After Width: | Height: | Size: 92 KiB |
@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
/** @preserve
jSignature v2 jSignature's custom "base30" format export and import plugins.
Copyright (c) 2011 Willow Systems Corp
MIT License <>
var chunkSeparator = '_'
, charmap = {} // {'1':'g','2':'h','3':'i','4':'j','5':'k','6':'l','7':'m','8':'n','9':'o','a':'p','b':'q','c':'r','d':'s','e':'t','f':'u','0':'v'}
, charmap_reverse = {} // will be filled by 'uncompress*" function
// need to split below for IE7 (possibly others), which does not understand string[position] it seems (returns undefined)
, allchars = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX'.split('')
, bitness = allchars.length / 2
, minus = 'Z'
, plus = 'Y'
for(var i = bitness-1; i > -1; i--){
charmap[allchars[i]] = allchars[i+bitness]
charmap_reverse[allchars[i+bitness]] = allchars[i]
var remapTailChars = function(number){
// for any given number as string, returning string with trailing chars remapped something like so:
// '345' -> '3de'
var chars = number.split('')
, l = chars.length
// we are skipping first char. standard hex number char = delimiter
for (var i = 1; i < l; i++ ){
chars[i] = charmap[chars[i]]
return chars.join('')
, compressstrokeleg = function(data){
// we convert half-stroke (only 'x' series or only 'y' series of numbers)
// data is like this:
// [517,516,514,513,513,513,514,516,519,524,529,537,541,543,544,544,539,536]
// that is converted into this:
// "5agm12100p1235584210m53"
// each number in the chain is converted such:
// - find diff from previous number
// - first significant digit is kept as digit char. digit char = start of new number.
// - consecutive numbers are mapped to letters, where 1 to 9 are A to I, 0 is O
// Sign changes are denoted by "P" - plus, "M" for minus.
var answer = []
, lastwhole = 0
, last = 0
, lastpolarity = 1
, l = data.length
, nwhole, n, absn
for(var i = 0; i < l; i++){
// we start with whole coordinates for each point
// coords are converted into series of vectors:
// [512, 514, 520]
// [512, +2, +6]
nwhole = Math.round(data[i])
n = nwhole - lastwhole
lastwhole = nwhole
// inserting sign change when needed.
if (n < 0 && lastpolarity > 0) {
lastpolarity = -1
else if (n > 0 && lastpolarity < 0) {
lastpolarity = 1
// since we have dealt with sign. let's absolute the value.
absn = Math.abs(n)
// adding number to list We convert these to Hex before storing on the string.
if (absn >= bitness) {
} else {
return answer.join('')
, uncompressstrokeleg = function(datastring){
// we convert half-stroke (only 'x' series or only 'y' series of numbers)
// datastring like this:
// "5agm12100p1235584210m53"
// is converted into this:
// [517,516,514,513,513,513,514,516,519,524,529,537,541,543,544,544,539,536]
// each number in the chain is converted such:
// - digit char = start of new whole number. Alpha chars except "p","m" are numbers in hiding.
// These consecutive digist expressed as alphas mapped back to digit char.
// resurrected number is the diff between this point and prior coord.
// - running polaritiy is attached to the number.
// - we undiff (signed number + prior coord) the number.
// - if char 'm','p', flip running polarity
var answer = []
, chars = datastring.split('')
, l = chars.length
, ch
, polarity = 1
, partial = []
, preprewhole = 0
, prewhole
for(var i = 0; i < l; i++){
ch = chars[i]
if (ch in charmap || ch === minus || ch === plus){
// this is new number - start of a new whole number.
// before we can deal with it, we need to flush out what we already
// parsed out from string, but keep in limbo, waiting for this sign
// that prior number is done.
// we deal with 3 numbers here:
// 1. start of this number - a diff from previous number to
// whole, new number, which we cannot do anything with cause
// we don't know its ending yet.
