@ -136,23 +136,36 @@
<select id= "countApproved" resultType= "com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject" >
< ![CDATA[
sum(b.proportion) num
FROM sys_client_bd b
INNER JOIN sys_clients c
ON c.client_id = b.client_id AND b.start_date < = c.approve_time AND (b.end_date > c.approve_time OR b.end_date IS NULL)
WHERE c.approve_time >= #{begin} AND c.approve_time < #{end} AND c.is_valid = 1 AND c.approve_result = 1
and b.is_valid=1
<if test= "org_id!=null and org_ids==null" > and c.org_id=#{org_id}</if>
<if test= "org_ids!=null" > and c.org_id in
<foreach collection= "org_ids" item= "org_id" open= "(" close= ")" separator= "," > #{org_id}</foreach> </if>
<if test= "source==1" > and c.source=1</if>
<if test= "source==2" > and c.source!=1</if>
group by bd_id
order by num desc
sum(a.proportion) num
from sys_client_bd a inner join
(select bd_id,
max(create_time) create_time
from sys_client_bd
where client_id in(select client_id from sys_clients c where c.approve_time >= #{begin} AND c.approve_time < #{end} AND c.is_valid = 1 AND c.approve_result = 1
<if test= "org_id!=null and org_ids==null" > and c.org_id=#{org_id}</if>
<if test= "org_ids!=null" > and c.org_id in
<foreach collection= "org_ids" item= "org_id" open= "(" close= ")" separator= "," > #{org_id}</foreach> </if>
<if test= "source==1" > and c.source=1</if>
<if test= "source==2" > and c.source!=1</if>
< ![CDATA[
and start_date < =#{end}
and is_valid=1
AND (end_date > #{begin} OR end_date IS NULL)
GROUP BY bd_id,client_id
) b
on a.bd_id = b.bd_id and a.create_time = b.create_time
where a.is_valid = 1
group by bd_id
order by num desc
<select id= "getBDSalePartnerReport" resultType= "com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject" >
SELECT c.industry,c.royalpayindustry,