@ -1116,217 +1116,6 @@
* @apiError (ERROR_CODE) ORDER_MISMATCH Order is not belong to this partner
* @api {POST} /api/v1.0/gateway/partners/{gateway_short_id}/merchant/application Merchant Application
* @apiName application_merchant
* @apiDescription
* Submit merchant information。Signature details:<a href="https://file.royalpay.com.au/open/2020/02/10/1581317569835_qgvzSc4a3dHX8RP5HZITN9K7fUsGtj.pdf" target="_blank">Merchant signature documentation</a>
* @apiVersion 1.0.0
* @apiGroup Merchant
* @apiHeader Accept application/json
* @apiHeader Content-Type application/json
* @apiParam (PathVariable) {String(14)} gateway_short_id Required,gateway short id,Consists of 10-14 digits of capital letters or Numbers (generated by the RoyalPay)
* @apiParam (JSON) {String(50)} apply_id Required,RoyalPay Admin account Username
* @apiParam (JSON) {String(4)} parent_partner_code Optional,parent partner code,After filling in, it will automatically associate the merchant relationship
* @apiParam (JSON) {String(200)} notify_url Optional,System will call the notify url if provided when the merchant audit is complete
* @apiParam (JSON) {JSON} company_info Required,Main information of merchant company
* @apiParam (JSON) {JSON} contact_info Required,Merchant contact information
* @apiParam (JSON) {JSON} legal_info Required,Merchant legal person information
* @apiParam (JSON) {JSON} pay_info Required,Merchant payment information
* @apiParam (JSON) {JSON} settle_info Required,Merchant settlement information
* @apiParam (JSON) {JSON} compliance_file_info Required,Merchant compliance file information
* @apiParam (COMPANY_SUB_JSON) {String(100)} company_name Required,Company name
* @apiParam (COMPANY_SUB_JSON) {String(50)} short_name Required,Company short name
* @apiParam (COMPANY_SUB_JSON) {String(15)} store_name Required,Store name
* @apiParam (COMPANY_SUB_JSON) {String(100)} business_name Optional,Business name
* @apiParam (COMPANY_SUB_JSON) {String(100)=Association,Company,Government body,Partnership,Registered body(Sole Trader),Trust} business_structure Required,Business structure
* @apiParam (COMPANY_SUB_JSON) {String(20)} abn Optional,If business_structure is not a Company, this is required
* @apiParam (COMPANY_SUB_JSON) {String(9)} acn Optional,If business_structure is Company, it must be filled in (acn is 9 digits)
* @apiParam (COMPANY_SUB_JSON) {String(15)} company_phone Required,company phone
* @apiParam (COMPANY_SUB_JSON) {String(200)} logo_url Required,Company logo url (the image should be uploaded to the server through the file upload api)
* @apiParam (CONTACT_SUB_JSON) {String(50)} contact_person Required,Company contact person
* @apiParam (CONTACT_SUB_JSON) {String(15)} contact_phone Required,Company contact phone
* @apiParam (CONTACT_SUB_JSON) {String(50)} contact_email Required,Company contact email
* @apiParam (CONTACT_SUB_JSON) {String(50)} contact_job Required,Company contact person job
* @apiParam (CONTACT_SUB_JSON) {String(200)} address Required,address
* @apiParam (CONTACT_SUB_JSON) {String(50)} suburb Required,suburb
* @apiParam (CONTACT_SUB_JSON) {String(10)} postcode Required,postcode
* @apiParam (CONTACT_SUB_JSON) {String(20)=ACT,NSW,NT,QLD,SA,TAS,VIC,WA,OTHER} state Required,state
* @apiParam (CONTACT_SUB_JSON) {String(20)} country=AUS Required,country
* @apiParam (CONTACT_SUB_JSON) {String(200)} registered_address Required,Company registered address(It could be the same address)
* @apiParam (CONTACT_SUB_JSON) {String(50)} registered_suburb Required,Company registered suburb(It could be the same suburb)
* @apiParam (CONTACT_SUB_JSON) {String(10)} registered_postcode Required,Company registered postcode(It could be the same postcode)
* @apiParam (CONTACT_SUB_JSON) {String(20)=ACT,NSW,NT,QLD,SA,TAS,VIC,WA,OTHER} registered_state Required,Company registered state(It could be the same state)
* @apiParam (CONTACT_SUB_JSON) {String(30)=Australia/West,Australia/Eucla,Australia/North,Australia/South,Australia/Brisbane,Australia/Melbourne,Australia/LHI} timezone Required,timezone
* @apiParam (LEGAL_SUB_JSON) {String(50)} legal_representative_person Required,Company legal person(It could be the same contact_person)
* @apiParam (LEGAL_SUB_JSON) {String(15)} legal_representative_phone Required,Company legal person phone(It could be the same contact_phone)
* @apiParam (LEGAL_SUB_JSON) {String(50)} legal_representative_email Required,Company legal person email(It could be the same contact_email)
* @apiParam (LEGAL_SUB_JSON) {String(50)} legal_representative_job Required,Company legal person job(It could be the same contact_job)
* @apiParam (PAY_SUB_JSON) {int[]=1,2} client_pay_type Required,Company payment scenario(multi-select) example:1,2
* <li>1:The online payment</li>
* <li>2:The offline payment</li>
* @apiParam (PAY_SUB_JSON) {int[]} client_pay_desc Required,Company payment description(multi-select) example:101,102,105,202,203,20306
* <li>101:PC Web</li>
* <li>102:Mobile website(H5)</li>
* <li>103:APP</li>
* <li>104:Wechat/Alipay JSAPI</li>
* <li>105:Mini Program</li>
* <li>201:QR Code</li>
* <li>202:RoyalPay POS</li>
* <li>203:Cashier system</li>
* <li>204:Vending machine</li>
* <li>20301:ipos</li>
* <li>20302:pospal</li>
* <li>20303:Lotus</li>