// 2. number that we now realize have just finished parsing = prewhole
// 3. number we keep around that came before prewhole = preprewhole
if (partial.length !== 0) {
// yep, we have some number parts in there.
prewhole = parseInt( partial.join(''), bitness) * polarity + preprewhole
answer.push( prewhole )
preprewhole = prewhole
if (ch === minus){
polarity = -1
partial = []
} else if (ch === plus){
polarity = 1
partial = []
} else {
// now, let's start collecting parts for the new number:
partial = [ch]
} else /* alphas replacing digits */ {
// more parts for the new number
// we always will have something stuck in partial
// because we don't have closing delimiter
answer.push( parseInt( partial.join(''), bitness ) * polarity + preprewhole )
return answer
, compressstrokes = function(data){
var answer = []
, l = data.length
, stroke
for(var i = 0; i < l; i++){
stroke = data[i]
return answer.join(chunkSeparator)
, uncompressstrokes = function(datastring){
var data = []
, chunks = datastring.split(chunkSeparator)
, l = chunks.length / 2
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++){
, 'y':uncompressstrokeleg(chunks[i*2+1])
return data
, acceptedformat = 'image/jsignature;base30'
, pluginCompressor = function(data){
return [acceptedformat , compressstrokes(data)]
, pluginDecompressor = function(data, formattype, importcallable){
if (typeof data !== 'string') return
if (data.substring(0, acceptedformat.length).toLowerCase() === acceptedformat) {
data = data.substring(acceptedformat.length + 1) // chopping off "," there
importcallable( uncompressstrokes(data) )
, Initializer = function($){
var mothership = $.fn['jSignature']
,'base30' // alias
,acceptedformat // full name
,'base30' // alias
,acceptedformat // full name
// //Because plugins are minified together with jSignature, multiple defines per (minified) file blow up and dont make sense
// //Need to revisit this later.
// if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd != null) {
// // AMD-loader compatible resource declaration
// // you need to call this one with jQuery as argument.
// define(function(){return Initializer} )
// } else {
// global-polluting outcome.
if(this.jQuery == null) {throw new Error("We need jQuery for some of the functionality. jQuery is not detected. Failing to initialize...")}
// }
if (this.jSignatureDebug) {
this.jSignatureDebug['base30'] = {
, 'compressstrokeleg':compressstrokeleg
, 'uncompressstrokeleg':uncompressstrokeleg
, 'compressstrokes':compressstrokes
, 'uncompressstrokes':uncompressstrokes
, 'charmap': charmap
}).call(typeof window !== 'undefined'? window : this);
@ -1,519 +0,0 @@
/** @license
jSignature v2 SVG export plugin.
Copyright (c) 2012 Willow Systems Corp
MIT License <>
'use strict'
/** @preserve
Simplify.js BSD
(c) 2012, Vladimir Agafonkin
;(function(a,b){function c(a,b){var c=a.x-b.x,d=a.y-b.y;return c*c+d*d}function d(a,b,c){var d=b.x,e=b.y,f=c.x-d,g=c.y-e,h;if(f!==0||g!==0)h=((a.x-d)*f+(a.y-e)*g)/(f*f+g*g),h>1?(d=c.x,e=c.y):h>0&&(d+=f*h,e+=g*h);return f=a.x-d,g=a.y-e,f*f+g*g}function e(a,b){var d,e=a.length,f,g=a[0],h=[g];for(d=1;d<e;d++)f=a[d],c(f,g)>b&&(h.push(f),g=f);return g!==f&&h.push(f),h}function f(a,c){var e=a.length,f=typeof Uint8Array!=b+""?Uint8Array:Array,g=new f(e),h=0,i=e-1,j,k,l,m,n=[],o=[],p=[];g[h]=g[i]=1;while(i){k=0;for(j=h+1;j<i;j++)l=d(a[j],a[h],a[i]),l>k&&(m=j,k=l);k>c&&(g[m]=1,n.push(h),o.push(m),n.push(m),o.push(i)),h=n.pop(),i=o.pop()}for(j=0;j<e;j++)g[j]&&p.push(a[j]);return p}"use strict";var g=a;g.simplify=function(a,c,d){var g=c!==b?c*c:1;return d||(a=e(a,g)),a=f(a,g),a}})(window);
Vector class. Allows us to simplify representation and manipulation of coordinate-pair
