使用的汇率,1AUD=?CNY @@ -636,6 +637,7 @@ * @apiParam (JSON) {String} nonce_str 随机字符串 * @apiParam (JSON) {String} sign 签名 * @apiParam (JSON) {String} partner_order_id 商户订单ID + * @apiParam (JSON) {String} channel_order_id 渠道方(支付宝、微信)交易流水号 * @apiParam (JSON) {String} order_id RoyalPay订单ID * @apiParam (JSON) {int} total_fee 订单金额,单位是最小货币单位 * @apiParam (JSON) {int} real_fee 支付金额,单位是最小货币单位 diff --git a/src/document/en/apis.js b/src/document/en/apis.js index f89c12af4..b759a76ea 100644 --- a/src/document/en/apis.js +++ b/src/document/en/apis.js @@ -352,6 +352,7 @@ * Use the same order id to call create order API can renew the order. PAYING, PAY_SUCCESS orders cannot be renewed. * @apiSuccess {String} order_id Order id in RoyalPay, which is also WeChat order id. The final order id which is paid may be different from this one * @apiSuccess {String} partner_order_id Partner order id + * @apiSuccess {String} channel_order_id PayChannel(Alipay、Wechat) Transaction Trade No * @apiSuccess {int} total_fee Order amount, which uses the base unit of current currency * @apiSuccess {int} real_fee Actual paid amount.(Equal to total fee at the moment. After coupon feature is finished, this value may be different. ) * @apiSuccess {Double} rate Exchange Rate used while trading. 1AUD=?CNY @@ -646,6 +647,7 @@ * @apiParam (JSON) {String} nonce_str Random string * @apiParam (JSON) {String} sign Sign * @apiParam (JSON) {String} partner_order_id Partner order id + * @apiParam (JSON) {String} channel_order_id PayChannel(Alipay、Wechat) Transaction Trade No * @apiParam (JSON) {String} order_id RoyalPay order id * @apiParam (JSON) {int} total_fee Order amount * @apiParam (JSON) {int} real_fee Actual paid amount