* <li>20304:AoShangBao</li>
* <li>20305:Infinity</li>
* <li>20306:EasyCloud</li>
* <li>20307:Aus Post</li>
* <li>20308:AoMaiKe</li>
* <li>20399:other</li>
* @apiParam (PAY_SUB_JSON) {String(10)} royalpay_industry Required,RoyalPay industry code,See industry code comparison table for details:<a href="https://file.royalpay.com.au/open/2020/02/10/1581319347677_y7aY7KZ7SUnwCWUab3hImxjAwuM3dQ.xlsx">Industry code comparison table</a>
* @apiParam (PAY_SUB_JSON) {String(10)} wechat_industry Required,Wechat industry code,See industry code comparison table for details:<a href="https://file.royalpay.com.au/open/2020/02/10/1581319347677_y7aY7KZ7SUnwCWUab3hImxjAwuM3dQ.xlsx">Industry code comparison table</a>
* @apiParam (PAY_SUB_JSON) {String(10)} alipay_industry Required,Alipay industry code,See industry code comparison table for details:<a href="https://file.royalpay.com.au/open/2020/02/10/1581319347677_y7aY7KZ7SUnwCWUab3hImxjAwuM3dQ.xlsx">Industry code comparison table</a>
* @apiParam (PAY_SUB_JSON) {String(200)} company_photo Optional,Company photo url,If the company payment scenario is required offline
* @apiParam (PAY_SUB_JSON) {String(200)} store_photo Optional,Store photo url,If the company payment scenario is required offline
* @apiParam (PAY_SUB_JSON) {String(200)} company_website Optional,Company website,If the company payment scenario is required online
* @apiParam (SETTLE_SUB_JSON) {String(12)} swift_code Required,Swift code
* @apiParam (SETTLE_SUB_JSON) {String(6)} bsb_no Required,BSB No
* @apiParam (SETTLE_SUB_JSON) {String(100)} bank Required,Bank
* @apiParam (SETTLE_SUB_JSON) {String(30)} city Required,City
* @apiParam (SETTLE_SUB_JSON) {String(100)} address Required,Address
* @apiParam (SETTLE_SUB_JSON) {String(20)} system Required,System
* @apiParam (SETTLE_SUB_JSON) {String(20)} postcode Required,Postcode
* @apiParam (SETTLE_SUB_JSON) {String(30)} state Required,State
* @apiParam (SETTLE_SUB_JSON) {String(100)} branch Required,Branch
* @apiParam (SETTLE_SUB_JSON) {String(20)} account_no Required,Account No
* @apiParam (SETTLE_SUB_JSON) {String(50)} account_name Required,Account Name
* @apiParam (SETTLE_SUB_JSON) {int=1,2,3} clean_days Required,Clean days:t+1,t+2,t+3
* @apiParam (SETTLE_SUB_JSON) {Double} wechat_rate Required,Wechat Rate(2=2%,1.5=1.5%)
* @apiParam (SETTLE_SUB_JSON) {Double} alipay_rate Required,Alipay Rate(2=2%,1.5=1.5%)
* @apiParam (SETTLE_SUB_JSON) {Double} alipay_online_rate Required,Alipay Online Rate(2=2%,1.5=1.5%)
* @apiParam (SETTLE_SUB_JSON) {Double} transaction_fee=0 Required,Transaction fee
* @apiParam (SETTLE_SUB_JSON) {Date} active_time Required,Active Time,format:'yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss'
* @apiParam (SETTLE_SUB_JSON) {Date} expire_time Required,Expire Time,format:'yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss'
* @apiParam (COMPLIANCE_SUB_JSON) {String(200)} id_file Required,ID file of company leader, upload driver's license or passport, recommend uploading ID file of direct beneficiary of the company, if you provide ID file of other company leader, please describe the reason (the file should be uploaded to the server through file upload api)
* @apiParam (COMPLIANCE_SUB_JSON) {String=passport,driver_license} id_type Required,Type of id file to upload
* <li>passport:Passport</li>
* <li>driver_license:Driver License</li>
* @apiParam (COMPLIANCE_SUB_JSON) {String='Ultimate beneficiary owner','CEO','Director','General Manager','Other'} id_title Required,Id file person's position
* @apiParam (COMPLIANCE_SUB_JSON) {String(200)} id_title_description Optional,The reason for not providing the ID file of the direct beneficiary of the company
* @apiParam (COMPLIANCE_SUB_JSON) {String(200)} bank_statement Required,Bank statement file url(files need to be uploaded to the server using file upload api)
* @apiParam (COMPLIANCE_SUB_JSON) {String(200)} certificate_of_registration Required,Company registration file url(files need to be uploaded to the server using file upload api)
* @apiParam (COMPLIANCE_SUB_JSON) {String(200)} utility_bill Optional,Company utility bill file url(files need to be uploaded to the server using file upload api)
* @apiSuccess {JSON} data Returns the parameter
* @apiSuccess {String} sign Returns the signature
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String} partner_code Partner code
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String='PASS','PROCESSING','REFUSED'} partner_status Merchant audit status:PASS,PROCESSING,REFUSED
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String} company_name Company name
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String} credential_code Credential code
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String} short_name Company Short name
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String} sign_type=RSA2 Signature encryption
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String} nonce_str nonce string
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String} url api url
* @apiError (ERROR) return_code Error Code
* @apiError (ERROR) return_msg Error Description
* @apiUse MerchantError
* @apiError (ERROR_CODE) PARAM_INVALID Parameters are invalid. See return_msg for more details.