representing shift against (0, 0)
@returns {Type}
function Vector(x,y){
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.reverse = function(){
return new this.constructor(
this.x * -1
, this.y * -1
this._length = null
this.getLength = function(){
if (!this._length){
this._length = Math.sqrt( Math.pow(this.x, 2) + Math.pow(this.y, 2) )
return this._length
var polarity = function (e){
return Math.round(e / Math.abs(e))
this.resizeTo = function(length){
// proportionally changes x,y such that the hypotenuse (vector length) is = new length
if (this.x === 0 && this.y === 0){
this._length = 0
} else if (this.x === 0){
this._length = length
this.y = length * polarity(this.y)
} else if(this.y === 0){
this._length = length
this.x = length * polarity(this.x)
} else {
var proportion = Math.abs(this.y / this.x)
, x = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(length, 2) / (1 + Math.pow(proportion, 2)))
, y = proportion * x
this._length = length
this.x = x * polarity(this.x)
this.y = y * polarity(this.y)
return this
* Calculates the angle between 'this' vector and another.
* @public
* @function
* @returns {Number} The angle between the two vectors as measured in PI.
this.angleTo = function(vectorB) {
var divisor = this.getLength() * vectorB.getLength()
if (divisor === 0) {
return 0
} else {
// JavaScript floating point math is screwed up.
// because of it, the core of the formula can, on occasion, have values
// over 1.0 and below -1.0.
return Math.acos(
( this.x * vectorB.x + this.y * vectorB.y ) / divisor
, -1.0
, 1.0
) / Math.PI
function Point(x,y){
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.getVectorToCoordinates = function (x, y) {
return new Vector(x - this.x, y - this.y)
this.getVectorFromCoordinates = function (x, y) {
return this.getVectorToCoordinates(x, y).reverse()
this.getVectorToPoint = function (point) {
return new Vector(point.x - this.x, point.y - this.y)
this.getVectorFromPoint = function (point) {
return this.getVectorToPoint(point).reverse()
Allows one to round a number to arbitrary precision.
Math.round() rounds to whole only.
Number.toFixed(precision) returns a string.
I need float to float, but with arbitrary precision, hence:
@param number {Number}
@param position {Number} number of digits right of decimal point to keep. If negative, rounding to the left of decimal.
@returns {Type}
function round (number, position){
var tmp = Math.pow(10, position)
return Math.round( number * tmp ) / tmp
// /**
// * This is a simple, points-to-lines (not curves) renderer.
// * Keeping it around so we can activate it from time to time and see
// * if smoothing logic is off much.
// * @public
// * @function
// * @returns {String} Like so "l 1 2 3 5' with stroke as long line chain.
// */
// function compressstroke(stroke, shiftx, shifty){
// // we combine strokes data into string like this:
// // 'M 53 7 l 1 2 3 4 -5 -6 5 -6'
// // see SVG documentation for Path element's 'd' argument.
// var lastx = stroke.x[0]
// , lasty = stroke.y[0]
// , i
// , l = stroke.x.length
// , answer = ['M', lastx - shiftx, lasty - shifty, 'l']
// if (l === 1){
// // meaning this was just a DOT, not a stroke.
// // instead of creating a circle, we just create a short line
// answer.concat(1, -1)
// } else {
// for(i = 1; i < l; i++){
// answer = answer.concat(stroke.x[i] - lastx, stroke.y[i] - lasty)
// lastx = stroke.x[i]
// lasty = stroke.y[i]
// }
// }
// return answer.join(' ')
// }
function segmentToCurve(stroke, positionInStroke, lineCurveThreshold){
'use strict'
// long lines (ones with many pixels between them) do not look good when they are part of a large curvy stroke.
