@ -692,6 +692,45 @@
* @apiError (ERROR_CODE) ORDER_PAID Order has already been paid
* @api {PUT} /api/v1.0/gateway/partners/{partner_code}/microapp_orders/{order_id} Create Miniprogram Order
* @apiName microapp
* @apiDescription
Use for wechat Payment in miniprogram. After create order, returned and redirect param.
* wechat Channel Only.<br> * <br>
* <img src="img/microapp_en.png">
* @apiVersion 1.0.0
* @apiGroup Wechat_Miniprogram_Payment
* @apiHeader Accept application/json
* @apiHeader Content-Type application/json
* @apiParam (PathVariable) {String} partner_code Required, Partner code
* @apiParam (PathVariable) {String} order_id Required, Partner order id
* @apiUse Sign
* @apiParam (JSON) {String} description Required, Order description
* @apiParam (JSON) {int} price Required, Price of the order. Use the base unit of the currency.
* @apiParam (JSON) {String=AUD,CNY} currency=AUD Currency
* @apiParam (JSON) {String} notify_url System will call the notify url if provided when the payment succeeds
* @apiParam (JSON) {String} operator Note for the operator who created this order.
* @apiSuccess {String} return_code Execution result
* @apiSuccess {String} result_code SUCCESS means order created successfully, EXISTS means order has already existed.
* @apiSuccess {String} partner_code Partner code
* @apiSuccess {String} full_name Partner's full company name when registered
* @apiSuccess {String} partner_name Partner's name
* @apiSuccess {String} order_id Order id in RoyalPay, which is also WeChat order id. The final order id which is paid may be different from this one
* @apiSuccess {String} partner_order_id Partner order id
* @apiSuccess {String} pay_url Payment page in RoyalPay. Can only be accessed through WeChat
* @apiSuccess {String} sdk_params The required parameters for payment.(Json String)
* @apiUse GlobalError
* @apiError (ERROR_CODE) ORDER_MISMATCH Order is not belong to this partner
* @apiError (ERROR_CODE) ORDER_PAID Order has already been paid
* @api {PUT} /api/v1.0/alipay/partners/{partner_code}/orders/{order_id} Create Alipay Online Order
* @apiName AlipayOnline