* @api {GET} /api/v1.0/gateway/partners/{gateway_short_id}/merchant/{partner_code}/status Merchant status query
* @apiName query_merchant
* @apiDescription
* Inquire merchant audit status and merchant brief information. Signature details:<a href="https://file.royalpay.com.au/open/2020/02/10/1581317569835_qgvzSc4a3dHX8RP5HZITN9K7fUsGtj.pdf" target="_blank">Merchant signature documentation</a>
* @apiVersion 1.0.0
* @apiGroup Merchant
* @apiHeader Accept multipart/form-data
* @apiHeader Content-Type multipart/form-data
* @apiParam (PathVariable) {String(14)} gateway_short_id Required,gateway short id,Consists of 10-14 digits of capital letters or Numbers (generated by the RoyalPay)
* @apiSuccess {JSON} data Returns the parameter
* @apiSuccess {String} sign Returns the signature
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String} partner_code Partner code
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String='PASS','PROCESSING','REFUSED'} partner_status Merchant audit status:PASS,PROCESSING,REFUSED
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String} company_name Company name
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String} credential_code Credential code
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String} short_name Short name
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String} sign_type=RSA2 Signature encryption
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String} nonce_str nonce string
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String} url api url
* @apiError (ERROR) return_code Error Code
* @apiError (ERROR) return_msg Error Description
* @apiUse MerchantError
* @apiError (ERROR_CODE) INVALID_SHORT_ID Partner code is invalid or there is no partner associated with this code
* @api {POST} /api/v1.0/gateway/partners/{gateway_short_id}/attachment/files Upload pictures and files
* @apiName update_file
* @apiDescription
* Upload picture and file api, which can be used to upload merchant logo, company photo, store photo and bank file. If the picture is too large, it is suggested to upload after compression,Signature details:<a href="https://file.royalpay.com.au/open/2020/02/10/1581317569835_qgvzSc4a3dHX8RP5HZITN9K7fUsGtj.pdf" target="_blank">Merchant signature documentation</a>
* @apiVersion 1.0.0
* @apiGroup Merchant
* @apiHeader Accept application/json
* @apiHeader Content-Type application/json
* @apiParam (PathVariable) {String(14)} gateway_short_id Required,gateway short id,Consists of 10-14 digits of capital letters or Numbers (generated by the RoyalPay)
* @apiParam (BINARY) {binary} file File data stream
* @apiSuccess {JSON} data Returns the parameter
* @apiSuccess {String} sign Returns the signature
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String} file_type File type
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String} file_url File url
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String} original_filename Original file name
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String} sign_type=RSA2 Signature encryption
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String} nonce_str nonce string
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String} url api url
* @apiError (ERROR) return_code Error Code
* @apiError (ERROR) return_msg Error Description
* @apiUse MerchantError
* @api {POST} /notify_url Notification of merchant audit status
* @apiName merchant_notice
* @apiGroup Merchant
* @apiVersion 1.0.0
* @apiDescription
* If notify_url is provided when the merchant audit status is complete. System will post request to this url when the merchant audit status is complete. Request method is POST.
* Different from Server APIs, sign parameters will be included in json entity. Partner system shall valid them to prevent fake requests.
* @apiHeader Accept application/json
* @apiHeader Content-Type application/json
* @apiSuccess {JSON} data Returns the parameter
* @apiSuccess {String} sign Returns the signature
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String} partner_code Partner code
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String='PASS','PROCESSING','REFUSED'} partner_status Merchant audit status:PASS,PROCESSING,REFUSED
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String} company_name Company name
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String} credential_code Credential code
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String} short_name Company short name
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String} sign_type=RSA2 Signature encryption
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String} nonce_str nonce string
* @apiSuccess (SUB_JSON) {String} url notify_url
* @apiSuccess {String} return_code SUCCESS
function apis() {