// You know, the jaggedy crocodile spine instead of a pretty, smooth curve. Yuck!
// We want to approximate pretty curves in-place of those ugly lines.
// To approximate a very nice curve we need to know the direction of line before and after.
// Hence, on long lines we actually wait for another point beyond it to come back from
// mousemoved before we draw this curve.
// So for "prior curve" to be calc'ed we need 4 points
// A, B, C, D (we are on D now, A is 3 points in the past.)
// and 3 lines:
// pre-line (from points A to B),
// this line (from points B to C), (we call it "this" because if it was not yet, it's the only one we can draw for sure.)
// post-line (from points C to D) (even through D point is 'current' we don't know how we can draw it yet)
// Well, actually, we don't need to *know* the point A, just the vector A->B
// Again, we can only derive curve between points positionInStroke-1 and positionInStroke
// Thus, since we can only draw a line if we know one point ahead of it, we need to shift our focus one point ahead.
positionInStroke += 1
// Let's hope the code that calls us knows we do that and does not call us with positionInStroke = index of last point.
var Cpoint = new Point(stroke.x[positionInStroke-1], stroke.y[positionInStroke-1])
, Dpoint = new Point(stroke.x[positionInStroke], stroke.y[positionInStroke])
, CDvector = Cpoint.getVectorToPoint(Dpoint)
// Again, we have a chance here to draw only PREVIOUS line segment - BC
// So, let's start with BC curve.
// if there is only 2 points in stroke array (C, D), we don't have "history" long enough to have point B, let alone point A.
// so positionInStroke should start with 2, ie
// we are here when there are at least 3 points in stroke array.
var Bpoint = new Point(stroke.x[positionInStroke-2], stroke.y[positionInStroke-2])
, BCvector = Bpoint.getVectorToPoint(Cpoint)
, ABvector
, rounding = 2
if ( BCvector.getLength() > lineCurveThreshold ){
// Yey! Pretty curves, here we come!
if(positionInStroke > 2) {
ABvector = (new Point(stroke.x[positionInStroke-3], stroke.y[positionInStroke-3])).getVectorToPoint(Bpoint)
} else {
ABvector = new Vector(0,0)
var minlenfraction = 0.05
, maxlen = BCvector.getLength() * 0.35
, ABCangle = BCvector.angleTo(ABvector.reverse())
, BCDangle = CDvector.angleTo(BCvector.reverse())
, BtoCP1vector = new Vector(ABvector.x + BCvector.x, ABvector.y + BCvector.y).resizeTo(
Math.max(minlenfraction, ABCangle) * maxlen
, CtoCP2vector = (new Vector(BCvector.x + CDvector.x, BCvector.y + CDvector.y)).reverse().resizeTo(
Math.max(minlenfraction, BCDangle) * maxlen
, BtoCP2vector = new Vector(BCvector.x + CtoCP2vector.x, BCvector.y + CtoCP2vector.y)
// returing curve for BC segment
// all coords are vectors against Bpoint
return [
'c' // bezier curve
, round( BtoCP1vector.x, rounding )
, round( BtoCP1vector.y, rounding )
, round( BtoCP2vector.x, rounding )
, round( BtoCP2vector.y, rounding )
, round( BCvector.x, rounding )
, round( BCvector.y, rounding )
} else {
return [
'l' // line
, round( BCvector.x, rounding )
, round( BCvector.y, rounding )
function lastSegmentToCurve(stroke, lineCurveThreshold){
'use strict'
// Here we tidy up things left unfinished
// What's left unfinished there is the curve between the last points
// in the stroke
// We can also be called when there is only one point in the stroke (meaning, the
// stroke was just a dot), in which case there is nothing for us to do.
// So for "this curve" to be calc'ed we need 3 points
// A, B, C
// and 2 lines:
// pre-line (from points A to B),
// this line (from points B to C)
// Well, actually, we don't need to *know* the point A, just the vector A->B
// so, we really need points B, C and AB vector.
var positionInStroke = stroke.x.length - 1
// there must be at least 2 points in the stroke.for us to work. Hope calling code checks for that.
var Cpoint = new Point(stroke.x[positionInStroke], stroke.y[positionInStroke])
, Bpoint = new Point(stroke.x[positionInStroke-1], stroke.y[positionInStroke-1])
, BCvector = Bpoint.getVectorToPoint(Cpoint)
, rounding = 2
if (positionInStroke > 1 && BCvector.getLength() > lineCurveThreshold){
// we have at least 3 elems in stroke
var ABvector = (new Point(stroke.x[positionInStroke-2], stroke.y[positionInStroke-2])).getVectorToPoint(Bpoint)
, ABCangle = BCvector.angleTo(ABvector.reverse())
, minlenfraction = 0.05
, maxlen = BCvector.getLength() * 0.35
, BtoCP1vector = new Vector(ABvector.x + BCvector.x, ABvector.y + BCvector.y).resizeTo(
Math.max(minlenfraction, ABCangle) * maxlen
return [
'c' // bezier curve
, round( BtoCP1vector.x, rounding )
, round( BtoCP1vector.y, rounding )
, round( BCvector.x, rounding ) // CP2 is same as Cpoint
, round( BCvector.y, rounding ) // CP2 is same as Cpoint
, round( BCvector.x, rounding )
, round( BCvector.y, rounding )
} else {
// Since there is no AB leg, there is no curve to draw. This is just line
return [
'l' // simple line
, round( BCvector.x, rounding )
, round( BCvector.y, rounding )
function addstroke(stroke, shiftx, shifty){
'use strict'
// we combine strokes data into string like this:
// 'M 53 7 l 1 2 c 3 4 -5 -6 5 -6'
// see SVG documentation for Path element's 'd' argument.
var lines = [
'M' // move to
, round( (stroke.x[0] - shiftx), 2)
, round( (stroke.y[0] - shifty), 2)
// processing all points but first and last.
, i = 1 // index zero item in there is STARTING point. we already extracted it.
, l = stroke.x.length - 1 // this is a trick. We are leaving last point coordinates for separate processing.
, lineCurveThreshold = 1
for(; i < l; i++){
lines.push.apply(lines, segmentToCurve(stroke, i, lineCurveThreshold))
if (l > 0 /* effectively more than 1, since we "-1" above */){
lines.push.apply(lines, lastSegmentToCurve(stroke, i, lineCurveThreshold))
} else if (l === 0){
// meaning we only have ONE point in the stroke (and otherwise refer to the stroke as "dot")
lines.push.apply(lines, ['l' , 1, 1])
return lines.join(' ')
function simplifystroke(stroke){
var d = []
, newstroke = {'x':[], 'y':[]}
, i, l
for (i = 0, l = stroke.x.length; i < l; i++){
d.push({'x':stroke.x[i], 'y':stroke.y[i]})
d = simplify(d, 0.7, true)
for (i = 0, l = d.length; i < l; i++){
return newstroke
// generate SVG style from settings
function styleFromSettings(settings){
var styles = [];
var meta = [
// ["style attr", "key in settings", "default value"]
["fill", undefined, "none"],
["stroke", "color", "#000000"],
["stroke-width", "lineWidth", 2],
["stroke-linecap", undefined, "round"],
["stroke-linejoin", undefined, "round"]
for (var i = meta.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
var attr = meta[i][0]
, key = meta[i][1]
, defaultVal = meta[i][2];
styles.push(attr + '="' + (key in settings && settings[key] ? settings[key] : defaultVal) + '"');
return styles.join(' ');
function compressstrokes(data, settings){
'use strict'
var answer = [
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>'
, '<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">'
, i , l = data.length
, stroke
, xlimits = []
, ylimits = []
, sizex = 0
, sizey = 0
, shiftx = 0
, shifty = 0
, minx, maxx, miny, maxy, padding = 1
, simplifieddata = []
if(l !== 0){
for(i = 0; i < l; i++){
stroke = simplifystroke( data[i] )
xlimits = xlimits.concat(stroke.x)
ylimits = ylimits.concat(stroke.y)
minx = Math.min.apply(null, xlimits) - padding
maxx = Math.max.apply(null, xlimits) + padding
miny = Math.min.apply(null, ylimits) - padding
maxy = Math.max.apply(null, ylimits) + padding
shiftx = minx < 0? 0 : minx
shifty = miny < 0? 0 : miny
sizex = maxx - minx
sizey = maxy - miny
'<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="'+
sizex.toString() +
'" height="'+
sizey.toString() +
// // This is a nice idea: use style declaration on top, and mark the lines with 'class="f"'
// // thus saving space in svg...
// // alas, many SVG renderers don't understand "class" and render the strokes in default "fill = black, no stroke" style. Ugh!!!
// // TODO: Rewrite ImageMagic / GraphicsMagic, InkScape, to support style + class. until then, we hardcode the stroke style within the path.
// answer.push(
// '<style type="text/css"><![CDATA[.f {fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round}]]></style>'
// )
// // This set is accompaniment to "simple line renderer" - compressstroke
// answer.push(
// '<style type="text/css"><![CDATA[.t {fill:none;stroke:#FF0000;stroke-width:2}]]></style>'
// )
// for(i = 0; i < l; i++){
// stroke = data[i]
// // This one is accompaniment to "simple line renderer"
// answer.push('<path class="t" d="'+ compressstroke(stroke, shiftx, shifty) +'"/>')
// }
for(i = 0, l = simplifieddata.length; i < l; i++){
stroke = simplifieddata[i]
answer.push('<path ' + styleFromSettings(settings) + ' d="'+ addstroke(stroke, shiftx, shifty) + '"/>')
return answer.join('')
if (typeof btoa !== 'function')
var btoa = function(data) {
/** @preserve
base64 encoder
+ original by: Tyler Akins (
+ improved by: Bayron Guevara
+ improved by: Thunder.m
+ improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
+ bugfixed by: Pellentesque Malesuada
+ improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
+ improved by: Rafal Kukawski (
var b64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="
, b64a = b64.split('')
, o1, o2, o3, h1, h2, h3, h4, bits, i = 0,
ac = 0,
enc = "",
tmp_arr = [];
do { // pack three octets into four hexets
o1 = data.charCodeAt(i++);
o2 = data.charCodeAt(i++);
o3 = data.charCodeAt(i++);
bits = o1 << 16 | o2 << 8 | o3;
h1 = bits >> 18 & 0x3f;
h2 = bits >> 12 & 0x3f;
h3 = bits >> 6 & 0x3f;
h4 = bits & 0x3f;
// use hexets to index into b64, and append result to encoded string
tmp_arr[ac++] = b64a[h1] + b64a[h2] + b64a[h3] + b64a[h4];
} while (i < data.length);
enc = tmp_arr.join('');
var r = data.length % 3;
return (r ? enc.slice(0, r - 3) : enc) + '==='.slice(r || 3);
// end of base64 encoder MIT, GPL
var unencodedmime = 'image/svg+xml'
function getUnencodedSVG(data, settings){
return [unencodedmime , compressstrokes(data, settings)];
var base64encodedmime = 'image/svg+xml;base64'
function getBase64encodedSVG(data, settings){
return [base64encodedmime , btoa( compressstrokes(data, settings) )];
function Initializer($){
var mothership = $.fn['jSignature']
,'svg' // alias
,unencodedmime // full name
,'svgbase64' // alias
,base64encodedmime // full name
// //Because plugins are minified together with jSignature, multiple defines per (minified) file blow up and dont make sense
// //Need to revisit this later.
if(typeof $ === 'undefined') {throw new Error("We need jQuery for some of the functionality. jQuery is not detected. Failing to initialize...")}
@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
/** @license
jSignature v2 jSignature's Undo Button and undo functionality plugin
Copyright (c) 2011 Willow Systems Corp
MIT License <>
var apinamespace = 'jSignature'
function attachHandlers(buttonRenderer, apinamespace, extensionName) {
var $undoButton =
;(function(jSignatureInstance, $undoButton, apinamespace) {
apinamespace + '.change'
, function(){
if ( {
} else {
})( this, $undoButton, apinamespace )
;(function(jSignatureInstance, $undoButton, apinamespace) {
var eventName = apinamespace + '.undo'
$undoButton.bind('click', function(){
// This one creates new "undo" event listener to jSignature instance
// It handles the actual undo-ing.
, function(){
var data =
if (data.length) {
, $undoButton
, apinamespace + '.undo' ) ?
// oops, seems some other plugin or code has already claimed "jSignature.undo" event
// we will use this extension's name for event name prefix
extensionName :
// Great! we will use 'jSignature' for event name prefix.
function ExtensionInitializer(extensionName){
// we are called very early in instance's life.
// right after the settings are resolved and
// is created
// and right before first ("jSignature.initializing") event is called.
// You don't really need to manupilate
// jSignatureInstance directly, just attach
// a bunch of events to
// (look at the source of jSignatureClass to see when these fire)
// and your special pieces of code will attach by themselves.
// this function runs every time a new instance is set up.
// this means every var you create will live only for one instance
// unless you attach it to something outside, like "window."
// and pick it up later from there.
// when globalEvents' events fire, 'this' is globalEvents object
// when jSignatureInstance's events fire, 'this' is jSignatureInstance
// Here,
// this = is new jSignatureClass's instance.
// The way you COULD approch setting this up is:
// if you have multistep set up, attach event to "jSignature.initializing"
// that attaches other events to be fired further lower the init stream.
// Or, if you know for sure you rely on only one jSignatureInstance's event,
// just attach to it directly
var apinamespace = 'jSignature'
// name of the event
apinamespace + '.attachingEventHandlers'
// event handlers, can pass args too, but in majority of cases,
// 'this' which is jSignatureClass object instance pointer is enough to get by.
, function(){
// hooking up "undo" button to lower edge of Canvas.
// but only when options passed to jSignature('init', options)
// contain "undoButton":renderingFunction pair.
// or "undoButton":true (in which case default, internal rendering fn is used)
if (this.settings[extensionName]) {
var oursettings = this.settings[extensionName]
if (typeof oursettings !== 'function') {
// we make it a function.
// we allow people to override the button rendering code,
// but when developler is OK with default look (and just passes "truthy" value)
// this defines default look for the button:
// centered against canvas, hanging on its lower side.
oursettings = function(){
// this === jSignatureInstance
var undoButtonSytle = 'position:absolute;display:none;margin:0 !important;top:auto'
, $undoButton = $('<input type="button" value="Undo last stroke" style="'+undoButtonSytle+'" />')
// this centers the button against the canvas.
var buttonWidth = $undoButton.width()
, Math.round(( this.canvas.width - buttonWidth ) / 2)
// IE 7 grows the button. Correcting for that.
if ( buttonWidth !== $undoButton.width() ) {
return $undoButton
, oursettings
, apinamespace
, extensionName
var ExtensionAttacher = function(){
,'instance' // type of plugin
,'UndoButton' // extension name
// //Because plugins are minified together with jSignature, multiple defines per (minified) file blow up and dont make sense
// //Need to revisit this later.
// if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd != null) {
// // AMD-loader compatible resource declaration
// // you need to call this one with jQuery as argument.
// define(function(){return Initializer} )
// } else {
// }
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
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